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A TEXT BOOK OF SOCIAI FHARMACY FIRST YEAR D. PHARM. AS PER PCI EDUCATION REGULATIONS (E.R. 2O2o) Dr. S. B. Bhise ',' Dharm. Ph.D. f , tr' ncipal, Govt. Collage of pharmacy, I ':::cr of LNBC lnstitute of pharmacyj =a gaon. Satara. (-K Consultants & Arogyalabh Foundation, Mrs. M. S. Bhise M.Sc. Ex Hon. Lecturer, Govt. Collage of pharmacy, Karad. Price T 2SO.OO tYNrRs#I, I N6{osl
S y'l Ia bus INI|GIION TO SOCIAL PHARMACY (9 Hours) ' tHitlx and scope. Social Pharmacy as a Discipline and lts Scope in lmproving the public Health. &dPharmacist in Public Health. e) . Csrcept of Health - WHO Definition, Various Dimensions, Determinants, and Health lndicators. (3) . l*llnalHealth Policy - lndian perspective. (1) r hhoduciion to Millenium Development Goals, Sustaintable Development Goals, FIP Development kals. 0) 2, PREVENTIVE HEALTHCARE. Rote of pharmacists in the foilowing: (18 Hours) o Demography and Family Planning. (3) o Mother and Child Health, lmportance of Breastfeeding, lll-effects of infant milk substitutes and botfle feeding, e) . Overview of Vaccines, Types of lmmunity and lmmunization. (4) o Effect of Environment on Health - Water Pollution, lmportance of Safe Drinking Water, Waterborne Diseases, Air Pollution, Noise Pollution, Sewage and Solid Waste Disposal, Occupational lllnesses, Environmental Pollution due to Pharmaceuticals. (7) ' Psychosocial Pharmacy: Drugs of Misuse and Abuse - Psychotropics, Narcotics, Alcohol, Tobacco Products. Social lmpact of these habits on Social Health, Productivity and Suicidal behaviours. (2) 3. NUTRITION AND HEALTH (10 Hours) o Basics of Nutrition - Macronutrients and Micronutrients. (2) o lmpo(ance of Water and Fibres in Diet. (1) ' Balanced Diet, Nutrition Deficiency Diseases, lll effects of Junk Foods, Calorific and Nutritive Values of Various Foods, Fortification of Foods. (3) o lntroduction to Food Safety, Adulteration of Foods, Effects of Artificial Ripening, Use of pesticides, Genetically Modified Foods, . Dietary Supplements, Nutraceuticals, Food Supplements - lndications, lnteractions. INTRODUCTION TO MICROBIOLOGY AND COMMON MICROORGANISMS (1) Benefits, Drug-Food (2) (3) (28 Hours) o lPidemiology: lntroduction to Epidemiology and lts Applications, Understanding of terms such as Epidemic, Pandemic, Endemic, Mode of Transmission, Outbreak, Quarantine; lsolation, lncubation Period, Contact Tracing. e) o Causative Agents, Epidemiology and Clinical Presentations and Role of Pharmacists in Educating the Public in Prevention of the following Communicable Diseases: o Respiratory lnfections - Chickenpox, Measles, Rubella, Mumps, lnfluenza (lncluding Avian-Flu, H1N1, SARS, MERS, COVID-19), Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, Meningococcal MeningitislAcute Respiratory lnfections, Tuberculosis, Ebola. il o lntestinal lnfections - Poliomyelitis, Viral Hepatitis, Cholera, Acute Diarrheal Diseases, typnoiO, Amoebiasis, Worm lnfestations, Food Poisoning, F) o Arthropod-borne lnfections - Dengue, Malaria, Filariasis and, chickungunya. (4) o Surface lnfections - Trachoma, Tetanus, Leprosy. (2) o STDs, HIV/AIDS. (3) Introduction to Health Systems and All Ongoing National Health Programs in lndia, Their Objectives, Functioning, Outcome and the Role of Pharmacists. (Si Pharmacoeconomics - lntroduction, Basic Terminologies, lmportance of pharmacoeconomics. (3i AhA 5. 6.
Gontents 1. Introduction to Social Pharmacy 2. Preventive Gare 3, Nutrition and Health 4. lntroduction to Microbiology and Gommon Microorganisms 5. National Health Programmes 6, Pharmacoeconomics Appendix Abbreviations Difficult Lllords lndex Bibliograhy hhh 1.1 - 1.24 2.1 - 2,62 3.{ - 3.50 4.1 - 4.56 5.{ - 5.23 6.,1 - 6.5 App.{ - APP.{4 Abb.{ - Abb.2 D.l - D.5 1.1 - 1.2 B.{ 'B.{