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1 FRIENDS GLOBAL 12 – UNIT 4: HOLIDAYS AND TOURISM (NGÀY NGHỈ VÀ DU LỊCH) Exercise 1: Give the correct form of each verb in brackets. 1. He suggested that I ………….. ready by eight o'clock. (be) 2. We request that she ………….. the window. (open) 3. They recommended that he ………….. to Paris. (fly) 4. The request that we ………….. ready to leave at six is a nuisance. (be) 5. It is necessary that you ………….. able to come with us. (be) 6. It is important that he ………….. everything he can. (learn) 7. The demand that she ………….. the report has been carried out. (complete) Exercise 2: Give the correct form of each verb in brackets. 1. It's important that she ………... (remember) to take her medicine twice a day. 2. I suggest that David ………….. (read) the directions carefully before assembling the bicycle. He doesn't want the wheels to fall off while he is riding down a hill. 3. Mrs. Sylvie demanded that the heater ………….. (repair) immediately. Her apartment was freezing. 4. It's vital that the United States………….. (focus) on improving its public education system. What we do now will affect our country for generations to come. 5. The monk insisted that the tourists ……….. (enter) the temple until they had removed their shoes. 6. I am not going to sit here and let her insult me. I demand that she immediately …………... (apologize) for what she just said. 7. Sylvie asked that we………….. (attend) her graduation ceremony next week. 8. Was it really necessary that……………. (sit) I there watching you the entire time you were rehearsing for the play? - It was really boring watching you repeat the scenes over and over again. 9. It is important to remember that Sylvie ………….. (think) very differently from you. She may not agree to the changes you have made in the organization of the company. 10. It's a little difficult to find the restaurant. I propose that we all ………... (drive) together so that nobody gets lost along the way. Exercise 3: Choose the best option 1. It is necessary that he ………….. the books. A. find     B. doesn't find     C. don't find    D. did not find 2. It has been proposed that we ………….. the topic. A. to change     B. change    C. changed     D. changing 3. It has been proposed that we ………….. the topic. A. do not change    B. didn't change     C. not change     D. are not change 4. His doctor suggested that he ………….. a short trip abroad. A. will take B. would take C. take D. took 5. The law requires that everyone ………….. his car checked at least once a month. A. has B. have C. had D. will have 6. Team rules require that each player ………….. responsible for memorizing one rule and then for teaching that rule to all of the players. A. is B. was C. be D. were 7. The emperor demanded that the thief ………….. brought before him. A. were B. will be C. was D. be 8. I demand that he ………….. immediately. A. apologize B. shall apologize C. will apologize D. has apologized 9. I suggested that she ………….. her lawyer before signing the contract. A. consults B. shall consult C. will consult D. should consult 10. It is necessary that everything ………….. ready by two o'clock tomorrow. A. be B. was C. were D. would have been 11. They recommend that she ………….. to a ski resort in Spain.
2 A. will go B. would have gone   C. should go D. should have gone 12. It is advisable that you ………….. your application as soon as possible. A. submit B. will submit          C. will have submitted D. should have submitted 13. It is desirable that the hotel manager ………….. to call the maintenance staff every 6 months to clean up the air conditioners. A. remember B. will remember C. must remember D. remembers 14. The Principal demanded that the heaters ………….. immediately. Winter is coming! A. repaired B. be repaired C. were repaired D. repair 15. The boss insisted that Sylvie ………….. at the meeting as he is too talkative for such a confidential project. A. not be B. isn't C. was D. is 16. The doctor insisted that she ………….. to the hospital for tests. A. go B. goes C. will go D. has gone Exercise 4: Find a mistake in each following sentence and correct it. 1. Sylvie would rather that her boyfriend would keep his promise. 2. The teacher asked that we stopped talking in the class. 3. It has been suggested that children will study hard. 4. Sylvie would rather she did not leave her phone at home yesterday. 5. If this were proven right, you will be considered innocent. 6. It has been suggested that he forgets the election. 7. It was recommended that we will wait for the authorities. 8. The landlord requested that David moves out of the apartment. 9. The company asked that employees do not accept personal phone calls during business hours. 10. It has been proposed that we will change the topic. Exercise 5: Find a mistake in each following sentence and correct it. 1. It is vital that people allow to choose where to live. 2. Sylvie requested that everyone in my class attends her presentation. 3. It is crucial that urban people don’t look down on rural people. 4. Her parents insisted that she studies hard for GCSE. 5. The doctor suggested that his patient does not stop smoking. 6. This train is very slow. The earlier train was much faster. I wish I catch the earlier train. 7. Santiago wishes he didn't spend so much money last night. 8. David would rather that Sylvie went to class yesterday. 9. It is imperative that everyone knows what to do when there is a fire. 10. Public opinion demands that an inquiry held. Exercise 6: Find a mistake in each following sentence and correct it. 1. David would rather that his girlfriend work in the same department as he does. 2. It is a recommendation from a doctor that the patient stops smoking. 3. It is high time I had left for the airport. 4. It is important that we be talked about how developed countries have solved the urbanization problems and propose some solutions to those in Viet Nam. 5. Is it really necessary that we included new information in the conclusion? 6. It is recommended that the presentation were no more than 15 minutes. 7. I suggest that we focused on its advantages and disadvantages. 8. Our Geography teacher also advised that we will talk about issues that are familiar and important to our classmates. 9. It is important that he gets into a good university. 10. The teacher demanded that the classroom clean immediately. Exercise 7: Choose the best option 1. Sylvie sings very ……… A. good B. well
3 2. My girlfriend is very ……… A. pretty B. prettily 3. The house was very ……… A. expensive B. expensively 4. A man was ……… injured. A. bad B. badly 5. You answer this question ……… A. correct B. correctly 6. Sylvie is a very ……… student. A. lazy B. lazily 7. The car has been ……… sold. A. new B. newly 8. I have ……… any money. A. hard B. hardly 9. My Spanish isn't very ……… A. good B. well 10. I'm ……… sorry for that. A. terrible B. terribly Exercise 8: Choose the best option 1. This bag is very ……… A. heavy B. heavily 2. I looked everywhere ……… A. careful B. carefully 3. The star is shining ……… A. bright B. brightly 4. You can paint it ……… A. easy B. easily 5. The mice are very ……… A. quick B. quickly 6. Sugar is ……… for you. A. bad  B. badly 7. Read this text ……… A. careful B. carefully 8. That is a ……… garden. A. beautiful B. beautifully 9. Tigers swim very ……… A. fast B. fastly 10. They danced ……… in the rain. A. happy B. happily Exercise 9: Choose the best option 1. Sylvie is wearing a ……… dress. A. colourful  B. colourfully 2. You should do it ……… A. careful  B. carefully 3. I haven't seen her ……… A. late B. lately 4. You didn't do your work ……… A. correct B. correctly 5. Are you ……… frustrated? A. serious B. seriously 6. That engine is very ……… A. noisy B. noisily 7. The animals were ……… A. thirsty B. thirstily 8. Sylvie is walking ……… A. quite B. quitely 9. Sylvie is a ……… teacher. A. good B. well 10. Sorry! I acted ……… A. stupid B. stupidly Exercise 10: Give the correct form of each word in brackets. 1. First-class ………………… is available on all flights. (accommodate) 2. Can I make a …………………? (suggest) 3. The ………………… is the feeling of being grateful for something. (appreciate) 4. The poet's anger finds ………………… in the last verse of the poem. (express) 5. He has no …………………. (imagine) 6. You’ll need to be a little more ………………… if you want to hold their attention. (imagine) 7. It ………………… me that she remembered my name. (impress) 8. Sylvie gives the ………………… of being very busy. (impress) 9. Sylvie was very ………………… in the interview. (impress) 10. Sylvie works with local community …………………. (organize) Exercise 11: Give the correct form of each word in brackets. 1. Sylvie joined a student …………………. (organize) 2. We pride ourselves on ………………… high-quality products. (produce) 3. He has eliminated dairy ………………… from his diet. (produce) 4. Where did you purchase the …………………? (produce) 5. The region ………………… over 50 per cent of the country's wheat. (produce) 6. I'd like to hear your ………………… for ways of raising money. (suggest)
4 7. I would like to express my ………………… and thanks to you all. (appreciate) 8. Words, as a means of …………………, can be limiting. (express) 9. It doesn't take much ………………… to guess what she meant. (imagine) 10. I had the ………………… that it was all done in a hurry. (impress) Exercise 12: Give the correct form of each word in brackets. 1. I would like to find out more about how our food is …………………. (produce) 2. It is the responsibility of the industry to produce safe ………………….. (produce) 3. Do you have any ………………….? (suggest) 4. The clock was presented to Snell by his colleagues as an …………………. of his work and friendship. (appreciate) 5. He looked down at the tiny child and his …………………. softened. (express) 6. Is it my …………………. or have you lost a lot of weight? (imagine) 7. My …………………. is that there are still a lot of problems. (impress) 8. His writing lacks ………………….. (imagine) 9. I don't think this argument made any …………………. upon the brothers. (impress) 10. We have just launched a new …………………. on to the market. (produce) Exercise 13: Give the correct form of each word in brackets. 1. Are there any …………………. about how best to tackle the problem? (suggest) 2. The actors' gestures and facial …………………. are perfect. (express) 3. The blank …………………. in her eyes showed that she hadn't understood. (express) 4. With a little …………………., you could turn this place into a palace. (imagine) 5. The new player failed to make an immediate …………………. on the team. (impress) 6. The events left an indelible …………………. on all those who witnessed them. (impress) 7. The new policies appear to have captured the …………………. of the public. (imagine) 8. Try and smile. You don't want to give people the wrong ………………….. (impress) 9. All our meat is locally ………………….. (produce) 10. The cooperative helps local farmers successfully market their farm ………………….. (produce) Exercise 14: Give the correct form of each word in brackets. 1. He does not want to give a false …………………. of progress. (impress) 2. He agreed with my …………………. that we should change the date. (suggest) 3. Please accept this gift in …………………. of all you've done for us. (appreciate) 4. We are calling for …………………. of interest from people wanting to take part in the project. (express) 5. His …………………. changed from surprise to one of amusement. (express) 6. Don't let your …………………. run away with you. (imagine) 7. Nobody hates you. It's all in your ………………….. (imagine) 8. Under stress, the body …………………. adrenalin. (produce) 9. The company sells its …………………. around the world. (produce) 10. The stillness and silence leave a deep …………………. on visitors. (impress) Exercise 15: Give the correct form of each word in brackets. 1. The company has been developing the …………………. for years. (produce) 2. We are looking for someone with ingenuity and ………………….. (imagine) 3. My words made no …………………. on her. (impress) 4. The whole business left a lasting …………………. on Sylvie. (impress) 5. The store offers a wide range of ………………….. (produce) 6. You'll have to play better than that if you really want to make an ………………….. (impress) 7. Her …………………. betrayed nothing of her thoughts. (express) 8. This is an image which persists in the popular ………………….. (imagine) 9. Our cat …………………. kittens last week. (produce) 10. The coating could appear in consumer …………………. within five years. (produce) Exercise 16: Give the correct form of each word in brackets.

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