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BÀI 3: DIỄN ĐẠT NGUYÊN NHÂN KẾT QUẢ 1. Since/ Because/ As S1 + V1, S2 + V2 Because of/ Due to/ Thanks to + N Ví dụ: 1. Con người mua được hàng hóa rẻ → Tiết kiệm tiền → Since/Because/ As people are able to buy cheaper goods, they can save money. → Because of cheaper goods, people can potentially save money. 2. + So + therefore, as a result + As a result of ....., Cách dùng: ● ‘So’ đứng ở giữa câu, nối 2 mệnh đề và trước ‘so’ có dấu phẩy. → People are able to buy cheaper goods, so they can save money. ● ‘Therefore’, ‘As a result’, ‘Consequently’ có thể đứng giữa câu như so nhưng trước nó phải là dấu chấm phẩy và sau là một dấu phẩy → People are able to buy cheaper goods; therefore, they can save money. ● Hoặc ta có thể bỏ dấu chấm phẩy đi bằng cách thêm ‘and’. → People are able to buy cheaper goods and therefore/consequently can potentially save money. (ở câu này ta đồng thời bỏ ‘they’ vì 2 mệnh đề này cùng chủ ngữ) Therefore/ As a result cũng có thể đứng đầu câu (So thì ko đứng đầu câu được) → People are able to buy cheaper goods. Therefore/ As a result, they can potentially save money.
→ As a result of buying cheaper goods, people can save money. 3. X means/implies (that) Y Ở nhiều trường hợp, ta cũng có thể dùng từ ‘mean’ để đưa ra giải thích thêm (Y là kết quả của X) Ví dụ: → Being able to buy cheaper goods means that people can save money. 4. X causes/ leads to/ results in/ contribute to/is linked to Y Cả 2 cụm lead to và result in đều có ý nghĩa là dẫn đến. Chú ý là sau 2 cụm này đều phải là cụm danh từ. Ví dụ 1. Ăn nhiều fast food → nhiều vấn đề sức khỏe như béo phì, tiểu đường hay bệnh tim. → The excessive consumption of junk food might lead to many health problems such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease. 2. Ô nhiễm không khí → nhiều vấn đề sức khỏe → Air pollution contributes to myriad health problems and medical conditions including cardiovascular disease, liver and blood disease, headaches, anxiety, eye/ nose/ throat irritation, breathing conditions such as asthma, nervous system disorders, lung cancer, problems of reproductive system and other chronic and long – term diseases. 3. Air pollution has been linked to/ associated with a number of conditions, from strokes to brain cancer, miscarriage and mental health problems. 5. Allow sb to do st → Being able to buy cheaper goods allows people to potentially save money. 6. S1 + V1, which allows sb to do st/ means that .... S1 + V1, and this allows sb to do st/ means that ... S1 + V1. This means that S2 + V2 S1 + V1. This allows sb to do st
→ People are able to buy cheaper goods, which allows them to potentially save money. → People are able to buy cheaper goods. This allows them to save money. → People are able to buy cheaper goods, and this allows them to potentially save money. → People are able to buy cheaper goods, which means that they can potentially save money. → People are able to buy cheaper goods. This means that they can potentially save money. → People are able to buy cheaper goods, and this means that they can potentially save money. 7. By V_ing, S + V → By purchasing goods at a cheaper price, people can potentially save money. 8. With S + V_ing, S + V → With the price of goods becoming increasingly lower, people can potentially save money. → With the job market becoming increasingly competitive, students without any qualifications might find it hard to compete with others. 9. Câu điều kiện: If people are able to buy cheaper products, they can save money.
A: Hard work → B: his success ● Because/ Since/ As he is hard-working, he can become successful. ● He is hard-working, so he can become successful. ● He is hard-working. Therefore/ As a result, he can become successful ● Because of hard work, he can become successful. ● His success is due to hard work. ● His hard work can allow him to achieve success. ● He is hard-working, (thus/thereby) allowing him to achieve success. ● As a result of hard work, he can achieve success. ● Hard work leads to/ gives rise to his success. ● By working hard, he can achieve success. ● He is successful. This is because he is hard-working. ● He is hard-working, hence his success. Cách sử dụng từ ‘hence’: S + V, hence + N\ ● Building new houses in the style of existing ones can create uniformity, hence the aesthetic look of the entire area. · ● X is attributable to Y → His success is attributable to hard work. ● lead to/ result in/ give rise to/ contribute to → Hard work leads to/ results in/ gives rise to/ contributes to his success. Một số ví dụ khác ● Academic disciplines could give rise to a more educated workforce. ● The introduction of new regulations gave rise to a more sustainable business environment. ● Be a precursor to st → Hard work is a precursor to his success. → My interest in geography was the precursor to my studies in cartography.