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Question Booklet No. SET A ÂÚUèÿææ ·ð¤‹1⁄4ýæŠØÿæ ·¤è ×ôãUÚU Seal of Superintendent of Examination Centre ßèÿæ·¤ ·ð¤ ãUSÌæÿæÚU / Signature of Invigilator ßèÿæ·¤ ·ð¤ Ùæ× / Name of Invigilator ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ×ð ́ ÂëcÆUô ́ ·¤è â¢BØæ Number of Pages in Booklet ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ×ð ́ ÂýàÙô ́ ·¤è â¢BØæ Number of Questions in Booklet â×Ø Time Âê‡ææZ·¤ Total Marks ÂÚUèÿææçÍüØô ́ mæÚUæ ·ð¤ßÜ ·¤æÜð/ÙèÜð ÕæòÜ Âæò§‡ÅU ÂðÙ âð ÖÚUæ ÁæØÐ To be filled by Candidates by Black/Blue Ball Point Pen only. ƒæôá‡ææ Ñ ×ñ ́Ùð Ùè¿ð çΰ »° çÙÎðüàæô ́ ·¤ô ¥‘ÀUè ÌÚUãU ÂÉ ̧U·¤ÚU â×Ûæ çÜ° ãñ ́UÐ Declaration: I have read and understood the instructions given below. ¥TØÍèü ·ð¤ ãUSÌæÿæÚU / Signature of Candidate çÎÙ梷¤ / Date ¥TØÍèü ·¤æ Ùæ× / Name of Candidate â×Ø / Time ¥Ùé·ý¤×梷¤ Roll No. 32 150 3 ƒæ¢ÅðU / Hours 300 ÂÚUèÿææçÍüØô ́ ·ð¤ çÜ° çÙÎðüàæ v. 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Three hours more will be given to mark the answers. 2. (a) On OMR Answer-Sheet provided to you, write/put Application No., Roll No., Center Code, Paper Code, Question Booklet No., Set of Question Booklet (A, B, C or D) and Signature by Black/Blue Ball Point Pen. (b) On OMR Answer-Sheet fill in your Roll No., Question Booklet Set, Paper Code and Centre Code etc. by darkening corresponding circle with Black/Blue Ball Point Pen. (c) On OMR Answer-Sheet only the answers to questions are to be marked. The instructions for this are available on the back side of OMR Answer-Sheet. 3. Optical Mark Reader (OMR) machine prepares the result by reading the entries made in the circle with the Black/Blue Ball Point Pen on the Answer-Sheet, hence the candidates must be extremely careful in marking these entries and must not commit errors. 4. Name, Roll No. or Identification mark/sign or any character, word or sentence except answer should not be written/mark anywhere on OMR Answer-Sheet other than the specified space. In OMR Answer-Sheet use only Blue / Black Ball point pen and should not use other colour or sketch pen, highlighter, glitter pen etc. If so, such candidate shall be disqualified. 5. Use of any Calculator, Log Table, Mobile Phone and Smart Watch etc. is prohibited 6. Rough work should be done on the blank pages or in the space provided for this on each page of this question booklet. Extra paper will not be provided. 7. In case of any doubt due to any printing mistake, spelling mistake or any other type of mistake in Hindi or English format of question, word/sentence printed in Hindi language will prevail. (For instructions regarding marking the answers please see the instructions given on back side of OMR Answer-Sheet.) A DD-AYUR A31E-2022 ÀUîæèâ»É ̧U ·¤æ âæ×æ‹Ø TMææÙ °ß¢ ¥æØéßðüÎ General Knowledge of C.G. and Ayurveda (Paper Code – 222601)
A [ 2 ] DD-AYUR A31E-2022 ÀUîæèâ»É ̧U ·¤æ âæ×æ‹Ø TMææÙ °ß¢ ¥æØéßðüÎ General Knowledge of C.G. and Ayurveda (Paper Code – 222601) Set - A ©UîæÚU ¥¢ç·¤Ì ·¤ÚUÙð ·¤æ â×Ø Ñ 3 ƒæ‡ÅðU ¥çÏ·¤Ì× ¥¢·¤ Ñ 300 Time for Marking Answers : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 300 ÙôÅU Ñ 1. §â ÂýàÙ- ̃æ ×ð ́ 150 ÂýàÙ ãñ ́UÐ ÂýˆØð·¤ ÂýàÙ 2 ¥¢·¤ ·¤æ ãñUÐ 2. ÂýàÙô ́ ·ð¤ ©UîæÚU ÎðÙð ·¤è çßçÏ â`Õ‹Ïè çÙÎðüàæ Áô OMR ©UîæÚU-àæèÅU ·ð¤ ÂèÀðU çΰ »° ãñ ́U, ŠØæÙ âð ÂçÉ ̧U°Ð ÂýàÙô ́ ·ð¤ ©UîæÚU, Îè »§ü OMR ©UîæÚU-àæèÅU (¥æ‹âÚU-àæèÅU) ÂÚU ¥¢ç·¤Ì ·¤èçÁ°Ð 3. ç·¤âè Öè ÌÚUãU ·ð¤ ·ñ¤Ü·é¤ÜðÅUÚU Øæ Üæò» ÅðUÕÜ, ×ôÕæ§Ü ȤôÙ °ß¢ S×æÅüU ßæ¿ ·¤æ ÂýØô» ßçÁüÌ ãñUÐ Note : 1. This question paper has 150 questions. Each question carries 2 marks. 2. Read carefully instructions regarding method of answering questions given on the back side of the OMR Answer-Sheet and indicate your answers on the OMR Answer-Sheet provided. 3. Use of any type of Calculator or Log table, Mobile phone and Smart watch is prohibited.
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