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Topic Covered PHYSICS : Unit & Measurement, Thermal properties of matter, Thermal expansion of solids & liquids. CHEMISTRY : Classification of elements and periodicity in properties BIOLOGY : Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants ALL INDIA NEET TEST SERIES-UG-2023-24 DURATION : 200 Minutes DATE : MARKS : 720
PHYSICS SECTION - A Attempt All 35 Questions (1.) Expansion during heating : (1) Occurs only in solids (2) Increases the weight of a material (3) Decreases the density of a material (4) Occurs at the same rate for all liquids and solids (2.) Density of a substance at 0C is 10gm / cc and at 10 C , its density is 9.7 g / cc . The coefficient of linear expansion of the substance will be (in per C ) : (1) 3 10− (2) 2 10− (3) 4 10− (4) 8 10− (3.) The coefficient of linear expansion of brass and steel are α1 and α2 respectively. When we take a brass rod of length 1 I and a steel rod of length 2 I at OC , then the difference in their length ( 2 1 − ) will remain the same at all temperature if : (1)   1 1 2 2 = (2)   1 2 2 1 = (3) 2 2 1 1 2 2   = (4) 2 2   1 2 2 1 = (4.) A beaker is completely filled with water at 4C . It will overflow if : (1) Only Heated above 4C (2) Only Cooled below 4C (3) Both heated and cooled above and below 4C respectively (4) None of the above. (5.) Choose the correct option about thermal strain : (1) Δt (2) ΔL L (3) Both (1) and (2) (4) None of these. (6.) The coefficient of linear expansion of a crystal in one direction is α1 and that in every direction perpendicular to it is 2 . The coefficient of cubical expansion is : (1)   1 2 + (2) 1 2 2 + (3) 1 2   + 2 (4) None of the above.
(7.) What is the formula for force when a rod fixed between two rigid support at both end. A temperature is changed by ΔT,Y-young modulus,  = coefficient of linear expension : (1) F YA T = Δ (2) F Y T = Δ (3) F YA T = ( / 2)Δ (4) In sufficient data. (8.) The moment of interia of a rod about its perpendicular bisector is I . When the temperature of the rod is increased by ΔT , the increase in the moment of inertia of the rod about same axis is (Here,  is the coefficient of linear expansion of the rod) : (1) ΔIΔT (2) 2I TΔ (3) ΔIΔT  (4) 2Δ ΔI T  (9.) If coefficient of cubical expansion of water is ( ) 5  3 10 / C − =  , find its coefficient of linear expansion : (1) 5 1 10 / C −  (2) 3 2 10 / C −  (3) 7 3 10 / C −  (4) Not applicable (10.) The volume of a metal sphere increases by 0.24% when its temperature is raised by 40 C . The coefficient of linear expansion of the metal is : (1) 5 1 2 10 C− −  (2) 5 1 6 10 C− −  (3) 5 1 18 10 C− −  (4) 5 1 1.2 10 C− −  (11.) If α β, and  are coefficients of linear, superficial and volume expansion respectively, then : (1) 1 2   = (2) 2 3   = (3) 3 2   = (4)     = (12.) If the volume of a block of metal changes by 0.12% , when it is heated through 20 C , then the coefficient of areal expansion is : (1) 5 4 10 C 1 −  − (2) 5 1 2 10 C − −  (3) 5 1 1/ 2 10 C − −  (4) 4 4 10 C 1 −  − (13.) A rectangular block is heated from 0C to 100 C . The percentage increase in its length is 0.1% . The percentage increase in its volume is : (1) 0.6% (2) 0.10% (3) 0.2% (4) 0.3%
(14.) The lower and upper fixed points of a faulty thermometers are 5C and 105 C. If the thermometer reads 25 C what is the actual temperature: (1) 15 C (2) 20 C (3) 30 C (4) 25 C (15.) A iron rod is fitted between two rigid walls and heated, Then: (1) A compressive thermal strain will be developed in the rod (2) A tensile thermal strain will be developed in the rod (3) The value of thermal stress will be equal to y A  Δ where all the symboles have their appropriate meaning (4) None of the above statements are correct (16.) A blacksmith fixes iron ring on the rim of the wooden wheel of a bullock cart. The diameter of the rim and the rion ring are 5.243 m and 5.231 m respectively at 27 C . To what temperature should the ring be heated so as to fit the rim of the wheel? (1) 218 C (2) 118 C (3) 318 C (4) 418 C (17.) A new scale of temperature called X -scale is defined with ice point as −10 X and steam point as 90 X . What temperature on the X -scale will correspond to 40 C ? (1) 20 X (2) 30%x (3) 40 x (4) 50 X (18.) The resistance of a resistance thermometer has value 2.71Ω and 3.70Ω at 10 C and 100 C respectively. The temperature at which the resistance is 3.26Ω is: (1) 333 K (2) 666 K (3) 1400 K (4) 1127 K (19.) If the error in the measurement of radius of a sphere is 2% then the error in the determination of volume of the sphere will be (1) 8% (2) 2% (3) 4% (4) 6% (20.) In a vernier callipers, one main scale division is x cm and n division of the vernier scale coincide with (n - 1) divisions of the main scale. The least count (in cm) of the callipers is. (1) n 1 x n   −     (2) ( 1) nx n − (3) x n (4) ( 1) x n −

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