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Page| 1 20.LOCOMOTION AND MOVEMENT 1. Volkmann’s canal occurs in a) Bone b) Cartilage c) liver d) internal ear 2. Scapula is a large triangular flat bone situated in the dorsal part of the thorax between the a) second and fifth ribs b) Second and seventh ribs c) third and eighth ribs d) fourth and seventh ribs 3. The coxal of the pelvic girdle is formed by the fusion of a) ilium,ischium and pubis b) scapula and clavicle c) ilium and scapula d) ilium, scapula and ischium 4. The polysaccharide portion of a proteoglycan present in the matrix of cartilage is known as a) Ossein b) Cartilin c) Casein d) Chondroitin 5. Statements about the mechanism of muscle contraction are given below. I. Acetylcholine is released when the neural signal reaches the motor end plate. II. Muscle contraction is initiated by a signal sent by CNS via a sensory neuron. III. During muscle contraction isotropic band gets elongated. IV. Repeated activation of the muscles can lead to lactic acid accumulation. Identify the correct statement. a) I and IV are correct b) I and III are correct c) II and III are correct d) I, II, and III are correct 6. Human skeletal system consists of a) 200 bones b) 300 bones c) 206 bones d) 250 bones 7. Volkmann’s canals occur in a) Internal ear b) liver c) Cartilage d) Bone 8. Where did an epidemic bone softening disease itai-itai occurred first? a) South Korea b) Japan c) China d) Burma 9. The store house of calcium ions in the muscle fibre is
Page| 2 a) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum b) Golgi body c) Sarcoplasmic reticulum d) Lysosomes 10. Ca 2+ bind ...A... in skeletal muscles and leads to the exposure of binding site for ...B... on the filament ...C... Identify A, B and C, so as to complete the given statements a) A-troponin, B-actin, C-relaxin b) A-actin, B-myosin, C-troponin c) A-troponin, B-myosin, C-actin d) A-tropomyosin, B-myosin, C-actin 11. During skeletal muscle contraction following events occur- I. I-band shortens II. A-band shortens III. H-zone shortens IV. Sarcomere contract V. ATP changes to ADP and Pi Choose the option with incorrect events a) Only I b) Only III c) IV and V d) Only II 12. From outer to inside, the sequence of three bones present, in the middle ear of mammals, is a) Malleus, stapes and incus b) Stapes, malleus and incus c) Malleus, incus and stapes d) Incus, malleus and stapes 13. Aerobic muscles called ...A... and anaerobic muscles are called ...B... . Here A and B refers to a) A-red fibres; B-white fibres b) A-white fibres; B-red fibres c) A-white fibres; B-black fibres d) A-red fibres; B-black fibres 14. Hollow bones are characteristic of a) Reptiles b) Birds c) Mammals d) Fishes 15. Neuromuscular junction is a junction between a) Two neurons and muscles b) Sensory neurons and muscles c) Motor neurons and sarcolemma of muscles d) Sensory neurons and sarcolemma of muscles 16. Zygomatic arch of rabbit is formed of a) Maxilla, periotic and jugal b) Periotic, jugal and palatine c) Maxilla, squamosal and jugal d) Maxilla, premaxilla and squamosal 17. Streaming of the cytoplasm/cyclosis is seen in a) Amoeba b) Earhworm c) Nereis d) Leech 18. Pick out the correct match. a) Sternum-14 b) Pelvis-3 c) Ribs-20 d) Face-5 19. Chemical ions responsible for muscle contraction are
Page| 3 a) Ca 2+ and K + b) Na + and K + c) Na +and Ca 2 + d) Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ 20. In the resting state of muscles the troponin a) Active site on actin filament b) Terminal site on actin filament c) Terminal site on actin tropomyosin d) Middle site on actin tropomyosin 21. Joints are classified into three major types. They are I. Fibrous joint II. Hinge joint III. Cartilaginous joint IV. Pivot joint V. Synovial joint Select the option containing correct articles a) I, III and V b) II, III and IV c) I, II and III d) III, IV and V 22. In the pelvic girdle of man A, B, C, D and E respectively represent. a) A-Pubis B-acetabulum C-Ilium D- ischium E-Pubic symphysis b) Ilium B- acetabulum Pubis D- ischium E-Pubic symphysis c) A-Ischium B-acetabulum C-pubis D-ilium E-ischium d) A-ilium B- acetabulum C-Pubic symphysis D-ischium E-pubis 23. Action potential in the sarcolemma of muscles is generated by a) Neuroinhibitors b) Acetylcholine c) Methylcholine d) Ethylcholine 24. Pelvic girdle consists of two coxal bones and each coxal bone consists I. ilium II. Incus III. ischium IV. pubis Choose the correct option containing all correct bones a) I, II and III b) II, III, and IV c) I, III and IV d) I, II and IV 25. ............acts as a shock absorber to cushion when tibia And femur came together a) Ligament b) Cartilage c) Tendon d) Disc 26. Ligament connects a) Bone to bone b) Bone to muscle c) Muscle to muscle d) Both (b) and (c) 27. Choose the correct statements regarding muscle proteins I. Actin is a thin filament and made up of two F-actins II. The complex protein, tropomyosin is distributed at regular intervals of troponin III. Myosin is a thick filament which is not a polymerized protein IV. The globular head of meromyosin consists of Light Meromyosin (LMM)
Page| 4 Option containing correct statement is a) I, II and III b) I, II and IV c) Only I d) II and IV 28. Folding and unfolding of actin and myosin leads to amoeboid movement. This is hypothesized by a) Allen b) Goldacre and Lasch c) Berthold d) Jennigs 29. In the centre of each I-band there is an elastic fibre called a) I-line b) Z-line c) A-line d) H-zone 30. Fibrous joints in humans a) Allows any movement b) Allows little movement c) Don’t allow any movement d) None of the above 31. Which ribs show ‘bucket- handle’ type of movement? a) Rib no. 1-2 b) Rib no.3-5 c) Rib no. 6-10 d) Rib no. 11-12 32. Intercalated disc is found in a) Muscles of heart b) Vertebrae c) Muscles of legs d) Pubic symphysis 33. Acoelus vertebrae in frog is a) 5 th vertebrae b) Atlas vertebrae c) 8 th vertebrae d) None of these 34. Which one of the following is not a part of ear osicles? a) Malleus b) Incus c) Stapes d) Elium 35. Knee joint is a) Cartilaginous b) Fibrous c) Gliding joint d) Synovial 36. The set of ions necessary for muscle contraction is a) Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ b) Na + and Mg2+ c) Na + and K + d) Na + and Ca 2+ 37. Gout is a disease that affects the joints and leads to arthritis. It is associated with an abnormality of a) Pyrimidine metabolism b) Purine metabolism c) Fat metabolism d) Protein metabolism 38. Sigmoid notch is formed by a) Cavity formed by humerus b) Cavity formed by radio-ulna c) Cavity formed by tibio-fibula d) Cavity formed by femur 39. The longest bone of the human body is

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