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1 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 12 (Global Success) PART I. VOCABULARY a. Vocabulary Word Part of speech Pronunciation Meaning 1. high-rise adj /ˈhaɪ raɪz/ cao tầng 2. urban adj /ˈɜːbən/ thuộc về đô thị 3. urban sprawl n.p /ˈɜːbən sprɔːl/ sự bành trướng đô thị 4. urbanisation n /ˌɜːbənaɪˈzeɪʃn/ đô thị hoá 5. leisure n /ˈleʒə(r)/ sự giải trí, sự thư giãn 6. convenience store n /kənˈviːniəns stɔː(r)/ cửa hàng tiện lợi 7. convenient adj /kənˈviːniənt/ thuận tiện 8. crowded adj /ˈkraʊdɪd/ đông đúc 9. rush hour n.p /ˈrʌʃ aʊə(r)/ giờ cao điểm 10. afford v /əˈfɔːd/ có đủ khả năng chi trả 11. housing n /ˈhaʊzɪŋ/ nhà ở 12. expand v / ɪkˈspænd/ mở rộng 13. seek v / siːk/ tìm kiếm 14. unemployment n /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt / tình trạng thất nghiệp 15. affordable adj /əˈfɔːdəbl/ (giá cả) rẻ, phải chăng 16. infrastructure n /ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r)/ cơ sở hạ tầng 17. resident n /ˈrezɪdənt/ người dân 18. colonial adj /kəˈləʊniəl/ thuộc địa, thuộc dân 19. gradually adv /ˈɡrædʒuəli/ dần dần 20. modernise v /ˈmɒdənaɪz/ hiện đại hoá 21. concern n /kənˈsɜːn/ mối lo ngại 22. rapidly adv /ˈræpɪdli/ rất nhanh, với tốc độ cao 23. reliable adj /rɪˈlaɪəbl/ đáng tin cậy PART II. GRAMMAR a. Present perfect Cách dùng Công thức/ dấu hiệu - Nhấn mạnh đến kết quả của hành động I have done my homework. I have read this book three times. - Kết quả mong muốn I have washed the car. (The car is clean now). (+) S + has/ have + V3/ed (-) S + has/ have + not + V3/ed (?) Has/ Have + S + V3/ed ***DHND: ever, never, just, already, recently, since, for twice, many times, ...  KẾT HỢP THÌ HTHT since QKD Since QKD, HTHT The workers of this factory have stopped working since the pandemic broke out. b. Double comparison  SS LŨY TIẾN a. Càng ngày... càng; mỗi lúc một HƠN Adj/adv ngắn S + V + Adj/Adv_ER + AND + She is getting fatter and fatter. UNIT 4: URBANISATION
1 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 12 (Global Success) Adj/Adv_ER Adj/adv dài S + V + MORE AND MORE + Adj/Adv Noun S + V + MORE AND MORE + Noun She becomes more and more beautiful. Children spend more and more time watching TV. b. Càng ngày càng ít …; càng ngày càng KÉM Any adj/adv S + V + LESS AND LESS + Adj/Adv Noun LESS AND LESS + Noun + V … My father becomes less and less strong. Less and less money is spent on this project.  SO SÁNH ĐỒNGTIẾN Càng ………, thì càng……. Adj/Adv_ER Adj/Adv_ER THE + LESS + Adj/Adv/N ,THE + LESS + Adj/Adv/N MORE + Adj/Adv/N MORE + Adj/Adv/N The darker it gets, the colder it is. The less money you spent, the more you can save. The more beautiful she is, the more miserable her husband is. *CHÚ Ý:  Tính từ một âm tiết tận cùng là 1 phụ âm đơn (trừ: w, x, z) đứng trước một nguyên âm đơn thì gấp đôi phụ âm cuối rồi mới thêm -ER/ EST big - bigger - biggest hot - hotter - hottest  Tính từ 2 âm tiết, tận cùng là: y, le, et, ow, er, biến đổi như tính từ ngắn: clever - cleverer - cleverest happy - happier - happiest quiet - quieter - quietest  Các trường hợp đặc biệt: No Equal degree Comparative Superlative 1. bad/ badly/ ill worse worst 2. good/ well better best 3. much more most 4. little less least 5. far farther (khoảng cách) further (thời gian/...) farthest furthest PART III. PRACTICE Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. illustrate B. identify C. inaccurate D. agricultural 2. A. prestige B. connect C. harvest  D. congestion  3. A. housing B. crisis  C. cost  D. custom 4. A. navigate B. necessitate C. inadequate D. debate 5. A. concern B. affordable C. convenience D. colonial Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. confide B. comfort C. inflate D. severe 2. A. biology B. environment C. geography D. scientific 3. A. estimate B. prestigious C. proportion D. urbanity 4. A. transformation B. urbanization C. revolution D. population 5. A. agricultural B. unemployed C. sustainable D. economic Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. The city's _________ struggled to keep up with the growing population. A. leisure B. convenience C. infrastructure D. unemployment 2. Urbanization is occurring so _________ that it's hard for public services to maintain pace. A. reliably B. affordably C. conveniently D. rapidly 3. Environmental _________ are increasing as urban areas continue to expand. A. concerns B. residents C. unemployment D. Infrastructure 4. The urban _________ has led to the loss of green spaces in many cities.
1 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 12 (Global Success) A. unemployment B. housing C. leisure D. sprawl 5. Urbanization often attracts _________ looking for better employment opportunities and improved living conditions. A. housings B. displays C. stores D. residents 6. The rapid growth of cities can lead to _________, with wealthier areas receiving more resources than poorer ones. A. migrant B. sanitation C. inequality D. slum 7. Environmental _________ is growing as urban areas struggle to manage waste and pollution effectively. A. unemployment B. concern C. trend D. grid 8. Living in the city is often more _________, with easy access to shops, services, and entertainment. A. high-rise B. sharp C. steady D. convenient 9. A _________ is essential in urban areas, where the cost of living is typically higher than in rural regions. A. population density B. living wage C. convenience store D. urban sprawl 10. Despite the prosperity of cities, _________ remains a significant challenge, affecting millions of urban dwellers. A. fine B. poverty C. density D. leisure 11. Many _________ move to cities in search of a better life, but they can face challenges such as discrimination and social isolation. A. migrants B. slums C. stores D. concerns 12. _________ rates can soar in cities when there is a mismatch between the skills of workers and the jobs available. A. Infrastructure B. Resident C. Unemployment D. Sanitation 13. The city's _________ of public transportation systems has made commuting much easier for its growing population. A. fluctuate B. upgrade C. seek D. afford 14. As urbanization continues, the skyline is increasingly dominated by _________ apartment buildings to accommodate more residents. A. urban B. convenient C. high-rise D. colonial 15. One of the challenges of urbanization is ensuring that housing remains _________ for all income levels. A. gradual B. affordable C. crowded D. sharp 16. A_________ network of services, including electricity and water supply, is essential for the functioning of densely populated urban areas. A. colonial B. crowded C. urban D. reliable 17. He has gone to the UK for further education since he ______ upper secondary school. A. finished B. is finishing C. will finish D. finish 18. Peter has played football ________ he was a child. A. for B. so  C. since D. because 19. She _________ two miles and a half, and now she feels exhausted. A. has run B. was running C. will have run D. has been running 20. I can’t find my eraser. Have you seen it ________? A. never B. before C. recently D. just 21. My father ____. A. has never smoked B. will never smoke C. did never smoke D. have never smoked 22. We ____ Lisa recently. A. won’t see B. haven't seen C. didn’t see D. are going to see 23. I ____ fifteen phone calls this morning. A. am being made B. have been made C. was making D. have made 24. ____ anything so strange in your life? A. Did you ever hear B. Was you ever hearing C. Have you ever heard D. Do you ever heard 25. My job gets ____ every year. A. harder and harder B. harder and more harder C. more harder and harder D. more and more harder 26. She's getting over her operation. She feels ____. A. gooder and gooder B. better and better C. more better and better D. more and more better 27. The market for tablets is becoming ____ all the time. A. competitiver and competitiver B. more and more competitive C. more competitiver and competitiver D. more competitive and competitive 28. My dad's eyesight is getting ____. He can hardly see anything these days. A. more worser and worser B. more and more worse C. worse and worse D. worser and worser 29. Thanks to the progress of science and technology, our lives have become ____.
1 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 12 (Global Success) A. more and more good B. better and better C. the more and more good D. gooder and gooder 30. Unfortunately, her illness was ____ than we thought at first. A. serious B. serious and serious C. more and more serious D. the most serious 31. It gets ____ when the winter is coming. A. cold and cold B. the coldest and coldest C. colder and colder D. more and more cold 32. There were a lot of people on the bus. It was ____ than usual. A. crowded B. more and more crowed C. a bit crowded D. the most crowded 33. The more tasks I need to finish, ______ stressed I become. A. the most B. more than C. the more than D. the more 34. It’s believed that ______ young people choose not to attend college. A. more and more B. more and most C. the more and more D. the most and the most 35. The more expensive a product is, ______ high-quality it seems. A. the most B. the more C. more than D. most of Exercise 4: Complete each of the following sentences, using the structure comparative + and + comparative with the word in brackets. 1. It is becoming harder and harder to find a job. (hard) 2. His visit to New York seemed to get shorter and shorter because he was very busy at work. (short) 3. Eating and travelling in this city is getting more and more expensive. (expensive) 4. As the day went to the weather got worse and worse. (bad) 5. We had to shop the discussion because the question we becoming more and more complicated. (complicated) 6. Your English is Ok now, your pronunciation has got better and better. (good) 7. Little John is becoming more and more active. (active) Exercise 5: Combine the sentences, using DOUBLE COMPARATIVE 1. She studies hard, she will get good grades.   The harder she studies, the better grades she will get. 2. You rest much, you will feel better.   The more you rest, the better you will feel. 3. The weather is warmer, I feel better.   The warmer the weather is, the better I feel. 4. We leave early, we will arrive soon.   The earlier we leave, the sooner we will arrive. 5. We have much knowledge, we become wise.   The more knowledge we have, the wiser we become. 6. You are young, you learn easily.   The younger you are, the more easily you learn. 7. The hotel is expensive, the services are good.   The more expensive the hotel is, the better the services are. 8. You use much electricity, your bill will be high.   The more electricity you use, the higher your bill will be. 9. I thought about the plan, I like it little.   The more I thought about the plan, the less I like it. 10. He is old, he learns slowly.   The older he is, the more slowly he learns. 11. She eats much, she will become fat.   The more she eats, the fatter she will become. 12. She is older, she becomes more beautiful.   The older she is, the more beautiful she becomes. 13. You have much, you want more.   The more you have, the more you want. 14. I waited long. I got angry.   The longer I waited, the angrier I got. 15. I live far. I feel homesick.  The farther I live, the more homesick I feel. Exercise 6: Read the following advertisement / announcement and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks

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