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UNIT 5 – GLOBAL WARMING TEST 4 A-LISTENING Task 1: Listen to the passage carefully. After listening, decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). TRUE FALSE Question 1: Black carbon is a type of gas released from burning fossil fuels. X Question 2: One of the sources of black carbon is forest fires. X Question 3: Black carbon cools down the atmosphere by reflecting sunlight. X Question 4: Black carbon particles, when inhaled, can potentially cause respiratory diseases. X Question 5: Carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere longer than black carbon. X Question 6: The reduction of black carbon emissions will only benefit the climate, not air quality. X Black carbon, commonly referred to as soot, is a form of particulate air pollution (1). It is tiny, dark particles that emerge from incomplete combustion of fossil fuels and biomass. Forest fires, stoves used for cooking, vehicles running on diesel, and industrial emissions are some of the key sources of black carbon (2). When released into the atmosphere, these fine pärieles can have a twofold effect. First, by directly absorbing sunlight, black carbon warms the surrounding air, leading to localized temperature rises (3). Second, when it settles on snow and ice, it can reduce their reflectivity, making them absorb more heat and melt faster. Moreover, black carbon has implications for human health. Inhaled particies can lead to respiratory problems and other related diseases. (4) The major difference between black carbon and greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide is its longevity in the atmosphere. While carbon dioxide can persist for many years, black carbon remains airborne for only a few weeks. (5) However, its immediate impact on regional climate and health is a pressing concern for scientists and policymakers. Efforts to reduce black carbon emissions can not only help mitigate global temperature rise but also improve air quality in urban and rural areas. (6) Task 2: Listen to the passage carefully. After listening, choose the best answer to each question. Question 1: What does global warming refer to? A. The release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. B. The long-term increase in Earth's surface temperature. C. The frequent occurrence of extreme weather events. D. The burning of fossil fuels for energy. Question 2: Which of the following is a greenhouse gas mentioned in the passage? A. Oxygen B. Methane C. Carbonate D. Nitrogen
Question 3: Why does the Earth heat up due to greenhouse gases? A. They reflect all the sunlight. B. They release heat into space. C. They trap heat from the sun. D. They cool down the Earth's surface. Question 4: What is one of the consequences of global warming? A. Decreasing sea levels. B. Less frequent weather events. C. Rising sea levels. D. Reduction in greenhouse gases. Question 5: How can we help lessen the effects of global warming? A. By increasing deforestation. B. By using more fossil fuels. C. By supporting cleaner energy sources. D. By releasing more methane into the atmosphere. Global warming is a significant concern in today's world. It refers to the long-term rise in Earth's average surface temperature due to human-made factors (1). The primary cause of global warming is the release of greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide and methane, into the atmosphere (2). These gases trap heat from the sun, preventing it from escaping back into space (3). As a result, our planet gradually heats up. Deforestation, burning fossil fuels for energy, and industrial processes are among the primary sources of these gases. The consequences of global warming are vast, ranging from rising sea levels to more frequent extreme weather events (4). Fortunately, by making changes in our daily habits and supporting cleaner energy sources (5), we can help reduce the impact of global warming. Task 3: Listen to the passage carefully. After listening, decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). TRUE FALSE Question 1: Allen wants to raise awareness among his neighbors by organizing community events or workshops to educate people about carbon footprint. X Question 2: Charles believes installing energy-efficient appliances and improving insulation in homes can make a difference. X Question 3: Rooftop gardens or green roofs not only reduce heat release but also provide a source of fresh produce. X Question 4: Charles believes that green roofs can help with reducing respiratory diseases and improve air quality. X Question 5: Allen has been trying to reduce my multiple-use plastic consumption as well. X Question 6: The two speakers are in Can Tho province. X Allen: Hello, Charles! Have you noticed the increasing temperatures lately? It's concerning how global warming is affecting our city, Cần Thơ. Charles: Yes, Allen, it's quite alarming. We need to take action to reduce its impact on our community. Do you have any ideas on how we can do that?

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