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Unit 6: High flyers 6A. Vocabulary • Describing character: adjectives I. Match each pair of adjectives to the definitions. 1 modest / shy a not feeling confident in the company of people you don’t know __________ b not wanting to talk about the things you do well __________ 2 determined / stubborn a not letting anyone stop you doing what you’ve decided to do __________ b not to change your decision or consider anyone else’s opinion __________ 3 lazy / easy-going a relaxed and happy to do whatever people want __________ b not liking to work or use energy __________ 4 sensitive / emotional a having intense feelings about things and showing them __________ b being aware of your own feelings and other people’s __________ 5 arrogant / decisive a thinking you are better and more important than others __________ b expressing your opinions and feelings in a confident way __________ II. Complete the sentences with the adjectives in Exercise I. 1. Tom is very easy to get on with and he never worries about anything. He’s so_________. 2. David finds his study quite difficult, but he wants to succeed. He’s very_________. 3. Sarah is very __________ . She’s achieved a lot in her life, but not many people know about it. 4. I like getting up late at the weekend, but that doesn't mean that I’m __________ . 5. Phong is so __________ - he never listens to anyone’s advice. 6. Anna is very relaxed with people she knows, but in a new situation she’s very_________. 7. Jane always knows if you’re not happy. She’s very __________ to others. 8. Tony has a very superior attitude to everyone around him. He’s very _____________. III. Read the sentences. Tick (✓) the sentences that are correct, and replace three incorrect adjectives. 1. It’s good to have strong opinions, but if you never change your mind, that’s just being determined. ________________ 2. Stop telling me how to live my life. You’re very arrogant if you think you have all the answers. ________________
3. I like the way your mum knows when to give advice and when to say nothing - she’s very sensitive. ________________ 4. I don’t think Dan is afraid of giving interviews, he’s just very stubborn about his success. ________________ 5. Tom could do a lot better at school if he worked harder - he’s very easy-going. ________________ IV. Complete the sentences with the words below. easy-going responsible organised decisive emotional imaginative shy impatient cautious determined 1. He cries a lot. He’s very __________ . 2. Jane doesn’t like taking risks. She’s a very __________ person. 3. My sister is __________ and doesn’t like to be the centre of attention. 4. My brother is very __________ and isn’t difficult to please. 5. A(n) __________ person, like Amy, will never stop trying, even when something seems impossible. 6. Mai is someone you can trust, who makes good decisions - she’s __________ . 7. Phong is great because he makes his mind up really quickly - a really __________ boy! 8. Lan always has wonderful ideas, she’s very __________ . 9. David wants everything and he wants it now! He’s pretty __________ . 10. Quan always knows where things are and what he has to do - he’s very __________ • Describing character: nouns or adjectives V. Complete the sentences with the correct word of each pair below. shy / shyness modest / modesty honest / honesty cheerful / cheerfulness optimistic / optimism ambitious / ambition flexible/flexibility generous /generosity sympathetic /sympathy sociable /sociability 1. a/ In spite of all her problems, she manages to remain __________ . b/ The team was in a mood of great __________ after their success in the previous season. 2. a/ She had her back to me and didn’t seem very __________ . b/ The morning tea break is half an hour because this is an important time for __________ 3. a/ His friends were very __________ when he lost his job. b/ We have absolutely no __________ for students who get caught cheating in exams. 4. a/ Linda has always been a(n) __________ and hard-working worker. b/ He had always had a(n) __________ to become a doctor.
5. a/ As a newspaper reporter, he is committed to __________ and accuracy. b/ I’m going to ask you something, and I want you to be __________ with me. 6. a/ This new technology should lead to greater __________ in the workplace. b/ Unions would like more __________ working hours to replace the nine-to-five, forty- hour week. 7. a/ Mr. Trí and the Disney characters are posing for a photo. Everyone in the team demonstrate an unfailing __________ . b/ She’s kind of like a puppy - she’s so __________ and friendly. 8. a/ He was painfully __________ in public, but completely different at home with his family. b/ His face went red with __________ when he walked into the crowded room. 9. a/ The __________ of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson made the museum project possible because they donated a big sum of money. b/ My dad offered to pay my plane fare, which was very __________ of him. 10. a/ ‘I’m a bank manager,’ she said, then added with typical __________, ‘of a very small bank.’ b/ ‘You’re too __________ ! You’ve been a huge help to us.’ VI. Match the sentences to the words below. There are three words you do not need confident impatient arrogant shy generous lazy strong funny 1. Someone who doesn’t like doing anything. 2. Someone who thinks they are better than everyone else. 3. Someone who finds parties and new people difficult. 4. Someone who likes to give something to others. 5. Someone who doesn’t like to wait. VII. What type of person is being described? Circle the correct adjectives. 1. ‘He’s in the office at 6 am every day and he doesn’t leave until 8 pm.’ hardworking / friendly 2. ‘I’ve worked hard and I really think I’ll pass the exams.’ polite / confident 3. ‘She’s really nice but she never smiles or laughs.’ serious / generous 4. ‘Mum, is dinner ready? I’m hungry! When will it be ready?’ mean / impatient 5. ‘I don’t want to speak to any of your friends.’ unfriendly / lazy 6. ‘Here, take the money and give it back to me when you can.’ shy / generous 7. ‘I’m sure we’ll win the match and that you’ll score two goals!’ unkind / optimistic 8. ‘He just pushes people out of the way and he never says ‘please’ or ‘thank you! rude / talkative VIII. Complete the sentences with the words below. There are two words you do not need. rebellious passionate outgoing modest creative easy-going gentle 1. Jane is very __________ . She never hurts people’s feelings.
2. Ben is friendly and talkative. He is really __________ and makes friends easily. 3. Robert never does what the teacher asks him to do. He’s __________ and rude. 4. Sue’s parents are so __________ . She can do anything she wants to. 5. Johnny is really good at painting and writing stories. He’s very __________ . IX. Complete the sentences with the words below. arrogant confident funny generous lazy nasty rude shy 1. You’ll like my cousin. She’s really __________ . She can tell some great jokes. 2. Robert thinks he’s better than other people. He’s so __________ . 3. ‘Jack isn’t talking to anyone. Is he OK?’ - ‘Yes. He’s just __________ .’ 4. ‘Please help me wash the dishes.’ - ‘Don’t be __________ ! I washed them yesterday.’ 5. My brother can talk to anyone. He’s so __________ . 6. ‘Susan’s hair and clothes are awful! ’ - ‘Don’t be __________ . I think she’s a very nice girl.’ 7. My aunt is taking me to Hue for my birthday. She’s very __________ . 8. ‘Hey! Give me some orange juice! ’ - ‘Don’t be so __________ ! Say ‘please’.’ X. Complete the sentences with the opposite to the underlined adjective. 1. He’s usually generous but he can sometimes be quite __________ . 2. She’s very quiet but her sister is really __________ . 3. When you go for a job interview, you must be __________ , not shy! 4. It’s better to be __________ about the future than pessimistic. 5. Luckily, there are more polite people in the world than __________ ones. • Personal qualities: phrases XI. Complete the sentences with the words below. capacity humour communicating courage self-confidence sense organizational skills initiative 1. Most managers in business are very good at __________ so that they and their staff can understand each other well. 2. It seems strange that some people that are very fit don’t have physical __________ to overcome challenges. 3. She has tremendous energy and a huge __________ for hard work. 4. At school he lacked __________ , and we were surprised at his later success. 5. I’m afraid my brother doesn’t have a very good sense of __________ , and he sometimes hurts other people’s feelings. 6. Although she was quite young, she showed a lot of __________ and was promoted to manager after a year. 7. Some people are brilliant thinkers, but they have no common __________ .

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