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01.THE LIVING WORLD 1. A prediction made by a scientist based on his observations is known as (a) Law (b) Theory (c) Principle (d) Hypothesis (e) Conceptual scheme 2. Study of flowers is known as (a) Anthology (b) Phenology (c) Agrostology (d) Palynology 3. Choose the correct pair (a) Sericulture - Fish (b) Silviculture - Silkworm (c) Apiculuture - Honeybee (d) Pisciculture - Forestry 4. Biology is concerned with (a) DNA (b) Biomass (c) Living organisms (d) Life as recorded for fossils 5. The study of acquired characters of animals and plants is called (a) Genetics (b) Eugenics (c) Evolution (d) Ctetology 6. Branch connected with study of cell structure is (a) Cytology (b) Physiology (c) Geology (d) Histology 7. The study of trends in human population growth and the prediction of future development is known as (a) Sociology (b) Geography (c) Demography (d) Anthropology 8. The study of trends in human population growth and the prediction of future development is known as (a) Sociology (b) Geography (c) Demography (d) Anthropology 9. Study of relationship between environment and plants animals or human is (a) Ecology (b) Ethology (c) Mycology (d) Dermatology 10. The study of development of an organism from the egg to the adult stage is known as (a) Embryology (b) Evolution (c) Cell theory (d) Genetics 11. Science of characters and distribution of races is knwon as (a) Ethnology (b) Sociology (c) Taxonomy (d) Anthropology 12. Study of cause of disease shall come under (a) Pathology
(b)Etiology (c) Zymology (d) Ethology 13. Genetic engineering is connected with (a) Eugenics (b) Euthencis (c) Euphenics (d) All of these 14. Improvement of human race by improving the enviroment is called (a) Eugenics (b) Euthenics (c) Euphenics (d) None of these 15. Exobiology refers to study of [BVP 2003; Kerala PMT 2004] (a) Life in the air (b) Exodermis (c) Terrestrial organisms (d) Life on other planets 16. Inland fisheries is (a) Fishing inside water (b) Fishing in island (c) Fish in culture pond (d) Fishing in freshwater 17. Branch of biology which deals with the study of the process of ageing is called (a) Geology (b) Genealogy (c) Genetics (d) Gerontology 18. Study of liver is known as (a) Herpetology (b) Nidology (c) Hepatology (d) Horology 19. The study of reptiles is kown as (a) Ichthyology (b) Herpetology (c) Serpentology (d) None of these 20. The branch of study dealing with microscopic anatomy of tissues is (a) Histology (b) Cytology (c) Morphology (d) Palaeontology 21. Which of the following are characteristics of living things (a) They reproduce (b) They acquire energy (c) They respond to stimuli (d) All of the above 22. Organisms which display properties of both living and nonliving (a) Viruses (b) Diatoms (c) Lichens (d) Bacteria 23. The highest level of organization among the following is (a) Ecosystems (b) Iandscapes (c) Populations (d) Communities 24. The lowest level of organization among the following is (a) Populations (b) Landscapes
(c) Ecosystems (d) Communities 25. The smallest unit of an element that retains all the properties of the element is (a) Atom (b) Molecule (c) Electron (d) Compound 26. In atoms, protons and neutrons are present (a) Outside the nucleus (b) Only in the nucleus (c) In the electron shells (d) Inside and outside nucleus 27. Which of these particles determine the chemical properties of an atom (a) Protons (b) Neutrons (c) Electrons (d) None of these 28. Which of the following substances does not play a role in normal human physiology (a) Calcium (b) Silver (c) Phosphorus (d) Sulphur 29. The ionization of a sodium atom to produce is an example of (a) Oxidation (b) Reduction (c) Catabolism (d) Anabolism 30. Which of the following is a trace element required only in small amounts by most living things (a) Oxygen (b) Iron (c) Nitrogen (d) Hydrogen 31. Pasteur succeeded in disproving the spontaneous generation theory because (a) He was lucky (b) He was ingenious in drawing out the neck of the glass flasks so as to provide access to air but not to the micro-organism (c) Of the fact that the sample of yeast taken by him was dead (d) Of the clean surroundings of his laboratory 32. An experiment to prove that organic compounds were the basis of life, was performed by (a) Oparin (b) Miller (c) Melvin (d) Fox 33. The first organisms to appear on earth were more like plants because (a) Plants are simpler (b) Plants are more (c) Plants do photosynthesis (d) None of the above 34. How has the free been released into the earth's atmosphere whereas there was no free at the time of origin of life (a) By catabolic activity of animals (b) By photosynthetic activity (c) By heating of the earth (d) None of the above 35. Which of the following was most likely to have been absent in free form in the primordial atmosphere at the time of origin of life (a) (b) (c) (d)  Na O2 O2 O2 CH4 H2 NH3
36. Nucleoprotein gave most probably the first sign of (a) Life (b) Amino acids (c) Soil (d) Sugar 37. The complex organic compounds that may have first evolved in the direction of origin of life on earth, may have been (a) Proteins and amino acids (b) Proteins and nucleic acids (c) Urea and nucleic acids (d) Urea and amino acids 38. In his classic experiment on the formation of amino acids, Stanley Miller passed an electric discharge in a mixture of (a) Steam, and (b) and (c) and steam (d) and steam 39. The scientist related with the over throw or the "Theory of spontaneous generation'' and experiments with swan-necked flasks is (a) Von Helmont (b) Louis Pasteur (c) Miller (d) Haeckel 40. According to spontaneous generation theory, the sequence of origin of life may be considered as (a) Amino acid- protein-chlorophyll (b) Chlorophyll-starch-glycogen (c) Nucleic acid- amino acid - chlorophyll (d) Chlorophyll - nucleic acid - amino acid 41. The first to isolate plant virus was (a) W.M. Stanley (b) E. C. Stackmann (c) A. K. Smith (d) Ivanowski 42. The virus is made up of (a) Protein (b) Nucleic acid (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above 43. Caulimo virus (Cauliflower mosaic virus) are a group of viruses which have (a) Double stranded RNA (b) Single stranded RNA (c) Single stranded DNA (d) Double stranded DNA 44. The rabies virus consists of (a) Single stranded RNA (b) Double stranded RNA (c) Single stranded DNA (d) Double stranded DNA 45. Term "virion'' is used for (a) Mycoplasma colony (b) Group of viruses (c) Nostoc colony (d) Single virus 46. Which of the following is absent in virus (a) Cell wall (b) Cell membrane (c) Cytoplasm (d) All the above 47. Influenza virus has got (a) Naked capsid (b) Enveloped capsid (c) Naked polyhedral capsid (d) No capsid at all 48. The genetic material in viruses is (a) Only RNA (b) Only DNA (c) RNA and DNA both 4 2 CH , H NH3 4 2 2 CH ,CO , O H2 3 2 2 NH , O , H 4 2 2 CH , H , N

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