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21BE45 Biology for Engineer’s, Common to All 4th Semester Branches ofVTU, Karnataka Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865 Module 4 NATURE-BIOINSPIRED MATERIALS AND MECHANISMS 4.1 Echolocation: https://youtu.be/rQu-qfRyZwO Echolocation is a biological or technological process that involves emitting sound waves and listening to the echoes that boiuice back off of objects in tire environment to determine their location, distance, and shape. In biology, the use of echolocation by animals lias been well documented for centuries. Ancient Greeks, for example, observed bats using echolocation to navigate and find food in the dark. The scientific study of echolocation in animals, however, only began in the early 20th century, with the pioneering work of British naturalist Donald Griffin. Griffin's research showed that bats were using echolocation to navigate and hunt and helped to lay the foundation for the modem study of biological echolocation. hi technology, the use of echolocation can be traced back to the early days of submarine warfare. During World War I, the British navy developed a primitive form of sonar (known then as "ASDIC") to detect submarines. A comparison of biological echolocation and teclinological echolocation is given below: Biological Echolocation • Found in various animals such as bats, dolphins, and some species of whales. • Relies on the emission of sound waves, usually in the form ofclicks or vocalizations. • Animals emit sound waves and listen for the echoes produced when the sound waves bounce off objects in their environment. • By analyzing the echoes, animals can determine the location, distance, and even the shape of objects around them. • This ability is mainly used" for navigation, hunting, and communication in the animal kingdom. • Biological echolocation is a natural adaptation that has evolved over millions of years. Technological Echolocation • Replicates the concept of biological echolocation using technological devices. • Utilizes sound waves, typically generated by artificial sources such as sonar or ultrasonic sensors. • These devices emit sound waves and analyze Hie echoes that bounce back from objects. • The information from the echoes is processed and interpreted by the technology to generate usefill data, such as distance, location, and object recognition. • Technological echolocation has applications in various fields, including navigation, robotics, obstacle detection, and medical imaging. • It is a human-engineered solution inspired by the natural abilities of animals. 1 / Whatsapp+91 7975054865
21BE45 Biology for Engineers, Common to All 4th Semester Branches of VTU, Karnataka Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865 Principle of Ecolocation Both biological and technological echolocation rely on the same basic principles and have the same underlying purpose: to determine die location, distance, and shape of objects in the environment using sound waves and their echoes. The principle of echolocation is based on die emission of sound waves and the interpretation of the echoes diat bounce back from objects in the environment. Figure: Representing echolocation in bats and dolphins A concise explanation of the-principle-of echolocation is given below: • Sound Emission: The echolocating organism, whether biological or technological, emits sound waves into its surroundings. hi biological echolocation, this is typically achieved through vocalizations or clicks, -while in technological echolocation, it is usually done using artificial sourcessuch as sonar or ultrasonic sensors. • Propagation of Sound Waves: The emitted sound waves travel through the environment, spreading out in all directions. • Object Interaction: When die sound waves encounter objects in the environment, such as obstacles or prey, they interact with these objects. The interaction can involve reflection, scattering,or absorption of the sound waves. • Echo Reception: Some of the sound waves fliat interact with objects bounce back or echo off them. These echoes cany information about the objects' distance, shape, composition, and other characteristics. • Sensory Reception: The echolocating organism, whether biological or technological, has sensory receptors capable of detecting and processing the returning echoes, hi biological echolocation, this is typically specialized organs or structures, such as bat ears or dolphin melon, while in technological echolocation, it is achieved through sensors and receivers. • Echo Interpretation: The information contained in the echoes is analyzed and interpreted by the organism or technology. This interpretation involves extracting relevant features from the echoes and making sense of the spatial and temporal patterns present. • Perception and Response: Based on die interpretation of the echoes, the organism or technology can perceive and understand the surrounding environment. This perception 2 / Whatsapp+91 7975054865
21BE45 Biology for Engineer's, Common to All 4th Semester Branches ofVTU, Karnataka Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865 enables the organism to navigate, locate objects, detect obstacles, or perform other relevant tasks. Comparing the Sound Emission and Reception in Biological Ecosystem and Technological Ecosystem In biological systems, sound emission and sensory reception organs are specialized adaptations that allow animals to engage in echolocation. Technological systems, on the other hand, employ devices designed to replicate and enhance these abilities. Here's a concise comparison of sound emission and sensory reception organs/devices in biological and technological systems: Biological System Technological System Sound Emission Biological organisms, such as bats and cetaceans, have specialized sound emission organs to produce sounds for echolocation. Bats emit sounds using their larynx and modify the emitted sounds using structures like the nose leaf or mouth cavity. Dolphins and whales emit sounds through their blowholes, producing clicks or vocalizations. Technological systems rely on artificial sound s emission devices, such as speakers or transducers, to generate sound waves for echolocation. Ultrasonic sensors or sonar systems emit sound waves through these devices, typically using piezoelectric elements or transducers. Sensory Reception Biological organisms possess specialized sensory reception organs that allow them to detect and interpret the returning echoes. Bats have highly sensitive ears designed to detect and analyze ultrasonic frequencies. Dolphins and some whales also receive echoes through then lower jaw. The jawbone conducts sound vibrations to the middle ear, where they are converted into nerve impulses for interpretation by the brain. Technological systems use sensors and receivers to capture and process the returning echoes. Ultrasonic sensors are commonly employed, which consist of a transducer that emits sound waves and receives the echoes. Sonar systems often incorporate hydrophones or other specialized underwater microphones to detect and interpret the echoes. History’ of Technological Ecolocation The history of technological echolocation can be traced back to the early development of sonar (sound navigation and ranging) technology. Here's a concise overview of the history of technological echolocation: 3 / Whatsapp+91 7975054865
4.1.1 Ultrasonography Figure: Representing working principle of ultrasonography Ultrasonography is a medical imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of the internal organs and tissues of the body. It is also known as ultrasound imaging or sonography. The ultrasound machine emits high-frequency sound waves (usually in the range of 2 to 18 MHz) that travel through the body and bounce back off of the internal organs and tissues. The returning echoes are captured by the ultrasound machine and used to create images of the internal structures. 21BE45 Biology for Engineers, Common to All 4th Semester Branches ofVTU, Karnataka Dr. Prasad Puthiyillam YouTube Channel: @ myintuition4865 • Early Sonar Development (late 19th century): The foundations of technological echolocation were laid with tire invention of tire first practical underwatersound detection device called the hydrophone. Developed by Reginald Fessenden in tire late 19th century, the hydrophone allowed for the detection of underwater sorurds. • World War I (early 20th century): During World War I, the need for detecting submarines led to significant advancements in sonar technology. Active sonar systems were developed, which involved the transmission of sound waves and the reception of echoes to detect submerged objects. • Further Advancements (mid-20th century): The mid-20th century saw continued advancements in sonar' technology, driven by military and scientific research. Sonar systems were refined and improved for applications such as submarine detection, underwater mapping, and marine research. • Ultrasonic Applications (mid-20th century): hr parallel with underwater sonar, ultrasonic technology began to find applications in fields such as medicine, non-destructive testing, and industrial imaging. Ultrasonic sensors were developed for detecting and ranging objects based on the principles of echolocation. • Evolution of Echolocation Technologies (late 20th century - present): As technology advanced, more sophisticated echolocation systems emerged. Advancements in signal processing, sensors, and algorithms allowed for improved resolution, accuracy, and interpretation of echoes. Echolocation technologies found applications in various fields including robotics, autonomous vehicles, healthcare, and environmental monitoring. 4 / Whatsapp+91 7975054865

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