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03. HUMAN REPRODUCTION 1. Which are exclusively viviparous (a) Bony fishes (b) Cartilagenous fishes (c) Sharks (d) Whales 2. The asexual process replaced by the sexual method is known as (a) Semigamy (b) Amphimixis (c) Apospory (d) Apomixis 3. In all the methods of asexual reproduction (a) Offsprings produced are genetically identical to the parents (b) Offsprings produced are genetically different from the parents (c) Offsprings produced may or may not be identical to the parents (d) None of the above 4. A person which shows the secondary sexual characters of both male and female is called (a) Intersex (b) Hermaphrodite (c) Bisexual (d) Gynandromorph 5. In sexual reproduction, offsprings resemble the parents (a) Structurally but not functionally (b) Functionally but not structurally (c) Both structurally and functionally (d) Neither structurally nor functionally 6. The polyestrous mammal is (a) Man (b) Rabbit (c) Cat (d) Horse 7. Viviparity is found in (a) Frog (b) Lizard (c) Snake (d) Rabbit 8. Common method of asexual reproduction is by (a) Regeneration (b) Budding (c) Archeocytes (d) Gemmulation 9. Cryptorchidism is the condition in man when (a) There are two testis in each scrotum (b) Testis do not descent into the scrotum (c) Testis enlarge in the scrotum (d) Testis degenerate in the scrotum 10. Bulbourethral gland is also known as (a) Prostate gland (b) Cowper's gland (c) Perineal gland (d) Meibomian gland 11. Which of the following is an accessory reproductive gland in male mammals (a) Prostate gland (b) Gastric gland (c) Mushroom shaped gland (d) Inguinal gland 12. Cowper's glands are present in (a) Female mammals (b) Male mammals (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None
13. Seminiferous tubules develop central lumen after (a) Birth (b) Prepuberal time (c) Puberty (d) Old age 14. There are some special types of cells found in the seminiferous tubules known as sertoli cells. These are (a) Germinal cells (b) Reproductive cells (c) Somatic cells (d) Protective cells 15. There is a connective tissue cord extending between the testis and abdominal wall called (a) Testis cord (b) Gubernaculum (c) Mesentric cord (d) Spermatic cord 16. The elastic tissue connecting the cauda epididymis to the scrotal sac is (a) Gubernaculum (b) Tendinous cord (c) Scrotal ligament (d) Caput epididymis 17. The stroma of the ovary consists of nerves, blood vessels, muscle fibres and a type of protein called (a) Collagen (b) Albumin (c) Globulin (d) Fibrin 18. The nutritive medium for the ejaculated sperms is given by (a) Seminal fluid (b) Vaginal fluid (c) Uterine lining (d) Fallopian tube 19. In female mammals Bartholin's glands open into the (a) Vestibule and release a lubricating fluid in the vagina (b) Uterus and release a lubricating fluid during the birth of young ones (c) Urinary bladder and assist in release of urine (d) Fallopian tubes and release a secretion which makes sperms motile 20. The seminal vesicle or uterus masculinus in rabbit is found at the junction of (a) Prostate and Cowper's glands (b) Prostate and vasa deferens (c) Prostate and urethra (d) Vasa deferens and testis 21. In female rabbit, the expanded proximal part of the oviduct is known as (a) Uterus (b) Vagina (c) Vestibule (d) Fimbricated funnel 22. The mammalian follicle was first described by (a) Von Baer (b) De Graaf (c) Robert Brown (d) Spallanzil 23. If after ovulation no pregnancy results, the corpus luteum (a) Is maintained by the presence of progesterone (b) Degenerates in a short time (c) Becomes active and secretes lot of FSH and LH (d) Produces lot of oxytocin and relaxin 24. Graafian follicle are characteristically found in the (a) Thyroid of mammal (b) Ovary of frog (c) Testis of mammal
(d) Ovary of mammal 25. Ovulation in mammals refers to (a) Release of ovum from ovary (b) Formation of primary oocyte in ovary (c) Degeneration of unfertilized ovum (d) Fertilization of mature ovum 26. Germ cells in mammalian gonads are produced by (a) Only mitosis (b) Only meiosis (c) Mitosis and meiosis both (d) Without cell division 27. The breakage of the membrane surrounding the acrosome in a mammalian sperm is (a) Activation (b) Cavitation (c) Agglutination (d) Capacitation 28. The acrosome plays important role in (a) Motility of sperm (b) Penetration of ovum by sperm (c) The fusion of pronuclei of the gametes (d) None of these 29. Which of the following statements is incorrect. Human spermatozoa normally (a) At a concentration of 1 million/ml of ejaculate will fertilize the ovum (b) Are released in large numbers after a few days abstinence (c) Contain enzyme in their head which helps in penetration of ovum (d) Move with the help of their tails 30. Survival time of sperms introduced into the vagina may be (a) 1-2 days (b) 3-4 days (c) 5-10 days (d) 1 week 31. The human sperms were first seen and discovered by (a) Ernst Haeckel (b) Hamm and Leeuwenhoek (c) Louis Pasteur (d) Robert Hooke 32. Polar bodies are formed during (a) Spermatogenesis (b) Oogenesis (c) Gametogenesis (d) Spermateleosis 33. The branch of embryology which concerns with the study of abnormal embryonic development is termed as (a) Gerantology (b) Teratology (c) Embryology (d) None of the above 34. The immatured stage eggs are called as (a) Microlecithal (b) Oogenesis (c) Oocyte (d) Zygote 35. The undifferentiated primordial germ cells are larger in size and their chromatin rich nuclei are distinct in (a) Multiplication phase (b) Growth phase (c) Maturation phase (d) All the above 36. In mammals growing oocytes are surrounded by special nutritive cells called (a) Follicle cells (b) Nurse cells
(c) (a) and (b) both (d) None of the above 37. Process of spermatogenesis is under the regulatory influence of (a) Oxytocin (b) Vassopressin (c) Follicle stimulating hormone (d) Luteotrophic hormone 38. Among the following who is regarded to be the founder of modern embryology (a) Aristotle (b) Newport (c) Von Baer (d) Spallanzani 39. Normally the gametes are disease free in human beings or even in other animals because (a) Germs cannot attack the gametes (b) Gametes are immune to diseases (c) The germplasm is segregated very early and is not subjected to diseases from which the somatic cells may suffer (d) None of the above 40. Which of the following phase in development of a sperm has no counterpart in development of an ovum (a) Polar body formation (b) Phase of multiplication (c) Spermiogenesis (d) Phase of growth 41. In man sperms move after ejaculation at a rate of nearly (a) 2 to 4 mm/minute (b) 2 to 4 feet/minute (c) 2 to 4 inches/minute (d) 2 to 4 cm/minute 42. What helps in the penetration of egg by the sperm (a) Fertilizin (b) Antifertilizin (c) Sperm lysin (d) Fertilization membrane 43. Fertilizins are the substances emitted from (a) Mature egg (b) Sperms (c) Immature egg (d) Polar body 44. One of the minute cell which separates from the animal egg during maturation is known as (a) Primary spermatogonia (b) Secondary oogonia (c) Primary oogonia (d) Polar bodies 45. Fertilization occurs in human, rabbit and other placental mammals in (a) Ovary (b) Uterus (c) Fallopian tubes (d) Vagina 46. After a sperm has penetrated an ovum in the process of fertilization, entry of further sperms is prevented by (a) Development of the vitelline membrane (b) Development of the pigment coat (c) Condensation of yolk (d) Formation of fertilization membrane 47. The sperm produces substances of enzymatic nature called sperm lysin. In mammals, it is called (a) Hyaluronidase (b) Hyaluranic acid (c) Androgamone (d) Cryanogamone 48. Development of an egg without fertilization is called (a) Gametogenesis

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