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LESSON 13 Question 1: With this type of insurance, you're buying ______of mind. A. peace B. satisfaction C. calmness D. contentment Question 2: When the first air pollution laws were established in England in the fourteenth century, air pollutants were limited to compounds that could be seen or smelled - a far ______ from the extensive list of harmful substances known today. A. cry B. tear C. sweep D. distance Question 3: On hearing that she failed the entrance exam, Trang couldn't help _____ into tears. A. bursting B. breaking C. turning D. looking Question 4: There's a list of repairs as long as ______. A. your arm B. a pole C. your arms D. a mile Question 5: I tried to talk to her, but she was as high as a _______. A. kite B. house C. sky D. wall Question 6: The jury _____her compliments ______ her excellent knowledge of the subject. A. returned/ to B. paid/ to C. returned/ on D. paid/ on Question 7: I am sure your sister will lend you a sympathetic _______ when you explain the situation to her. A. eye B. ear C. arm D. finger Question 8: Wendy is on the _______ of a dilemma: she just wonders whether to go for a picnic with her friends or to stay at home with her family. A. torms B. horns C. forms D. rorns Question 9: Who has a great hold. ______ you? It's my mother. A. in B. over C. at D. about Question 10: There is no point in persuading him to change his mind. He always holds his______. A. soil B. land C. ground D. earth Question 11: Children are supposed to hold the elder people in high ______. A. spirit B. mood C. esteem D. attitude Question 12: The ship was sinking and they had to take to the boats. A. used B. resort to C. hire D. rent Question 13: The poor quality of programs does not elevate people into greater understanding, but rather maintains and encourages the status _____. A. quo B. qou C. quack D. quiz Question 14: Father has lost his job, so we’ll have to tighten our belt to avoid getting into debt. A. buy new belt B. sell the belt C. squander D. economize Question 15: The _____ friendly products are designed not to harm the natural environment. A. environment B. environmental C. environmentally D. environmentalism Question 16: Her contract_______ in two months, so she's looking for another job. A. runs down B. runs out C. goes out D. goes away Question 17: When you come down the hill, do drive slowly because it is not _______ obvious where the turning is.

Question 35: Look this document _________ carefully before you sign it A. up B. on C. at D. over Question 36: Jack and Linda _______last week. They just weren't happy together. A. ended up B. finished off C. broke into D. broke up Question 37: I must warn you I am not used to_______so rudely. A. speak to me B. be spoken to C. speak D. being spoken to Question 38: Plenty ________evidence has come ____light to prove that he has been involved _______smuggling. A. of/ in / with B. of/ from /by C. with/ in / in D. of/ to / in Question 39: Their research into the causes of cancer promises to break the new ____________in the field and possibly lead to a cure. A. earth B. ground C. soil D. land Question 40: The word "friendship" can be_____applied to a wide variety of relationships. A. lightly B. loosely C. sparingly D. slightly Question 41: The match will be screened on ITV with ________commentary by Any Gray. A. lively B. live C. alive D. living Question 42: You should pat yourself on the ______for having achieved such a high score in the graduation exam. A. neck B. leg C. arm D. back Question 43: Make sure you _______up the data on your computer, because you might get a virus. A. back B. store C. save D. copy Question 44: The________on the kitchen table. A. grocery is B. grocery are C. groceries is D. groceries are Question 45: His speech was careful and ____, but his words seemed to make no sense. A. distinctive B. distinction C. distinct D. distinguished Question 46: All______is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life. A. what is needed B. for our needs C. the thing needed D. that is needed Question 47: It is urgent that this letter _______immediately. A. was posted B. posted C. be posted D. be post Question 48: Shake a leg or you will miss the train. A. Hurry up B. Slow down C. Watch out D. Put down Question 49: It is only recently that ballets have been based on the themes _______ American life. A. reflecting B. reflects C. is reflecting D. reflected Question 50: The new inexperienced employee was loaded ______paperwork and regulations at the office. A. out of B. out with C. in for D. down with
LỜI GIẢI CHI TIẾT Câu Đáp án Giải thích chi tiết đáp án 1. A Kiến thức về cụm từ cố định Cụm từ: peace of mind: yên tâm Dịch nghĩa: Với loại hình bảo hiểm này, bạn đang mua sự an tâm. 2. A Kiến thức về cụm từ cố định Cụm từ: a far cry from - to be completely different from: khác xa, khác với Dịch nghĩa: Khi luật ô nhiễm không khí đầu tiên được xây dựng ở Anh vào thế kỉ thứ XIV, chất ô nhiễm không khí được giới hạn là những hợp chất có thể nhìn thấy hoặc ngửi thấy, khác xa hoàn toàn với danh sách dài những chất có hại được biết đến ngày nay. 3. A Kiến thức về cụm động từ Cấu trúc: can't/ couldn't help + V.ing: không nhịn được/ không thể không... Cụm từ: + burst into tears: bật khóc + break into: đột nhập vào + turn into: biến thành + look into: điều tra, xem xét Dịch nghĩa: Khi nghe rằng mình đã trượt kỳ thi đại học, Trang không nhịn được òa khóc. 4. A Kiến thức về thành ngữ Cụm từ: "as long as your arm" có nghĩa là rất dài - very long Dịch nghĩa: Có một danh sách sửa chữa rất dài. 5. A Kiến thức về thành ngữ Cụm từ: as high as a kite: quá phấn khích, thường là do bị ảnh hưởng bởi đồ uống có cồn hoặc ma túy Dịch nghĩa: Tôi cố gắng không nói chuyện với cô ấy, vì cô ấy quá phấn khích. 6. D Kiến thức về cụm từ cố định Cụm từ: pay sb compliment on st = compliment sb on st: khen ngợi ai về việc gì. Dịch nghĩa: Ban giám khảo khen ngợi kiến thức tuyệt vời của cô về chủ đề này. 7. B Kiến thức về cụm từ cố định Ta có cụm "lend an ear to sb/sth": lắng nghe một cách chân thành Dịch nghĩa: Tôi chắc rằng chị bạn sẽ lắng nghe bạn một cách đồng cảm khi bạn giải thích tình huống với chị ấy. 8. B Kiến thức về thành ngữ Cụm từ: on the horns of a dilemma: tiến thoái lưỡng nan

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