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Module 2- Niche Selection For Youtube T o pic s F a c e v s. F a c ele s s C h a n n els M o s t P o p ula r Nic h e O n Y o u T u b e K e y S t e p s o f Y o u T u b e G r o w t h Nic h e S ele c tio n P r o c e s s
A channel is a member's personal presence on YouTube, similar to other social media sites. What is YouTube Channel? Face vs. Faceless Channels
Content creator needs to show their face on the channel. Face YouTube Channels It requires more time to create videos. You need fancy equipment. You can publish less frequently because it takes more time to create a video. Your audience always tuning in for you, they're not tuning in for your content.
No need to show their face for Content creator. Only content matters Faceless YouTube Channels It requires less time to create videos. Don't need fancy equipment. You can publish more because it takes less time to create a video Your audience isn't tuning in for you, they're tuning in for your content

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