Content text COPYRIGHT - R7.0 - L3_ READ CONNECTION.pdf
LINEARTHINKING IN READING STEP 1: SIMPLIFY => understand a sentence - imagine sentence structures & read main components - read details if necessary => SIMPLE SENTENCE [word pattern] => COMPOUND SENTENCE [FANBOYS =>relationship?] => COMPLEX SENTENCE [SV chính - SV phụ] => infor is UNCLEAR (meaning/ connection) STEP 2: READ CONNECTION => understand a paragraph - repeated information - relationship #1: repetition #2: referencing - pronouns (it/ they/ their ...) - this/that/these/those/such + N(s) - one(s) /// the former - the latter #3: meaning (paraphrase) #1: linking words - A >= B =>>>> NHỚ 1 - A, B, C AND D /// A → B → C → C =>>> NHỚ CÁI KHÁI QUÁT - A >< B /// A ⇔ B =>>> NHỚ CẢ 2 #2: meaning NO LINKING WORD =>>> tiếp tục support cho idea trước đó +/ example, clarify +/ add more information DOL ĐÌNH LỰC DOL ĐÌNH LỰC - COPY RIGHT - KHÔNG COPY DƯỚI BẤT KỲ HÌNH THỨC NÀO
R7.0 - L3: READ CONNECTION Belief (Example) (Example) [1] Is culture influential enough to change the way an individual thinks? [2] It has long been believed that people from different cultures would think differently. [3] For example, a young boy from a farm - talk about cows a boy from New York - talk about cars. [4] two young children from different countries - be asked thoughts -> answer differently => MAIN IDEA: people from different cultures → think differently DOL ĐÌNH LỰC DOL ĐÌNH LỰC - COPY RIGHT - KHÔNG COPY DƯỚI BẤT KỲ HÌNH THỨC NÀO
REPEATED INFORMATION Repetition [1] Creativity is a great asset in many fields. [2] Indeed, with creativity, people can achieve amazing breakthroughs in their fields. Referencing Pronouns [1] In recent times, companies have slowly started to embrace the concept of disorganization. [2] Many of them embrace it in terms of perception (embracing the idea of disorder, as opposed to fearing it) and in terms of process (putting mechanisms in place to reduce structure). This/ That/ These/ Those/ Such + N [1] The U.S. suspended a proposed $574 million aid package. [2] Of this amount, $250 million is for military purchases. —----- [1] The pyramids are the most famous monuments of ancient Egypt and still hold enormous interest for people in the present day. [2] These impressive tributes to the memory of the Egyptian kings have become linked with the country even though other cultures, such as the Chinese and Mayan, also built pyramids. One(s) People in a romantic relationship have some unique problems that are not shared by those who are not in one —---- DOL ĐÌNH LỰC DOL ĐÌNH LỰC - COPY RIGHT - KHÔNG COPY DƯỚI BẤT KỲ HÌNH THỨC NÀO