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Nội dung text 5. VERB FORM (UNIT 1-6).doc

1 UNIT 1 MY NEW SCHOOL D. VERB FORMS I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form 1. She (walk)___________ to school every morning. 2. They (learn) ___________________ how to use the lawnmower in the garden. 3. Linda (go) ______________ to the supermarket to buy some sugar. 4. Sometimes I (feel) _________________________ really lazy to do anything. 5. Phong and I (study) _________________________ English in my room. 6. I often (have) ____________________ breakfast at 7 A. m at home. 7. She (do)_________________ aerobics every morning to keep fit. 8. Nga (like) __________________ playing basketball very much. 9. What time you (have) _____________________ lunch every day? 10. She (not have) __________________ any pen, so I lend her one. II. Fill in the blank with correct forms of a suitable verbs (study, have, do, play) to complete the following sentences. 1. He is _________________ hard at the moment 2. They _____________________ a beautiful home. 3. You can take the documents home and ____________________ them at your leisure. 4. He ______________ plenty of money but no style. 5. Jane ________________ the guitar and her brother is on percussion. 6. Nga is _________________ to be an architect. 7. Can I ________________ a drink of water? 8. Diane is _________________ anthropology at university. 9. I can’t go out tonight – I’ve got to ________________ my history paper. 10. Which team do you _____________ for? III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form 1. The plane (fly) _____________ to London every Monday. 2. Marc (make) _______________ pizza now. 3. Rose (read) _______________ a book. 4. First I (get) ______________ up, then I (have) _________________ breakfast. 5. Why it always (rain_______________ in Germany? 6. She (understand) ______________ English. 7. My friend often (draw) ______________ nice posters. 8. Why you always (criticize) _______________ me? 9. You can go outside now. It (not rain) ________________ any more. 10. The sun (rise) _______________ in the east.
2 IV. Put the verbs into the correct form. Use Present Simple. 1. They ______________ (play) football and basketball at school. 2. My father ______________ (read) the newspaper every morning. 3. We ______________ (have) English, Maths and Science on Monday. 4. She never ______________ (do) her homework. 5. I ______________ (go) swimming twice a week. 6. Cars ______________ (be) more expensive than motorbikes. 7. Jane always ______________ (have) breakfast at 6 o’clock. 8 He usually ______________ (watch) TV after dinner. 9. London ______________ (be) a very big country. 10. I ______________ (be) a student and my parents ______________ (be) teachers. =================================================== UNIT 2: MY HOME D. VERB FORMS I. Fill in the blanks with is, are, isn't, aren't, do, does. 1. We staying at my cousin’s house in Vung Tau. 2. they have the right things for the kitchen? 3. Where you live, Phong? 4. Where ____ your uncle live? 5. How many rooms there in the hotel? 6. There any chairs in the kitchen. We need five chairs. 7. Which house you want to live in? A town house or a country house? 8. There any furniture in my bedroom. I need many things. 9. In my house, there four bedrooms. 10. What Mrs. Brown need for the living room? II. Give the correct form of the words in the blank (Using the present simple and present continuous). 1. Lan(not have) ______ many friends in her new school. 2. Hung (come) ______ from Ha Noi but he (stay) ______ with his relatives in Ho Chi Minh city at the moment. 3. We (not drive) ______ to work every day. We (go) ______ by bus. 4. Who you (talk) _______ to on the phone now, Minh? 5. Where your new friend (live) _________ Nga? -She (live) ________ on Hang Bai street. 6. you (be) ________ in class 7A? -No, I (be)________ in class 7D. 7. Look! Jane (play)_______ the guitar. This afternoon, she will play table tennis. 8. I (not talk) __________ to her at present 9. How often ________ she (go) ________ fishing?
3 - She (go) _________ once a year. 10. (Be) _______your friends students? -Yes, they (be) _________ III. Complete the sentences with the -ing form of the verbs. Use short forms. Example: Come round to my place - we're listening to music. (listen) 1. Look! The dog (swim) _____ in the river! 2. Don't disturb me! I (read) a good book. 3. She (enjoy) her holiday. 4. They (play) a computer game. 5. You (do) your homework. 6. Look! The girls(skip) in the schoolyard. 7. Ssh! They (study) in the library. 8. Listen! Someone (knock) at the door. IV. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb: go, play, help, have. l. Our cat football! 2. I computer games in the evening. 3. I my sister with her homework. 4. My sister me to clean my bike. 5. We a new classmate, Mai. 6. We to school from Mondays to Fridays. 7. My father to work at 7 o'clock every morning. 8. On Sundays, my sister shopping. =================================================== UNIT 3: MY FRIENDS D. VERB FORMS I. Give the correct form of verb at the simple tense and the continuous tense. 1. Sit down! A strange dog ______ (run) to you. 2. My mom often _______ (buy) meat from the butcher’s. 3. My brothers ________ (not/ drink) coffee at the moment. 4. Look! Those people .________ (climb) the mountain so fast. 5. That girl ___________(cry) loudly in the party now. 6. These students always _____________ (wear) warm clothes in summer. 7. What _______________(you/ do) in the kitchen? 8. I never ______________ (eat) potatoes. 9. The 203 bus ________________ (set off) every fifteen minutes. 10. Tonight, we ______________ (not/go) to our teacher’s wedding party.
4 II. Read the text then give the correct form of verb. It(0. be) is Sunday evening and my friends and I (1. be) __________ Jane’s birthday party. Jane (2. wear) ___________a beautiful long dress and (3. stand) _____ next to her boyfriend. Some guests (4. drink) ______wine or beer in the corner of the room. Some of her relatives (5. dance) ______ in the middle of the room. Most people (6.sit) __________on chairs, (7. enjoy) ________ foods and (8. chat) _______with one another. We often (9. go) ________ to our friends’ birthday parties. We always (10. dress) ________ well and (11. travel) _________by taxi. Parties never (12. make) ________us bored because we like. III. Complete the text. Use the present simple. My best friend My best friend is Hannah. She (1. live) next door to me. We (2. go) to the same school but we are in different classes. I (3. walk) to school but Hannah (4. go) by bike, because she always (5. get up) late. After school we (6. finish) _____ our homework first, then we (7. listen) to our favourite music. I (8. like) R&B, but Hannah (9.hate) it. She (10. think) it’s boring. She (11. love) rock music. IV. Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets in the present continuous. Jack: I'm bored. Nick: Why don't you find something to do? Jack: What can I do? Nick: There are lots of things you can do. This is what I (1. do) this weekend. On Friday evening I (2. meet) Jane. We (3. go) to the cinema. Then in Saturday, Tom and I (4. play) table-tennis. Then we (5. have) lunch with Sam. After lunch, Tom and Sam (6. start) their new judo classes. I (7. not go) with them because my dad (8.take) me to a basketball match. It's my mum's birthday on Sunday. She (9. not have) a big party. We (10. have) lunch at a nice restaurant near our house. Jack: Wow. You are busy. Can I come with you to the cinema on Friday? Nick: Of course, you can, Jack. ===================================================

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