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9 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 9 (Global Success) PART I. VOCABULARY a. Vocabulary Word Part of speech Pronunciation Meaning 1. artisan /ˈɑːtɪ.zæn/ thợ thủ công 2. city centre /'sɪti 'sɛntə/ trung tâm thành phố 3. community /kə'mju:nɪti/ cộng đồng 4. craft /krɑ:ft/ thủ công mỹ nghệ 5. delivery person /dɪ'lɪvəri 'pɜ:sən/ người giao hàng 6. electrical wires (n) /ɪ'lɛktrɪkəl waɪərz/ dây điện 7. electrician (n) /ɪlɛk'tri∫ən/ thợ điện 8. facilities (n) /fə'sɪlɪtiz/ cơ sở vật chất 9. firefighter (n) /'faɪə,faɪtə/ lính cứu hỏa 10. fragrance (n) /'freɪgrəns/ hương thơm 11. function (n) /'fʌŋk∫ən/ chức năng 12. garbage collector (n) /'gɑ:bɪdʒ kə'lɛktə/ người thu gom rác 13. hand-craft (v) /'hændkrɑ:ft/ làm thủ công 14. handicraft (n) /'hændɪkrɑ:ft/ đồ thủ công 15. instruct (v) /ɪn'strʌkt/ hướng dẫn 16. local (adj) /'ləʊkəl/ địa phương 17. neighbourhood (n) /'neɪbəhʊd/ khu vực lân cận 18. occasion (n) /ə'keɪʒən/ dịp, cơ hội 19. original (adj) /ə'rɪdʒɪnəl/ nguyên bản 20. police officer /pə'li:s 'ɒfɪsə/ cảnh sát 21. pottery /'pɒtəri/ đồ gốm 22. preserve (v) /prɪ'zɜ:v/ bảo tồn 23. property /'prɒpəti/ tài sản 24. shopping malls /'∫ɒpɪŋ mɔ:lz/ trung tâm mua sắm 25. shorten (v) /'∫ɔ:tn/ rút ngắn 26. sort (v) /sɔ:rt/ phân loại 27. speciality food /,spɛ∫i'ælɪti fu:d/ đặc sản 28. suburb /'sʌbз:b/ ngoại ô 29. tourist attraction /'tʊərɪst ə'træk∫ən/ điểm thu hút khách du lịch 30. world-famous (adj) /,wз:ld 'feɪməs/ nổi tiếng thế giới b. Collocation/ phrase/ phrasal verb Collocations/ phrases Meaning 1. come back trở lại 2. cut down on giảm bớt 3. find out tìm ra 4. get on with hòa thuận với 5. go out đi ra ngoài 6. give advice đưa ra lời khuyên 7. hand down/ pass down truyền lại 8. look around nhìn xung quanh 9. look for tìm kiếm 10 . obey the law tuân thủ pháp luật 11 . remind of nhắc nhở 12 . take care of chăm sóc PART II. GRAMMAR a. Question words before to-infinitive - Dùng cấu trúc câu các từ để hỏi what, when, where, who, how + to V (động từ nguyên mẫu có to) trong lời nói gián tiếp để: UNIT 1: LOCAL COMMUNITY
9 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 9 (Global Success) + Diễn tả những tình huống khó khăn hoặc không chắc chắn. + tường thuật lại câu hỏi về một việc gì đó nên được làm. Example: We don't know who to contact. She can't decide what to do Tell me when to pay He shows me where to get tickets. - Ta không thể sử dụng "why" trước "to V" Example: No one could explain why we had to come there.  No one could explain why to come there. (SAI) - Trước các từ để hỏi, ta có thể sử dụng các động tư như ask, (not) decide, discover, disciss, explain, find out, for get, (not) know, learn, remember, say, think, understand, wonder, (not) be sure, have no idea, (not) tell... Example: We were wondering where to cook the dinner. Mike wants to know how to work the computer Have Mike and Lisa dicided when to have their dinner? I wasn't sure what to do - Để tường thuật lại dạng câu hỏi Yes/ No questions, ta dùng cấu trúc whether + to V. *** Lưu ý, "if" không được sử dụng trong trường hợp này. Example: We'll have to decide whether to go ahead with the timeable (or not). We have to decide if to go ahead. (SAI) Mike wasn't sure whether to phone her immediately or not. I was wondering whether to order some coffee. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. PART III. PRACTICE Exercise 1: Listen to the recording and choose the best answer A, B, C, or D for each question below: 1. What is the focus of the Warm Clothes volunteer group in Vietnam? A. Teaching children to make bamboo and bottle crafts B. Collecting clothes for poor people in rural areas C. Tutoring small kids in villages D. Selling handmade items to buy books for village children 2. Who are the members of the Warm Clothes group? A. Only parents B. Only children C. Both parents and their children D. Elderly volunteers 3. What did the parents teach their children to make? A. Warm sweaters B. Bamboo and bottle crafts C. Books D. Love 4. How did the group raise funds to buy books for village children? A. By selling handmade items (bamboo and bottle crafts) B. By tutoring small kids C. By collecting donations D. By dancing for the elderly 5. What did the Warm Clothes group bring to the small villages? A. Warm sweaters B. Love C. Books D. Food Warm Clothes is a famous volunteer group in Vietnam. Its members are both parents and their children. Last year, they had many activities to help their community. The group collected clothes and sent them to poor people in rural areas. The parents taught their children to make things from bamboo and bottles. They then sold these to buy books and donated them to village children. They also went to the villages and tutored small kids there. They brought love to those small villages. Exercise 2: Listen to the audio and decide whether those sentences are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F): True False 1. Nowadays, delivery people aren’t commonly seen in the city.   2. Mr. Nam is approximately 40 years old.   3. Mr. Nam wears a yellow uniform.   4. Mr. Nam calls to check if the family is at home before delivering parcels.   5. Mr. Nam refused to leave the parcel with the neighbor when the family was not at home.   Nowadays delivery people are commonly seen in our city. Of all the delivery people who deliver us parcels, our family likes Mr Nam the most. Mr Nam is about 40 years old and usually wears a yellow, uniform. He is a kind, friendly, and LISTENING

9 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 9 (Global Success) Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 1. _______ responded quickly when there was a fire in the apartment building. A. Police officers B. Firefighters C. Garbage collectors D. Electricians 2. The friendly _______ brings our groceries right to our doorstep. A. delivery person B. police officer C. firefighter D. electrician 3. Be careful around the exposed _______ near the construction site. A. garbage trucks B. fire hydrants C. delivery vans D. electrical wires 4. Owning a _______ in this area is a good investment. A. artisan B. function C. property D. fragrance 5. It's important to _______ traffic rules for everyone's safety. A. obey B. break C. ignore D. challenge 6. Skilled artisans in our community create beautiful _______, including pottery, textiles, and wooden carvings. A. electricity B. hobbies C. interests D. handicrafts 7. Our local markets offer a delightful array of _______, from artisanal cheeses to exotic spices. A. community helpers B. speciality foods C. garbage collectors D. police officers 8. The talented _______ at the corner shop handcrafts unique jewelry using recycled materials. A. helper B. neighbour C. electrician D. artisan 9. On weekends, it's lovely to _______ the neighborhood, enjoying the fresh air and friendly faces. A. fly around B. drive around C. walk around D. run around 10. After traveling abroad, many people feel a strong pull to _______ to their hometown and reconnect with their roots. A. come back B. hold on C. give up D. go away 11. The market features a variety of _______ goods, from leather bags to hand-knitted scarves. A. manufactured B. factory-made C. hand-crafted D. mass-produced 12. Our community celebrates its _______ culture and traditions during the annual heritage festival. A. communal B. original C. electrical D. urban 13. The traditional recipe for our famous apple pie has been _______ through generations in our family. A. handed down B. passed on C. given out D. broken down 14. I live in a quiet _______ where people know each other by name. A. suburb B. village C. town D. neighbourhood 15. The annual _______ picnic brings everyone together. A. school B. shop C. community D. facility 16. She enjoys practicing her _______ —pottery—in the community center. A. sport B. hobby C. craft D. language 17. I need to _______ a reliable plumber to fix the leaky faucet. A. look after B. look for C. look around D. look down 18. Let's _______ the bus to explore the nearby tourist attractions. A. get out B. get off C. get on D. get involved 19. The sense of community in our _______ is what makes it special. A. neighbourhood B. pottery C. suburb D. building 20. Our local community boasts several captivating _______, such as historical landmarks, scenic parks, and charming museums. A. handicraft B. tourist attractions C. community D. facilities 21. The _______ in our local community include a library, a sports center, and a community center. A. buildings B. shops C. facilities D. houses 22. The sense of belonging to the _______ is strong among the residents. A. family B. friends C. local community D. colleagues 23. The _______ fixed the faulty wiring in our house. A. electrician B. garbage collector C. delivery person D. police officer 24. The bustling _______ is full of shops, restaurants, and theaters. A. suburb B. city centre C. neighbourhood D. local community 25. The city council decided to _______ the waiting time for public transportation by adding more buses during rush hours. A. shorten B. increase C. lengthen D. extend 26. The bakery fills the air with the delightful _______ of freshly baked bread each morning. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR

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