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13. ORGANISMS AND POPULATION 1. The branch of Botany dealing with the distribution of plants on the earth's surface is called (a) Ecology (b) Phytology (c) Phytogeography (d) Phytosociology 2. Paleo-ecology is referred as the study of (a) Living organisms with environment (b) Extinct organisms with their environment (c) Herbivores with their environment (d) None of these 3. Population whose members reproduce asexually are termed (a) Panimictic (b) Amphimictic (c) Apomictic (d) Ecotype 4. The light intensity can be measured by (a) Sacchi disc (b) Lux photometer (c) Measuring disc (d) None of these 5. Energy contents of macrophytes may be estimated by (a) Calorimeter (b) Energy measuring apparatus (c) Oxygen bomb calorimeter (d) None of the above 6. Who defined ecology as the study of the relations of all organisms to all its environments (a) Taylor (b) Odum (c) Misra (d) Climents 7. Who defined ecology as the study of structure and function of nature (a) Haeckel (b) E.P. Odum (c) R. Misra (d) Taylor 8. Who defined ecology as the study of form, function and factor (a) Odum (b) Climents (c) Misra (d) Haeckel 9. Who defined ecology as the reciprocal relationship between organisms and their environments (a) Misra (b) Haeckel (c) Odum (d) Lamarck 10. The idea of food chain was introduced by which one of the following ecologist (a) Tansley (b) Elton (c) Clements (d) Phillipson 11. Which one of the following scientists is famous for his contributions in ecological researches (a) R.N. Singh (b) M.S. Swaminathan (c) B.M. Johri (d) R.D. Mishra 12. The functional unit of ecology is the (a) Organism (b) Biosphere
(c) Ecosystem (d) Community 13. Index of environmental health is determined by the change in the composition of (a) Communities (b) Niches (c) Individuals (d) Population 14. Ruthless exploitation and pollution of the environment has increased the magnitude of waste materials which has disturbed the operations of all important (a) Biomes (b) Ecosystems (c) Bio-geo-chemical cycles (d) All above 15. The study of inter-relationship between living organisms and their environment is called (a) Ecosystem (b) Phytogeography (c) Ecology (d) Phytosociology 16. Term ‘ecology’ was proposed by (a) William (b) Odum (c) Reiter (d) Daubenmier 17. Biotic potential refers to (a) Increase of population under optimum conditions (b) Increase of population under given conditions (c) Increase of population under natural conditions (d) Increase of population under climatic conditions 18. E.P. Odum is a leading (a) Bryologist (b) Physiologist (c) Ecologist (d) Mycologist 19. The term ‘biocoenosis’ was proposed by (a) Tansley (b) Carl Mobious (c) Warming (d) None of the above 20. Ecology takes into account only (a) Environmental factors only (b) Plant adaptations only (c) Effect of environment on plants (d) All of the above 21. World environment day is celeberated on (a) 15th March (b) 15th April (c) 4 th May (d) 5 th June 22. Ecological factors which prevent a species from producing at its maximum rate is termed as (a) Survival curve (b) Ecological drift (c) Environmental resistance (d) None of these 23. The ecologically fixed and genetically irreversed species are called (a) Ecotone (b) Ecological equivalents (c) Ecotype (d) None of these 24. Biogenetic law was putforward by (a) E. Haeckel (b) Charles Darwins (c) Karl von Bear (d) Lamarck
25. Agrostology is related with the study of (a) Agricultural growth (b) Epiphytes (c) Grasses (d) Nematode diseases 26. ‘Eco’ term refers as (a) Biosphere (b) Environment (c) Organisms (d) Plants 27. The major characteristics of the vegetation of a locality are controlled by (a) Man only (b) Mainly by climate (c) Animals only (d) Altitude of place only 28. Ozone layer depletion or hole in ozone layer is being found in (a) North pole (b) South pole (c) Russia (d) None of the above 29. The resource which regulates the flow of energy in desert ecosystem is the availability of (a) Light (b) Water (c) Minerals (d) Heat 30. Which of the following ecological factor exerts a direct effect (a) pH (b) Topography (c) Mineral elements (d) Humidity 31. Maximum water vapour which can be held in atmosphere is (a) Relative humidity (b) Absolute humidity (c) Saturation point (d) Absolute transpiration 32. What will be the environmental consequence of 25% increase of CO2 level in our atmosphere (a) Direct pollution (b) Death of all plants (c) Death of all animals (d) Green-house effect 33. The average concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is (a) 10 ppm (b) 100 ppm (c) 300 ppm (d) 1000 ppm 34. The main aim of ‘Earth Summit’ organised at Brazil was (a) To think over ozone layer depletion in stratosphere (b) To increase oxygen in atmosphere (c) To encourage agriculture (d) To use solar energy 35. Which of the following is capable of causing green house effect in the environment (a) Nitrogen (b) Hydrogen (c) Ethane (d) Methane 36. In the environment, ozone is known for its (a) Harmful effects (b) Useful effects (c) Both harmful and useful effects (d) Inert nature
37. The soil organisms are (a) Harmful to the plants growing in the soil (b) Useful to plants growing in the soil (c) Neither harmful nor useful to plants growing in the soil (d) Both harmful as well as useful to plants growing in the soil 38. ‘‘Biomass’’ is the (a) Dry weight of organisms (b) Fresh weight of organisms (c) Both are correct (d) None of the above 39. Prolonged liberal irrigation of agricultural fields is likely to create the problem of (a) Acidity (b) Aridity (c) Salinity (d) Metal toxicity 40. Constant grazing and browsing in an area may ultimately result in the formation of (a) Dense forest (b) Grasslands (c) Desert (d) Bushy vegetation 41. If all the green plants were to disappears from the earth (a) All the animals will die (b) Only herbivorous will die (c) Only carnivorous will die (d) It will not matter to any animal 42. A characteristic which enables an organism to live in an environment is called (a) Factor (b) Ecotype (c) Adaptation (d) Ecosystem 43. Which of the following factors cannot be regarded as belonging to a non-living environment (a) Light (b) Temperature (c) Interspecific competition (d) Rainfall 44. Of the several gases in atmosphere, plant life mostly depends upon (a) Concentration of O2 (b) Availability of CO2 (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Concentration of N2 45. Which of the following is an indirect ecological factor (a) Temperature (b) Soil structure (c) Light (d) Air 46. Humus is (a) A mixture of clay sand and loam (b) Heavy soil with mineral salts (c) Organic matter of colloidal size (d) Light soil with lime 47. The equilibrium of the species is disturbed by (a) Overgrazing (b) Farming (c) Selective grazing (d) All the above 48. Mild grazing of plants by herbivores (a) Retards growth (b) Arrests growth (c) Stimulates growth (d) Destroys vegetation 49. “Pedology” is the study of

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