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Introduction to Business Idea ➢ Every new business, new product or service and new marketing approach has started with an idea. Generating new ideas can be a very burdensome task. Putting them into practice can be much harder. ➢ प्रत्येक नया व्यवसाय, नया उत्पाद या सेवा और नया ववपणन दृष्टिकोण एक ववचार के साथ श ु रू हु आ है। नए ववचार उत्पन्न करना बहु त बोझिल काम हो सकता है। उन्हें अभ्यास में लाना बहु त कठिन हो सकता है। ➢ A good idea is nothing more than a tool in the hands of an entrepreneur. Finding a good idea is the first step in the task of converting an entrepreneur’s creativity into an opportunity. ➢ एक अच्छा ववचार एक उद्यमी के हाथ में एक उपकरण से अधिक क ु छ नह ीं है। ककसी उद्यमी की रचनात्मकता को अवसर में बदलने के कायय में एक अच्छा ववचार ढ ींढना पहला कदम है।
➢A promising venture always starts with a brilliant business idea. Successful entrepreneurs are innovators or problem resolvers who come with ideas to solve the existing problem of society & earn profit. ➢ Main characterstics of business idea:- ➢Fullfill the need:- it must fulfill the need of the society. ➢Clear focus:- business activity must be clear & focused. ➢Innovative:- modern technology must be adapted. ➢Uniqueness:- the business model must be unique & new. ➢Sustainable:- the business idea must be such that the business must exist for certain period of time. ➢Longer profit:- the business must earn profit for a long term.
NEEDS OF BUSINESS IDEAS ➢ Enable entrepreneur to utilize his skills:- ➢ The business ideas are generated by entrepreneur on the basis of his skill. ➢ He generate ideas to utilize the skill he has. ➢ An entrepreneur has technical, market & any other skill ,if he generates ideas based on his skill it gives him confidence to enter in the market. ➢ Enable the use of available resources:- ➢ The entrepreneur generates ideas on the basis of the available resources like men, material,machine e.t.c ➢ The ideas are generated for better utilization of the available resources. ➢ Demand of society:- ➢ An entrepreneur generates ideas to fulfill the demand of society . ➢ He generates idea to produce product & deliver services to customer for as per customer satisfaction.
➢ Problem of society:- ➢ The ideas are generated on the basis of problem of society. ➢ An entrepreneur generates idea to eliminate the problem of society. ➢ They generate idea to produce product & deliver services which gives person of society a greater relief. ➢ In simple words we can say that society problem or market problem generates business ideas

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