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RECALLS EXAMINATION 2 NURSING PRACTICE I COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING NOVEMBER 2024 Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination Review GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. This test questionnaire contains 100 test questions 2. Shade only one (1) box for each question on your answer sheets. Two or more boxes shaded will invalid your answer. 3. AVOID ERASURES. 4. Detach one (1) answer sheet from the bottom of your Examinee ID/Answer Sheet Set. 5. Write the subject title “NURSING PRACTICE I” on the box provided Situation: Nurse Kaye is appointed as the nurse supervisor in a municipal health unit. She is guided by the managerial functions to properly guide her team. 1. In the management process, Nurse Kaye aims to forecast and project what is most likely to occur in the future. She knows that this encompasses which phase of the management process? A. Planning B. Organizing C. Directing D. Controlling 2. To promote the growth of her team, Nurse Kaye utilizes performance appraisal as a tool to determine actual performance compared with the desired output. Which of the following phases does this action fall into? A. Planning B. Organizing C. Directing D. Controlling 3. As a nurse supervisor, Nurse Kaye must possess which type of supervisory skill in order to understand and work with other people by fostering harmonious relationships among the group? A. Technical skills B. Human relations skills C. Administrative skills D. Decision making skills 4. In order to critically analyze information and problems and make appropriate decisions, Nurse Kaye must possess which supervisory skill? A. Technical skills B. Human relations skills C. Administrative skills D. Decision making skills 5. To function harmoniously in the attainment of organizational objectives, Nurse Kaye assembles a team designated for health programs such as Family Planning Program. Which principle of organization is being applied in this case? A. Span of control B. Unity of command C. Coordination D. Division of work Situation: As the lead agency in health, the Department of Health is mandated to protect the health of the Filipino people. Nurse Joei provides technical and resource assistance to concerned groups in the community. 6. Nurse Joei is part of a team assigned in the control of communicable diseases, he knows which role and function of Department of Health (DOH) is involved in health emergency response services and in cases of epidemic and other widespread public danger? A. Leadership in Health B. Enabler and Capacity Builder C. Administrator of Specific Services D. Health Sector Reform Agenda 7. Nurse Joie knows that the overriding goal of Department of Health (DOH) is ____________. A. FOURmula ONE for Health B. Health Sector Reform Agenda C. National Objectives for Health D. Inter Local Health System 8. A sector-wide approach to implement critical interventions in the implementation of HSRA is delineated in its framework. Nurse Joei has kept in mind that the framework for the implementation of Health Sector Reform Agenda (HSRA) is __________________. A. Primary Health Care B. Inter Local Health System C. National Objectives for Health D. FOURmula ONE for Health 9. FOURmula ONE for Health is the overarching philosophy to achieve end goals. Nurse Joei is aware that all but one are goals of FOURmula ONE for Health? A. Better health outcomes B. More responsive health systems C. Equitable health care financing D. Good governance 10. The devolution of health services from the national level to Local Government Unit (LGUs) was emphasized in the Local Government Code. Nurse Joei is aware that this is the focal point of _________. A. RA 9173 B. EO 102 C. RA 7160 D. LOI 949 Situation: Health promotion is imperative to ensure good well-being and health of the community. In response to the increasing prevalence of chronic, non-communicable lifestyle related diseases, Nurse Shape and is team has established a comprehensive community-based program for the prevention and control of NCDs. 11. Nurse Shape focuses on the people as the center of any health and development effort. Which of the following should he list down as key ingredients to successful and sustainable community-based approach/health initiatives? (Select all that applies). 1) active community participation 2 ) multi-sectoral collaboration 3 ) strong support and guidance from local governments and technical experts 4 ) involvement of community leaders, committees and other groups A. 1, 2, 4 B. 2, 3 C. 1, 4 D. 1, 2, 3, 4 12. As a public health nurse, Nurse Shape assumes various 1 | Page
roles and responsibilities in the prevention and control of NCDs. Which role does he perform when is concerned with promoting health as well as reducing behavior-induced disease. A. Health Advocate B. Health Educator C. Community Organizer D. Health Trainer 13. Nurse Shape conducts hypertension screening among the residents of the community. He is aware that this is under which level of prevention? A. Primary Prevention B. Secondary Prevention C. Tertiary Prevention D. Health Promotion 14. Alice who is diagnosed with DM Type II was given advice by Nurse Shape to identify and prevent complications related to DM. This is considered as ___________. A. Primary Prevention B. Secondary Prevention C. Tertiary Prevention D. Health Promotion 15 . Nurse Shape encourages parents to bring their children to the health center for their immunization. He is performing which level of prevention? A. Primary Prevention B. Secondary Prevention C. Tertiary Prevention D. Health Promotion Situation: Nurse Jerico performs assessment of individuals and communities for early detection and prevention and control of future diseases. He is guided by the guidelines for risk assessment and screening procedures. 16. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this is the presumptive identification of unrecognized disease or defect by the application of tests, examination or other procedures which can be applied rapidly. Nurse Jerico understands that this pertains to which of the following? A. Risk Factor B. Community Diagnosis C. Screening D. Triangulation 17. Jona, 43 years old, arrived at the clinic for consultation. She has a BMI of 26 with a waist circumference of 95 cm and hip circumference of 105. Nurse Jerico assesses her degree of risk of comorbidity based on waist-to-hip ratio (WHR). All but one are incorrect when interpreting the waist-to-hip (WHR) ratio of the client. A. Jona has a WHR of 0.85 which is considered normal. B. Jona has a WHR of 1.0 which is considered normal. C. Jona has a WHR of 0.90 which is considered as android or central obesity. D. Jona has a WHR of 1.12 which is considered as android or central obesity. 18. Nurse Jerico knows that the most accurate and reliable technique for indirect BP measurement is _______________. A. Palpatory method using a mercury manometer B. Palpatory method using aneroid BP C. Auscultatory method using a mercury manometer D. Auscultatory method using aneroid BP 19. The municipal health center offers free screening for elevated cholesterol. As part of the committee, Nurse Jerico discusses the guidelines and he is aware that the normal cholesterol level should be ______. A. <150 mg/50 mL B. <200 mg/100 mL C. 200 to 239 mg/100 mL D. 240 mg/100 mL and above 20. Early detection and prompt treatment are integral to the management of cancer. Nurse Jerico provides health education to families at risk by including all of the following as warning signs of cancer, EXCEPT? A. Change in bowel habits B. Sudden weight gain C. Unexplained anemia D. Dysphagia Situation: As a community health nurse assisting a family in the care of their 83-year old grandfather, Hector, with Alzheimer’s disease. Nurse Whayee assesses the family’s use of safety precautions during a home visit. 21. Nurse Whayee performs home hazard appraisal for the family. None of the following suggest an unsafe condition leading to falls or injury, EXCEPT? A. Presence of insecure handrails B. Presence of grab bars around tubs and showers C. Adequacy of lighting at night D. Anchored rugs and mats 22. Members of the family have opened up about their experiences in taking care of Hector. Nurse Whayee observes the family during the visit. She should recognize the following as signs of caregiver role strain, EXCEPT? (Select all that applies). 1. Feelings of anger and depression 2. Reports of increased physical energy and sufficient time for caregiving 3. Caregiving responsibilities does not interfere with other roles 4. Anxiety about ability to meet future care needs of the client 5. Difficulty performing routine tasks for the client A. 1, 2, 5 B. 1, 4, 5 C. 2, 3 D. 1, 5 23. Nurse Whayee demonstrates infection control and prevention measures to the family. As a nurse, she knows that her major role in infection prevention is ____________. A. Provision of basic hand hygiene kits B. Addressing challenges to infection prevention such as lack of running water for handwashing C. Providing health teaching to client and caregivers D. None of the above 24. Given the condition of Hector, Nurse Whayee was informed that the family was having a hard time with the elderly who is noncompliant to his medication regimen. Nurse Whayee knows that the Joint Commission International (JCI) abides by their patient safety goals. Which of the following should she initially perform in order to promote safety of using medications? A. Compare the medication information the patient is currently taking with the medications ordered for the patient in order to identify and resolve discrepancies. B. Obtain information on the medications the patient currently takes. C. Define the types of medication information (dose, route, frequency, purpose) to be collected in different settings and patient circumstances. D. Explain the importance of managing medication information to the patient 25. Nurse Whayee explores and supports the client’s choices while also considering viable options. The client discussed her plan to have a living will. In order for the client to make informed decisions, Nurse Whayee is aware that advocacy begins on the _______. A. First visit B. Two days later C. A week after D. During termination of interaction Situation: Nurse Earl understands that the scope of his nursing practice is guided by the provisions of R.A. 9173 or the Philippine Nursing Act of 2002. The following questions apply. 26. For the past 5 years, Nurse Earl has not been practicing the profession. He has been preoccupied with his pares overload business. He plans to return to work as a staff nurse. In order to do this, he must undergo training of __________________. A. 1 month practicum and 3 months didactic B. 1 month didactic and 3 months practicum C. 3 months practicum and 6 months didactic D. 3 months didactic and 6 months practicum 27. Along with his desire to return to the hospital, Nurse Earl also plans to advance his studies further by enrolling in graduate programs in order to qualify as a clinical instructor in his alma mater. He is guided by the qualifications of a faculty in the college of nursing which requires him to comply with the following. (Select all that applies) 2 | Page
1. Be a registered nurse in the Philippines 2. Have atleast one year of clinical practice in a field of specialization 3. Be a member of good standing in the accredited professional organization of nurses 4. Be a holder of masters degree in nursing, education or other allied medical and health sciences A. 1 and 4 B. 1, 2 and 4 C. 1, 3 and 4 D. All of the above 28. Nurse Earl is aware that the professional regulatory board of nursing (PRBON) is composed of a chairperson and members who shall represent different areas of nursing which includes all of the following, EXCEPT? A. nursing education B. leadership and management C. nursing service D. community health nursing 29. Nurse Earl understands that the conduct of the licensure examination for nurses in the country shall be in accordance with the PRC Modernization Act of 2000 also known as _________. A. R.A. 7164 B. R.A. 8981 C. R.A. 7160 D. R.A. 877 30. Nurse Earl will renew his professional identification card. He is certain of which of the following that are included in the ID? A. Full name of the registrant, serial number, signature of the Chairperson and Members of the Board B. Full name of the registrant, date of registration, license number and date of issuance C. Full name of the registrant, duly signed by the Chairperson of the Commission, bearing the date of registration, license number and date of issuance and expiration D. Full name of the registrant, serial number, date of registration, license number and date of issuance and expiration and signature of the Chairperson and Members of the Board Situation: Nurse Nycah leads the health initiative of the municipal health center to address concerns in relation to Environmental Sanitation Program that was launched three (3) years ago. 31. Nurse Nycah intends to find out the most frequently occuring cause of contaminated water for the last six months as basis for water safety program. What measure of central tendency will she use to correctly do this? A. Mean B. Median C. Mode D. Frequency distribution 32. Nurse Nycah supervises a study on the compliance of barangay healthcare workers (BHWs) on infection control measures. Given that the subjects are aware that they are being observed on their compliance to hand hygiene, they are more likely to comply and perform such measures. This is referred to as ___________. A. Halo effect B. Hawthorne effect C. Error of leniency D. Error of severity 33. As participants of the study, the barangay healthcare workers (BHWs) know that they are being observed as part of a study on infection control and prevention. This type of observation is commonly referred to as ________. A. Overt observation B. Covert observation C. Field notes D. Deception 34. A study on the perception of local residents on the emergence of Dengue cases in relation with poor environmental sanitation is being conducted. Nurse Nycah has reached a point where no new information is obtained and redundancy is achieved which pertains to _________. A. Bracketing B. Triangulation C. Data Saturation D. None of the above 35. Nurse Nycah will conduct a survey among the residents of the community. The eligibility criteria for the study will include the age of the respondent. She knows that age falls on what level of measurement? A. Nominal B. Ordinal C. Interval D. Ratio Situation: As a public health nurse, Nurse Shel is guided by the ethical and moral principles that are integral in the practice of her profession. The following questions apply. 36. The quality of the ethical nurse revolves around the ability to explain the rationale behind every action and recognize standards to which he or she will be held. The hallmark of nursing accountability is __________. A. Quality and safety education for nurses B. Accurate documentation C. Compliance to standards of care D. Ethical reasoning 37. As advocate of patients, Nurse Shel must take appropriate steps to safeguard their rights and privileges which includes observing the following guidelines. (Select all that applies) 1. Respect the “Patients’ Bill of Rights” in the delivery of nursing care 2. Provide the patients or their families with all pertinent information including those which may be deemed harmful to their well-being 3. Uphold the patients’ rights when conflict arises regarding management of their care A. 1 only B. 1 and 2 C. 1 and 3 D. All of the above 38. According to the Code of Ethics, ________ are the goals of nursing practice. A. Accurate documentation B. Quality and excellence in the care of patients C. Individuality and totality of patients D. Safeguarding the rights and privileges of patients 39. Nurses must know the definition and scope of nursing practice which are in the provisions of Philippine Nursing Act and Code of Ethics. The principal basis of the Code of Ethics is? A. PRC Modernization Act B. Patients’ Bill of Rights C. Philippine Nurses Association D. Code of Good Governance 40. The fifth-fold responsibility of a nurse pertains to the ________. A. Promotion of health B. Promotion of a spiritual environment C. Alleviation of suffering D. Restoration of health Situation: Nurse Kayzee recognizes the family as the most effective and efficient link with the entire community if organized action and partnership are to be established to create and sustain an environment that promotes healthy lifestyle or early case finding, prompt and appropriate treatment of diseases. 41. In order to understand the behavior of the family as a dynamic, functioning unit, the Structural-Functional framework specifies four STRUCTURAL dimensions which includes all of the following EXCEPT? A. Role structure B. Power structure C. Reproductive function D. Communication processes 42. Nurse Kayzee assesses the Guo family. In her data collection, which of the following should she include in the first-level assessment? (Select all that applies) 1. Family structure, characteristics and dynamics 3 | Page
2. Socio-economic and cultural characteristics 3. Home and environment 4. Health status of each member 5. Values and practices on health promotion and disease prevention A. 1, 2 and 5 B. 1, 4 and 5 C. 1, 2, 3 and 4 D. All of the above 43. As part of the first-level assessment, Nurse Kayzee identifies the lack of immunization of a family member as a __________ A. Wellness Condition B. Health Threat C. Health Deficit D. Foreseeable Crisis 44. Statements of the family nursing problems are reflected in the second-level assessment. All of the following are necessary health tasks for the family as a functioning unit EXCEPT? A. Recognize the presence of wellness state or health condition/problem B. Utilize community resources for health care C. Maintain a home environment inconducive to health maintenance and personal development D. Provide nursing care to the sick, disabled, dependent or at-risk members 45. Nurse Kayzee assesses the home and environment of the Guo family. All of the following should be included in her assessment EXCEPT? A. Housing B. Kind of neighborhood C. Anthropometric data D. Communication and transportation facilities available Situation: Nurse Arjay is part of a team tasked with public health surveillance. He and his team encountered a rise in TB cases among the residents of the community. The following questions apply. 46. Donna complaints of a cough that began three weeks ago. She has had fever, back pains, blood-streaked mucus and body malaise. She went to the health center for consultation. Nurse Arjay is aware that the primary diagnostic tool in the National Tuberculosis Program case finding is ________. A. PPD B. DSSM C. X-ray D. Immunochromatographic Test (ICT) 47 . Nurse Arjay knows that the only contraindication for sputum collection is ____________. A. Weight loss B. Syncope C. Angioedema D. Hemoptysis 48. All of the following are true about DSSM except? A. Pulmonary TB symptomatics shall be asked to undergo other diagnostic tests (X-ray and culture), if necessary, only after they have undergone DSSM for diagnosis with three sputum specimens yielding negative results. B. Barangay health workers in far flung areas are not allowed to do smearing and fixing of specimens. C. Trained medical technologists or microscopists shall perform DSSM. D. DSSM can be requested after the control of hemoptysis. 49. In administering intradermal injection to a child, which of the following considerations should Nurse Arjay emphasize? A. Make sure the child understands that the injection is a punishment B. The child should be heavily restrained during the procedure C. Ask the child not to rub or scratch the injection site D. Ask the parent to return for evaluation of the condition of the site after 72 hours 50. Donna underwent the Mantoux test as a screening for TB. Nurse Arjay knows that the test result will be read _________. A. 24 hours after injection B. 48 to 72 hours after injection C. 24 to 72 hours after injection D. After a week Situation: Terrence, 19 years old, came into the health clinic due to mumps. He was consulted by the doctor and recommended for isolation to prevent spreading to susceptible individuals. Nurse Yvette provides him instructions on the home management of mumps. 51. Terrence is certain of the clinical manifestations of mumps. Nurse Yvette is correct when she identifies the following signs and symptoms for mumps. (Select all that applies). 1. Fever and malaise 2. Anorexia 3. Orchitis 4. Painless swelling of the ears, jaws and neck A. 1 and 4 B. 1, 2 and 3 C. 1, 2 and 4 D. All of the above 52. Terrence reports discomfort on his left testicle. Upon inspection, there is visible swelling. Nurse Yvette knows that in order to minimize edema and atrophy, she will instruct the client to do the following EXCEPT. A. The scrotum should be supported by a properly fitted suspensory, pillow or a sling between the thighs B. Use soft packing between the scrotum and the support C. Place a pillow or adhesive bridge between the thighs D. Let the client lie on his left side 53. The client had inquiries regarding his diet. Nurse Yvette is correct when she provides which home instruction to Terrence? A. Regular diet as tolerated B. Soft or liquid diet as tolerated C. Fruit juice and sour foods should be part of his diet D. There are no dietary restrictions for the client 54. Nurse Yvette is aware that the most common complication of mumps in male adults is ________. A. Encephalitis B. Meningitis C. Orchitis D. Nuchal rigidity 55. Encephalitis may complicate mumps. Which signs and symptoms must the client watch out for in this case? (Select all that applies) 1. Sudden rise in temperature 2. Stiff neck 3. Headache 4. Nausea and vomiting 5. Delirium 6. Diplopia A. 1, 2, 3 and 4 B. 1, 2, 4 and 6 C. 1, 4, 5 and 6 D. All of the above Situation: Providing safe and quality patient care involves effective critical thinking skills. As a nurse manager, Nurse JD must achieve outcomes by building on the nursing process when making patient care and unit decisions. 56. Nurse JD plans to resolve problems in scheduling of the staff in the community health center. In using the DECIDE Model as a tool for decision making, Nurse JD is aware that the initial step of this model is to ________. A. Develop and implement a plan of action B. Establish criteria C. Define the problem D. Identify the best alternative 57. Problem solving consists of the act of identifying a problem and implementing an active systematic process to solve problems. When faced with difficulties in the staffing, Nurse JD capitalizes on the positive characteristics to bring about a culture change by engaging staff in a healthy exchange of knowledge. This is also known as ____________. A. Shared decision making B. Appreciative inquiry C. SWOT analysis D. DECIDE Model 4 | Page

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