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Nội dung text Forecast Speaking Quý 3 2024

FORECAST SPEAKING Quý 3 - 2024 IELTS PREDICTION: 0927 090 848 Thông tin các gói hỗ trợ IELTS Nhóm hint Tháng 9: https://zalo.me/g/kjytwe178
Dự Đoán IELTS Tháng 9,10,11,12 Liên hệ Zalo 0927090848 PDF cho bạn nào muốn tải về (vẫn sẽ update nhiều nữa nha) Forecast Speaking Quý 3 2024.pdf Examiner to ask questions from EITHER Frame 1 or Frame 2 Frame 1 (Where you live now) Let’s talk about where you live now - Which town or city do you live in now? - Are there any things you don’t like about your area? (What are they?) - Do you think you will continue to live there for a long time? (Why? Why not?) - What are some changes in the area recently? - Do you live in a house or an apartment? - What is your favourite room in your home? (Why?) - What things make your home pleasant to live in? (Why?) - Are the people in your neighbourhood nice and friendly? - Do you know any of your neighbours? - Is the place where you live quiet or noisy? Frame 2 (Work/ Study) Let’s talk about what you do. Do you work or are you a student? (Work) - What kind of work do you do? - What do you find most interesting about your work? (Why?) - Which is more important to you – the people you work with or the work you do? (Why?) - Do you work best in the morning or the afternoon? (Why?) - Would you like to change the place you work? (Why?) (Study) - What do you study? - What do you find most interesting about your studies? (Why?) IELTS PREDICTION ZALO 0927 090 848
Dự Đoán IELTS Tháng 9,10,11,12 Liên hệ Zalo 0927090848 - Which is more important to you—the teachers or the other students on your course? (Why?) - How much time do you spend studying every week? - How do you usually travel to the city where you study? - Do you study best in the morning or the afternoon? (Why?) - Have you always wanted to study this subject/ these subjects (Why/ Why not?) Topic Part 1 Mới 1. Bike https://successwithielts.com/s09e21 1. Did you have a bike when you were young? Answer 1: Yes, my first bike was a birthday gift from my dad. It was a baby pink one with a lovely front basket ,and a pink helmet as well. My dad taught me how to ride a bike and he said that every time’ I rode, I should wear the helmet for safety reasons. Answer 2: Yes, I did have a bike when I was much younger. The bike I had was a blue-colored one with training wheels, and it was a birthday gift from my grandparents. I remember, feeling so excited receiving this gift, as this was the very first bike I had owned. 2. Do you have a bike now? Answer: Nowadays, I don't ride a bike as often as I used to. I live in a city where traffic can be pretty chaotic, so I mainly use public transportation or walk. However, I still enjoy an occasional bike ride on the weekends for some exercise and relaxation. 3. Do you often ride a bike now? Answer 1: No. To be honest, I prefer to take a subway or just walk there when it’s not that far. For the long distance, riding is not as convenient as taking a bus or a subway. Besides, I love the whole walking thing. I love to walk everywhere, to my apartment, to the bus stop, out for dinner etc.. IELTS PREDICTION ZALO 0927 090 848
Dự Đoán IELTS Tháng 9,10,11,12 Liên hệ Zalo 0927090848 Answer 2: No, I don’t ride a bike now when I go out. My college and favorite hangout spots are located far from my house, so it isn’t practical to ride a bike when I’m going to those places. Using public transport is a much quicker way for me to get around. 4. Are bikes popular in your country? Answer: Absolutely, bikes are quite popular in Vietnam. They're a common mode of transportation, especially in smaller towns and rural areas. Many people use them for their daily commute, and you'll often see bike racks filled with them in the city centers. 2. Road 1. Are the roads in the area where you live busy? Answer 1: Quite busy, especially during rush hours. The main road near my place is always packed with cars and buses. But the side streets are quieter, which nice for walking or cycling when you want to avoid the hustle and bustle Answer 2: Yes, they can get quite busy, especially during rush hours. The traffic tends to slow down a lot, and sometimes it feels like everyone is trying to get somewhere at the same time. 2. How do you cross the road in the city where you live? Answer 1: We have a mix of options. There are zebra crossings and traffic lights at major intersections. In busy areas, there are also overhead pedestrian bridges. Some people jaywalk, though it’s risky and not recommended Answer 2: Most people use pedestrian crossings or wait for the traffic lights to turn green. But I’ve noticed that some people just cross wherever they can, which can be a bit dangerous. 3. How is the condition of the roads in your city? Answer 1: Overall, not bad, but there's definitely room for improvement. Most major roads are in decent shape, though you'll find the occasional pothole. The real issue is with some of the older residential streets - they can be quite bumpy. During rush hour, the main arteries get pretty congested, which isn't great for the road surface Answer 2: Yes, there's a street called Hai Ba Trung, which is really popular. It's known for its shops and restaurants, so it's always busy with locals and tourists. IELTS PREDICTION ZALO 0927 090 848

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