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PRACTICE TEST 2 I. PHONETICS Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in each question. 1. A. wanted B. washed C. worked D. stopped 2. A. mention B. question C. action D. education 3. A. who B. when C. where D. what Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the other three in each question. 4. A. artistic B. historic C. dramatic D. scientific 5. A. medical B. national C. chemical D. historical II. VOCABULARY Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below. 6. I like ______________ back to my home village on holiday. A. coming B. going C. turning D. getting 7. A __________ is a book that tells the story of someone’s life, written by someone else. A. biology B. biography C. geography D. ecology 8. Water ______________ in the lake has made the fish die. A. pollution B. pollute C. polluted D. polluting 9. Water pollution is the ________________ in the lake has made the fish die. A. contaminating B. contaminate C. contaminated D. contamination 10. The __________ of lakes, rivers, oceans or underwater water pollution A. contaminate B. contaiminated C. contaimination D. contaiminating 11. The street doesn’t look __________ because it has a lot of rubbish. A. attract B. attraction C. attracting D. attractive 12. The music club made so much noise that the _________ complained to its owner. A. residency B. residents C. reside D. residers 13. Are all types of pollution _________ to the health of humans and animals? A. harmful B. harm C. harming D. hramless 14. The _______ are concerned about the oil spills in East Sea. A. environment B. environmental C. environments D. environmentalists 15. Dumping __________ waste into the lakes and rivers has caused serious water pollution. A. industrial B. industry C. industrialized D. industrialization Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following sentences. 16. English and French are official languages in Canada. A. main B. formal C. primary D. popular 17. There is still room for improving in your work. A. space B. place C. area D. accommodation 18. The first experiment was unsuccessful, so we need to do another one. A. managed B. bored C. failed D. damaged Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following question. 19. The sight of too many telephone poles, advertising billboards, overhead power times, or shop signs may cause visual pollution. A. contamination B. population C. cleanness D. eruption 20. Because warmer water has less oxygen in it, it can harm aquatic populations. A. destroy B. protect C. raise D. increase III. GRAMMAR Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below. 21. Teachers should teach ________ issues at school. A. environment B. environmental C. environmentally D. environmentalist 22. Soil pollution has effected _______ to agriculture in many countries. A. bad B. badly C. harm D. harmful 23. Water pollution in the lake ________ the fish die. A. has made B. has make C. make D. making 24. If the air wasn’t dirty, I _______________ so much.
A. wouldn’t sneeze B. sneeze C. would sneeze D. to sneeze 25. Many aquatic animals __________ if people keep throwing rubbish into the lake. A. die B. to died C. dead D. will die 26. The lake ___________ by the time we moved to this area. A. had been contaminating B. contaminate C. had been contaminated D. has contaminated 27. If I were you, I ____________ that car. A. would buy B. buy C. bought D. buying 28. If we recycle more, we _______________ the Earth. A. help B. would help C. helping D. will help 29. Mi and Nick like ___________ back to Mi’s home village on holiday. A. comes B. come C. came D. coming 30. Villagers rushed into public shelters as soon as the volcano _________. A. erupted B. erupts C. erupting D. erupt Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in each sentence below. 31. Nick said (A) that she wants (B) to stay (C) in Viet Nam longer (D). 32. It is predicted (A) that all students (B) have had (C) e-books by (D) 2050. 33. Environment pollution (A) is one (B) of the (C) impacts of human activities (D) on the Earth. 34. I also remember (A) the time (B) when I am (C) a student at a (D) university. 35. It is estimating (A) that about (B) three billion people use (C) the Internet around (D) the world. IV. READING Read the passage and then decide wherther the sentences are True (T) or False (F) THE KIWI The Kiwi lives only in New Zealand. It is a very strange bird because it cannot fly. The kiwi is the same size as a chicken. It has no wings or tail. It does not have any feathers like other birds. Kiwi are a significant national icon, equally cherished by all cultures in New Zealand. Kiwi are a symbol for the uniqueness of New Zealand wildlife and the value of our natural heritage. The bird itself is taonga (treasure) to Maori, who have strong cultural, spiritual and historic associations with kiwi. Its feathers are value in weaving kahukiwi (kiwi feather cloak) for people of high rank. A kiwi likes a lot of trees around it. It sleeps during the day because the sunlight hurt its eyes. It can smell things with its nose. It is the only bird in the world that can smell things. The kiwi’s eggs are very big. Due to the cultural significance to Maori and the traditional knowledge about the bird, tangata whenua are a key skate holder in kiwi management. For a number of local kiwi and hapu throughout New Zealand, this relationship between tangata whenua and kiwi has been formally recognized as part of their Treaty of Waitangi settlement claims, which encompass specific references to species recovery work. This includes the Ngai Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998. There are only a few kiwis in New Zealand now. There is a picture of a kiwi on New Zealand money. People from New Zealand are sometimes called kiwis. (Adapted from Active adventures) True (T) False (F) 36. Kiwis live in Australia and New Zealand. 37. A kiwi has a tail but no wings. 38. It sleep during the day because light hurts it eyes. 39. Kiwis are symbol for uniqueness of New Zealand wildlife. 40. The kiwi are used to make money. Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best answers each of the following questions. Visual pollution has a greater effect on people than you may think. I remember when I went to a big city, I was really scared because so much graffiti on the buildings’ wall. Then I looked up, I saw a lot of power lines over my head. Although they were not dangerous, I still felt unsafe since I thought they might fall down. These things prevented me from enjoying the beautiful sights of the city. I also remember the time when I was a student at a university. Once I was so busy with my assignments that I did not tidy my room for two weeks. Looking at the messy room caused me so much stress that I did not want to study. Then I decided to clean the room and put my things in their proper places. I also bought a small plant and placed it in a corner of the room. These simple actions increased my motivation and helped me to focus on my lessons.
41. How did the author feel when she saw the power lines? A. She was really scared. B. She felt unsafe. C. She felt it was very dangerous. D. She felt it wasn’t dangerous. 42. Why did she have that feeling? A. Because she thought she might fall down. B. Because she thought they might fall down. C. Because she thought she might be dangerous. D. Because she thought it prevented her from enjoying the beautiful sights. 43. What was she busy with? A. Enjoying the beautiful sights of the city. B. Being a student at a university. C. Her exercises and projects at the university. D. Tidying her room for 2 weeks. 44. What happened when she looked at the messy room? A. She didn’t want to tidy it. B. She was very stress. C. She started to clean the room. D. She put her thing in the proper places. 45. What did she feel after the room was tidied? A. She was motivated to buy a small plant. B. She was motivated to tidy the room again. C. She could concentrate on her studying. D. She felt motivated to concentrate on tidying the room. V. WRITING Choose the sentence (A, B, c or D) that is closest in meaning to the root sentence or best combines the two given sentences. 46. “We don’t open the laboratory today,” Mr. Minh said. A. Mr. Minh said that we don’t open the laboratory today. B. Mr. Minh said that they don’t open the laboratory today. C. Mr. Minh said that they didn’t open the laboratory that day. D. Mr. Minh said that we didn’t open the laboratory that day. 47. The water temperature increases. Some aquatic creatures are unable to reproduce. A. If the water temperature increases, some aquatic creatures are unable to reproduce. B. If the water temperature will increase, some aquatic creatures would be unable to reproduce. C. If the water temperature won’t increase, some aquatic creatures are unable to reproduce. D. If the water temperature didn’t increase, some aquatic creatures would be able to reproduce. 48. The industrial waste is unwell-treated. The factory installs a new filtration system. A. If the industrial waste isn’t well-treated, the factory will install a new filtration system. B. If the industrial waste wasn’t well-treated, the factory wouldn’t install a new filtration system. C. If the industrial waste is well-treated, the factory will install a new filtration system. D. If the industrial waste was well-treated, the factory wouldn’t install a new filtration system. 49. The rescue workers evacuated the villagers in the raged flood to the safe place last night. A. The villagers in the raged flood are evacuated to the safe place by the rescue workers last night. B. The villagers in the raged flood are evacuating to the safe place by the rescue workers last night. C. The villagers in the raged flood were evacuating to the safe place by the rescue workers last night. D. The villagers in the raged flood were evacuated to the safe place by the rescue workers last night. 50. The students will provide aids for the homeless people tomorrow. A. Aids will be provided for the students and the homeless people tomorrow. B. Aids for the homeless people will be provided by the students tomorrow. C. Aids for the homeless people will provided by the students tomorrow. D. Aids for the homeless people will be providing by the students tomorrow. _____The end_____ PRACTICE TEST 2 I. PHONETICS
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in each question. 1. A. wanted B. washed C. worked D. stopped 2. A. mention B. question C. action D. education 3. A. who B. when C. where D. what Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the other three in each question. 4. A. artistic B. historic C. dramatic D. scientific 5. A. medical B.national C. chemical D. historical II. VOCABULARY Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below. 6. I like ______________ back to my home village on holiday. B. coming B. going C. turning D. getting 7. A __________ is a book that tells the story of someone’s life, written by someone else. B. biology B. biography C. geography D. ecology 8. Water ______________ in the lake has made the fish die. B. pollution B. pollute C. polluted D. polluting 9. Water pollution is the ________________ in the lake has made the fish die. A. contaminating B. contaminate C. contaminated D. contamination 10. The __________ of lakes, rivers, oceans or underwater water pollution A. contaminate B. contaiminated C. contaimination D. contaiminating 11. The street doesn’t look __________ because it has a lot of rubbish. A. attract B. attraction C. attracting D. attractive 12. The music club made so much noise that the _________ complained to its owner. A. residency B. residents C. reside D. residers 13. Are all types of pollution _________ to the health of humans and animals? A. harmful B. harm C. harming D. hramless 14. The _______ are concerned about the oil spills in East Sea. A. environment B. environmental C. environments D. environmentalists 15. Dumping __________ waste into the lakes and rivers has caused serious water pollution. A. industrial B. industry C. industrialized D. industrialization Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following sentences. 16. English and French are official languages in Canada. A. main B. formal C. primary D. popular 17. There is still room for improving in your work. A. space B. place C. area D. accommodation 18. The first experiment was unsuccessful, so we need to do another one. A. managed B. bored C. failed D. damaged Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following question. 19. The sight of too many telephone poles, advertising billboards, overhead power times, or shop signs may cause visual pollution. A. contamination B. population C. cleanness D. eruption 20. Because warmer water has less oxygen in it, it can harm aquatic populations. A. destroy B. protect C. raise D. increase III. GRAMMAR Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below. 21. Teachers should teach ________ issues at school. A. environment B. environmental C. environmentally D. environmentalist 22. Soil pollution has effected _______ to agriculture in many countries. A. bad B. badly C. harm D. harmful 23. Water pollution in the lake ________ the fish die. A. has made B. has make C. make D. making 24. If the air wasn’t dirty, I _______________ so much. A. wouldn’t sneeze B. sneeze C. would sneeze D. to sneeze 25. Many aquatic animals __________ if people keep throwing rubbish into the lake.

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