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ILSW 7 - UNIT 1: FREE TIME water park n /ˈwɔtər pɑrk/ công viên nước availability n /əˌveɪləˈbɪləti/ Khả năng và thời gian để làm việc gì extreme sport n /ɛkˈstrim spɔrt/ thế thao mạo hiểm invitation n /ˌɪnvɪˈteɪʃən/ sự mời gọi, lời mời rock climbing n /rɑk ˈklaɪmɪŋ/ trò leo núi đá (hoặc leo tường có gắn đá) safety equipment n /ˈseɪfti ɪˈkwɪpmənt/ thiết bị an toàn skateboarding n /ˈskeɪtˌbɔrdɪŋ/ trò trượt ván surfing n /ˈsɜrfɪŋ/ trò lướt sóng zorbing n /ˈzɔːrbɪŋ/ trò lăn xuống dốc hoặc lăn trên mặt nước trong một quả cầu nhựa trong suốt mountain climbing bird-watching playing board games read comics collecting soccer stickers zorbing skateboarding rock climbing make vlogs bake cakes build models gardening Task 1. Look at the pictures and complete the blanks. 1.…………… …… 2………………. ………………… 3……….……… 4 ………………… 5………………… 6 ………………… 7 ………………… 8 …………………
ILSW 7 - UNIT 1: FREE TIME fishing photos collecting doll listening to music gardening stamps painting carving wood mountain-climbing horse-riding 1. She usually goes _________ with her brother in the pool near her school. 2. Sarah likes _________. She plants lots of flowers and vegetables in her home garden. 3. I enjoy and it becomes my pleasure. 4. I have recently started a new hobby – _____________. 5. Most people like taking _____________ and post them on their social networking accounts. 6. In later years, he took up _____________ as a hobby. He drew water color landscapes. 7. Many people think that _______________is very dangerous. 8. Duong says he loves____________ but he won’t continue this hobby from next year. 9. He is interested in________. It’s his favorite hobby. 10. My younger sister likes collecting____________. Now she has more than 50. 1. My mother loves flowers so I often ...................... some in the living room. A. hate B. arrange C. burn D. catch 2. ...................... is a popular hobby of the people living around this forest. A. Collecting dolls B. Bird-watching C. Ice-skating D. Surfing 3. He can’t ...................... because he is scared of heights. A. make pottery B. go camping C. go mountain climbing D. make models 4. My father is doing the ...................... and my mother is cooking. A. gardening B. horse-riding C skating D. monopoly 5. You should ...................... gymnastics regularly to have good health. A. do B. go C. watch D. play 6. A lot of people enjoy ...................... things such as dolls, stamps or bottles. Task 2. Use the given words to complete the sentences. 9……………… ………………… 10 ………………… 11 ………………… 12………………. Task 3. Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.
ILSW 7 - UNIT 1: FREE TIME A. making B. arranging C. doing D. collecting 7. It takes me a lot of time to make a ...................... A. collage B. cycling C. eggshell D. Monopoly 8. You shouldn’t go ...................... if you can’t swim. A. skating B. board game C. gallery D. surfing 9. Can you ride a horse? - Of course. It’s a piece of ...................... A. cake B. horse C. collage D. art 10. He’s a great artist. He can ...................... in both ...................... A. plant ‒ stone and wood B. carved ‒ eggshell C. carve ‒ wood and eggshells D. plant ‒ wood and eggshells 11. I love this song because its ...................... is very sweet and romantic. A. melody B. monopoly C. challenging D. unique 12. Be careful, please! All of things in this box are very ...................... A .gallery B. collage C. carved D. fragile 13. A lot of girls love holding their weddings ...................... A. challenging B. outdoors C. in board games D. unusual 14. Lan doesn’t like ...................... sports such as surfing or mountain climbing. A. fragile B. indoors C. challenging D. carved 15. Be careful. Don’t ...................... yourself. A. hurt B. plant C. hate D. catch walking hanging listening collecting playing watching arranging playing going going 1. ................................ flowers 6. ................................ the dog 2. ................................ dolls 7. ................................ the music 3. ................................ mountain climbing 8. ................................ shopping 4. ................................ the piano 9. ................................ television 5. ................................ out with friends 10. .............................. board games ...................................... .................................... ...................................... .................................... ...................................... .................................... ...................................... .................................... Task 4. Complete the phrase with a gerund and Put the phrases under the correct pictures