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Arab Academy for Science &Technology and Maritime Transport College of College of Artificial Intelligence ━ Alamein Campus Course: Swarm Intelligence AIN4305 Lecturer Name: Dr. Mohamed K. Hussein Final revision Page 1 of 5 Final revision Question 1: (MCQ) 1) ............... is a collective behavior of decentralized, self-organized systems, interacting locally with one another and their environment following simple rules, and is used to solve optimization problems. a) Artificial Intelligence b) Machine learning c) Swarm intelligence d) Evolutionary computing 2) Swarm computing includes ................ a) Ant Colony Optimization b) Particle Swarm Optimization c) Artificial Bee Colony d) All the mentioned 3) ............... is a search techniques which use mechanisms that imitate the evolutionary concepts of reproduction, mutation, recombination and selection to solve optimization and search problems. a) Artificial Intelligence b) Machine learning c) Swarm intelligence d) Evolutionary computing 4) What is the main inspiration behind evolutionary algorithms? a) The process of natural selection b) The behavior of ant colonies c) The behavior of particles in a swarm d) The knowledge transfer in a classroom environment 5) What is the main inspiration behind the Teaching Learning-based Optimization algorithms? a) The process of natural selection b) The behavior of ant colonies c) The behavior of particles in a swarm d) The knowledge transfer in a classroom environment 6) What is the main inspiration behind the Ant Colony Optimization algorithms? a) The process of natural selection b) The behavior of ant colonies c) The behavior of particles in a swarm d) The knowledge transfer in a classroom environment 7) In the context of Swarm Intelligence, what is the purpose of the fitness function? a) To determine the probability of an individual being selected for mutation b) To determine the mutation rate for an individual c) To determine how well an individual performs a specific task d) All the mentioned 8) In the context of evolutionary algorithms, what is the purpose of crossover? a) To introduce small random changes in the genetic material of an individual b) To combine the genetic material of two parent individuals to create offspring c) To choose individuals for reproduction d) All the mentioned 9) What is a common technique for selecting individuals for reproduction in evolutionary algorithms? a) Tournament selection b) Greedy selection c) Uniform selection d) All the mentioned 10) What type of problem can the Differential Evolution Optimization be used to solve? a) Discrete optimization problems b) Continuous optimization problems c) Combinatorial optimization problems d) All the mentioned 11) What type of problem can the Particle Swarm Optimization be used to solve? a) Discrete optimization problems b) Continuous optimization problems c) Combinatorial optimization problems d) All the mentioned 12) What type of problem can the Ant Colony Optimization be used to solve? a) Discrete optimization problems b) Combinatorial optimization problems c) Scheduling problems d) All the mentioned 13) What survivor selection is used for the Differential Evolution? a) Uniform selection b) Greedy selection c) Roulette Wheel selection d) All the mentioned 14) How many parents are needed to create one offspring when using Differential Evolution? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 15) Which crossover operators are used in genetic algorithm? a) Single point b) Double point
Arab Academy for Science &Technology and Maritime Transport College of College of Artificial Intelligence ━ Alamein Campus Course: Swarm Intelligence AIN4305 Lecturer Name: Dr. Mohamed K. Hussein Final revision Page 2 of 5 c) Uniform d) All the mentioned 16) In the Genetic Algorithm, which of the following crossover in which a random binary mask is generated to determines which genes are copied from one parent and which are copied from the other parent? a) Single point crossover b) Double point crossover c) Uniform crossover d) All the mentioned 17) In the Genetic Algorithm, which of the following crossover in which a random position is chosen and The heads and tails of the parents chromosomes are exchanged? a) Single point crossover b) Double point crossover c) Uniform crossover d) All the mentioned 18) In the Genetic Algorithm, which of the following crossover in which a random two positions in the parent chromosomes are chosen? a) Single point crossover b) Double point crossover c) Uniform crossover d) All the mentioned 19) ............... is a probabilistic technique for finding good paths through graphs in computational problems. a) Artificial Bee Colony b) Teaching Learning-based Optimization c) Ant Colony Optimization d) Differential evolution optimization 20) What do artificial ants represent in the ABC algorithm? a) A single-agent method b) A multi-agent methods c) A single-solution search method d) All the mentioned 21) What do artificial ants direct each other in the ABC algorithm? a) Using Pheromone b) Using the waggle dance c) Using a centralized mechanism d) All the mentioned 22) Which optimization tasks can be solved using the ACO algorithm? a) scheduling problems b) vehicle routing c) internet routing d) All the mentioned 23) How many phases of the ABC algorithm? a) One b) Two c) Three d) Equal to the dimension of the problem 24) How many phases of the ACO algorithm? a) One b) Two c) Three d) Equal to the dimension of the problem 25) How many phases of the TLBO algorithm? a) One b) Two c) Three d) Equal to the dimension of the problem 26) Which of the following is the correct equation for pheromone update in the ACO algorithm? a) ( ) i j L m k k ij = ij +Δ ij ∀ ∈ = , , 1 τ τ τ b) ∈ ⋅ ⋅ = k Ni l il il k ij ij ij p α β α β τ η τ η c) ( ) i j L m k k ij = ij +Δ ij ∀ ∈ = , , 1 τ ρ τ τ d) None of the mentioned 27) Which of the following is the correct equation for pheromone evaporation in the ACO algorithm? a) ( ) i j L m k k ij = ij +Δ ij ∀ ∈ = , , 1 τ τ τ b) ∈ ⋅ ⋅ = k Ni l il il k ij ij pij α β α β τ η τ η c) ij ij τ = (1 – ρ)τ d) None of the mentioned 28) Which of the following the fitness function in the ACO algorithm? a) ݂݅ݐሺܺ) ൌ ݂ሺܺ) b) ݂݅ݐሺܺ) ൌ ଵ ଵା௙ሺ௑) c) ݂݅ݐሺܺ) ൌ ൝ ଵ ଵା௙ሺ௑) ݂ሺܺ) ൒ 0 1+ |݂ሺܺ)| ݂ሺܺ) ൏ 0ൡ d) Equal to the dimension of the problem 29) Which of the following the fitness function in the ABC algorithm?
Arab Academy for Science &Technology and Maritime Transport College of College of Artificial Intelligence ━ Alamein Campus Course: Swarm Intelligence AIN4305 Lecturer Name: Dr. Mohamed K. Hussein Final revision Page 3 of 5 a) ݂݅ݐሺܺ) ൌ ݂ሺܺ) b) ݂݅ݐሺܺ) ൌ ଵ ଵା௙ሺ௑) c) ݂݅ݐሺܺ) ൌ ൝ ଵ ଵା௙ሺ௑) ݂ሺܺ) ൒ 0 1+ |݂ሺܺ)| ݂ሺܺ) ൏ 0ൡ d) Equal to the dimension of the problem 30) Which of the following the fitness function in the CS algorithm? a) ݂݅ݐሺܺ) ൌ ݂ሺܺ) b) ݂݅ݐሺܺ) ൌ ଵ ଵା௙ሺ௑) c) ݂݅ݐሺܺ) ൌ ൝ ଵ ଵା௙ሺ௑) ݂ሺܺ) ൒ 0 1+ |݂ሺܺ)| ݂ሺܺ) ൏ 0ൡ d) Equal to the dimension of the problem 31) Which of the following is the correct Equation for updating a solution using the cuckoo Search algorithm? a) ܺ௡௘௪ ൌ ܺ + ݎ൫ܺ െ ܺ௣൯ b) ܺ௡௘௪ ௝ ൌ ܺ௝ + ߮൫ܺ௝ െ ܺ௣ ௝ ൯ c) ܺ௡௘௪ ൌ ܺ௢௟ௗ + 0.01 . α. Levy Step sizeሺܺ௢௟ௗ െ ܺ௕௘௦௧) d) ܺ௡௘௪ ൌ ܺ௢௟ௗ + ݎሺܺ௧௘௔௖௛௘௥ െ ܶ௙ܺ௠௘௔௡) 32) Which of the following is the correct Equation for updating a solution using ABC algorithm? a) ܺ௡௘௪ ൌ ܺ + ݎ൫ܺ െ ܺ௣൯ b) ܺ௡௘௪ ௝ ൌ ܺ௝ + ߮൫ܺ௝ െ ܺ௣ ௝ ൯ c) ܺ௡௘௪ ൌ ܺ௢௟ௗ + 0.01 . α. Levy Step sizeሺܺ௢௟ௗ െ ܺ௕௘௦௧) d) ܺ௡௘௪ ൌ ܺ௢௟ௗ + ݎሺܺ௧௘௔௖௛௘௥ െ ܶ௙ܺ௠௘௔௡) 33) Which of the following is the correct Equation for updating a solution using TLBO algorithm (Teaching phase)? a) ܺ௡௘௪ ൌ ܺ + ݎ൫ܺ െ ܺ௣൯ b) ܺ௡௘௪ ௝ ൌ ܺ௝ + ߮൫ܺ௝ െ ܺ௣ ௝ ൯ c) ܺ௡௘௪ ൌ ܺ௢௟ௗ + 0.01 . α. Levy Step sizeሺܺ௢௟ௗ െ ܺ௕௘௦௧) d) ܺ௡௘௪ ൌ ܺ௢௟ௗ + ݎሺܺ௧௘௔௖௛௘௥ െ ܶ௙ܺ௠௘௔௡) 34) Which of the following is the correct Equation for updating a solution using TLBO algorithm (Learning phase)? a) ܺ௡௘௪ ൌ ܺ + ݎ൫ܺ െ ܺ௣൯ b) ܺ௡௘௪ ௝ ൌ ܺ௝ + ߮൫ܺ௝ െ ܺ௣ ௝ ൯ c) ܺ௡௘௪ ൌ ܺ௢௟ௗ + 0.01 . α. Levy Step sizeሺܺ௢௟ௗ െ ܺ௕௘௦௧) d) ܺ௡௘௪ ൌ ܺ௢௟ௗ + ݎሺܺ௧௘௔௖௛௘௥ െ ܶ௙ܺ௠௘௔௡) 35) Which of the following is the correct equation for the probability of route selection in ACO? a) ܲሺܺ) ൌ 0.9 ቀ ௙௜௧ሺ௑) ௠௔௫ ௙௜௧ቁ + 0.1 b) P୧୨ ୩ሺt) ൌ ሺத౟ౠሺ୲))ಉሺ஗౟ౠሺ୲))ಊ ∑ ሺத౟౩ሺ୲))ಉሺ஗౟౩ሺ୲))ಊ ౩ c) ( ) i j L m k k ij = ij +Δ ij ∀ ∈ = , , 1 τ τ τ d) All the mentioned 36) Which of the following is the correct equation for updating a solution in the PSO algorithm? a) ܸ௡௘௪ ൌ ߱ ܸ௢௟ௗ + ܿଵ ൈ ݎ ൈ ሺܺ௚௕௘௦௧ െ ܺ௢௟ௗ)+ܿଶ ൈ ݎ ൈ ሺܺ௣௕௘௦௧ െ ܺ௢௟ௗ) b) P୧୨ ୩ሺt) ൌ ሺத౟ౠሺ୲))ಉሺ஗౟ౠሺ୲))ಊ ∑ ሺத౟౩ሺ୲))ಉሺ஗౟౩ሺ୲))ಊ ౩ c) ܺ௡௘௪ ൌ ܺ௢௟ௗ + ܸ௡௘௪ a) All the mentioned 37) Which of the following is the correct equation for updating the velocity in the PSO algorithm? a) ܸ௡௘௪ ൌ ߱ ܸ௢௟ௗ + ܿଵ ൈ ݎ ൈ ሺܺ௚௕௘௦௧ െ ܺ௢௟ௗ)+ܿଶ ൈ ݎ ൈ ሺܺ௣௕௘௦௧ െ ܺ௢௟ௗ) b) P୧୨ ୩ሺt) ൌ ሺத౟ౠሺ୲))ಉሺ஗౟ౠሺ୲))ಊ ∑ ሺத౟౩ሺ୲))ಉሺ஗౟౩ሺ୲))ಊ ౩ c) ܺ௡௘௪ ൌ ܺ௢௟ௗ + ܸ௡௘௪ b) All the mentioned 38) In PSO, finding a new solution is based on ................ a) Local best b) Global best c) Both of local best and global best d) Calculated probability 39) In DE, the selection of better solutions is performed only after the generation of ................ a) The target vector b) The donor vector c) The trial vector d) The mutation process 40) Which of the following is the correct equation for calculating the donor vector the DE algorithm? a) ܸ௜ ൌ ܺ௥ଵ + ܨሺܺ௥ଶ െ ܺ௥ଷ) b) ܷ௜, ௝ ൌ ቊ ܸ௜,௝, ݎ ൑ ܲܿ ܱܴ ݆ ൌ   ് ݆ ܦܰܣ ܲܿ ൐ ݎ ௝,௜ܺ c) ܺ௡௘௪ ൌ ܺ௢௟ௗ + ܸ௡௘௪ c) X୧ ൌ ቊ U୧ ݂௨ ൑ ݂௫ X୧ other wise 41) Which of the following is the correct equation for calculating the trial vector the DE algorithm? a) ܸ௜ ൌ ܺ௥ଵ + ܨሺܺ௥ଶ െ ܺ௥ଷ) b) ܷ௜, ௝ ൌ ቊ ܸ௜,௝, ݎ ൑ ܲܿ ܱܴ ݆ ൌ   ് ݆ ܦܰܣ ܲܿ ൐ ݎ ௝,௜ܺ
Arab Academy for Science &Technology and Maritime Transport College of College of Artificial Intelligence ━ Alamein Campus Course: Swarm Intelligence AIN4305 Lecturer Name: Dr. Mohamed K. Hussein Final revision Page 4 of 5 c) ܺ௡௘௪ ൌ ܺ௢௟ௗ + ܸ௡௘௪ d) X୧ ൌ ቊ U୧ ݂௨ ൑ ݂௫ X୧ other wise 42) What survivor selection is used for the CS algorithm? a) Uniform selection b) Greedy selection c) Roulette Wheel selection d) None of the mentioned 43) What survivor selection is used for the ABC algorithm? a) Uniform selection b) Greedy selection c) Roulette Wheel selection d) None of the mentioned 44) What survivor selection is used for the TLBO algorithm? a) Uniform selection b) Greedy selection c) Roulette Wheel selection d) None of the mentioned 45) What survivor selection is used for the PSO algorithm? a) Uniform selection b) Greedy selection c) Roulette Wheel selection d) None of the mentioned 46) In DE, Recombination is applied to two candidates and results in one new candidate? a) True b) False 47) In DE, mutation is applied to two selected candidates, the so-called parents, and results in one or two new candidates, called the offsprings? a) True b) False 48) In GA, mutation is applied to two selected candidates, the so-called parents, and results in one or two new candidates, called the offsprings? a) True b) False Question 2: • It is required want to maximize the function f(x, y) = x + y with Differential Evolution. Consider the following population of 6 individuals: 6 5 4 3 2 1 ࢏ 0.7 0.3 0.9 0.4 0.4 0.1 ࢏࢞ 0.3 0.8 0.2 0.5 0.1 0.3 ࢏࢟ a) Calculate the donor vector v4 if the base vector is individual 5, the difference vector is defined by individual 1 and individual 2, and the scaling factor is F = 0.5? (3 marks) b) Calculate the trial vector ܷସ using  = 2, ܲ௖ = 0.8, and with random numbers 0.9 and 0.5. (3 marks) c) Which will be the value of the individual vector ܺସ in the next evolution? (1 marks) Question 3: • Consider the following graph for the tsp problem with the distance between edges and Pheromone values. o Initial parameters:  Number of ants = 2, evaporation rate = 0.8 and Q = 1. a) If an ant is starting at node 1, show an example of a complete journey for that ant. (5 marks) a. Consider any random values. b) Show the Pheromone update and evaporation after that journey completes. (5 marks) a. Consider ant 2 journey as {5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 5} Question 4: • It is required want to minimize the function f(x, y) = x + y with the ABC algorithm. Consider the Colony size: Employed bees=3 and Onlooker bee=3, and the limit for scout, L=2

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