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Nội dung text 18. PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE ( TOBE) (1).pdf

lật lại ra mặt sau (2) giấy A4. in như cách in mặt trước hình 2: đặt giấy theo chiều mũi tên hướng giấy in đi ra GLUE DÁN KEO GLUE DÁN KEO Don’t cut here Don’t cut here
THE VERB TO BE Use the prompts to write sentences a. He / a dentist e. You / a good friend c. The cat / fast d. We / Argentinian b. I / angry Change the statements into questions a. I'm happy. e. She is English. c. He is ill. d. They are friends. b. You are a doctor. Complete the sentences with isn't , am not or aren't a. I French. I'm Italian. e. They f. We siblings. They are cousins. in the kitchen. We are in the bedroom. c. The cat nice. It is bad. d. He a doctor. He is a dentist. b. She sad. She's worried. Complete the sentences with is, am or are a. Butterflies beautiful. f. You I'm a student a great student. e. It cold today. j. I a doctor. c. The bus late again. h. We very hungry. d. He an astronaut. i. She my sister. b. I happy. g. They good friends. G RAMMAR PRA C T I C E
DESCRIBING FAMILY MEMBERS Write sentences about your family using the prompts given. a. He/father e. She/grandma c. I/years old d. They/cousins b. She/mother Complete the sentences with is, am , are. a. I Mary. I 30 years old e. They f. She siblings. They are twins. my aunt. She my mother’s sister. c. He my dad. He 45 years old. d. He my brother. He David. b. She my grandma. She Sonia. Complete with personal pronouns: Complete with personal pronouns: He, she, they. He, she, they. PERS O N AL PR O N O U N S & VERB T O BE a. is Claire. f. is my father. e. is my mother. j. are my cousins. c. are Kevin and Sarah h. is my brother. d. are my siblings. i. are my grandparents. b. is Tom. g. is my sister.

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