Content text Crash Full Book test of Political science By Wajeeh Ahsan ALvi.pdf
ALVI LAW ASSOCIATS 0313-4384159 LLB 5 YEARS : TOTAL MARKS: 100 PART 1: TIME ALLOWED: 3-H POLITICAL SCIENCE: TEST NO FULL BOOK PAPER 2: DATED: 22nd July 24 NOTE: These notes are the intellectual property of ALVI LAW ASSOCIATES by WAJEEH AHSAN ALVI not for sale not for Re-forward if anyone found in any of above activity will responsible for the consequences. NOTE: Attempt any five questions out of ten. Each question will carry equal marks. Question # 01: Write a detailed note on the nature and scope of pol science, and its relationship with other social sciences? OR Approaches to study Political science. Question # 02: Briefly explain the concept of state and its elements and functions, (difference between Islamic and western state if length required)? Question # 03: Write a detailed note on the concept of sovereignty. Also explain different kinds of sovereignty and western and Islamic concept of sovereignty? Regards: Wajeeh Ahsan Alvi (M.A, LLB, DTL) Contact No: 0313-4384159 Question # 04: Write a detailed note on different forms of Government? Democracy, Dictatorship etc. Question # 05: Write a detailed note on the concept of Unitary, Federal and Confederation forms of government?
Question # 06: Write a detailed note on the concept of Political parties, merits and demerits of multi-party system and their functions? Regards: Wajeeh Ahsan Alvi (M.A, LLB, DTL) Contact No: 0313-4384159 Question # 07: Write a detailed note on the concept of Interest/pressure groups their functions and kinds in detail? Question # 08: Write a detailed note on the concept of Public- opinion and conditions for the sound public opinion? Regards: Wajeeh Ahsan Alvi (M.A, LLB, DTL) Contact No: 0313-4384159 Question # 9: Write a detailed note on the concept of Globalization, and its impact on political system? Question # 10: Write a detail note on the concept of Parliamentary and Presidential form of Government? Note: For extraordinary students, they can attempt more questions out of followings: Regards: Wajeeh Ahsan Alvi (M.A, LLB, DTL) Contact No: 0313-4384159 Question # 11: Write a detailed note on the concept of developing and under developed nations? Question # 12: Write a detailed note on the concept of sovereignty and nation? Regards: Wajeeh Ahsan Alvi (M.A, LLB, DTL) Contact No: 0313-4384159 BEST OF LUCK TO ALL!