Content text Idea Viết 1 B3.pdf
TOPIC: EDUCATION Mỗi bài gồm 10 ý chính được liệt kê trong Cột A, cùng với các ý mở rộng tương ứng được cung cấp trong Cột B. Ghép nối các ý chính ở Cột A với các ý mở rộng tương ứng ở Cột B, nhằm tạo thành các ý tưởng hoàn chỉnh và logic. Exercise 1: Education Column A: Main Ideas Column B: Expanded Ideas A1. Cultural diversity in education B1. How uniform standards can improve academic performance worldwide. A2. Importance of life skills in curricula B2. Enhancing interactive learning through apps and online platforms. A3. Role of technology in education B3. Benefits of a multicultural curriculum on student tolerance and understanding. A4. Funding disparities in public schools B4. Smaller classes lead to better individual attention and higher achievement. A5. Early childhood education importance B5. How uneven funding affects educational opportunities. A6. Education as a right vs. a privilege B6. Potential for more flexible and accessible education systems. A7. The impact of global education standards B7. Debating whether access to education should be equal for all. A8. Effects of student-teacher ratios B8. Impact of parent engagement on student success. A9. The future of distance learning B9. The long-term benefits of pre-kindergarten programs on learning outcomes. A10. The role of parental involvement in education B10. Teaching skills like budgeting and communication alongside academics.
Exercise 2: Technology Column A: Main Ideas Column B: Expanded Ideas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
Exercise 3: Health Column A: Main Ideas Column B: Expanded Ideas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
Exercise 1: Education Answers: • A1 - B3 • A2 - B10 • A3 - B2 • A4 - B5 • A5 - B9 • A6 - B7 • A7 - B1 • A8 - B4 • A9 - B6 • A10 - B8 Exercise 2: Technology Answers: • A1 - B3 • A2 - B9 • A3 - B4 • A4 - B5 • A5 - B8 • A6 - B7 • A7 - B10 • A8 - B6 • A9 - B2 • A10 - B1 Exercise 3: Health Answers: • A1 - B8 • A2 - B10 • A3 - B4 • A4 - B2 • A5 - B7 • A6 - B6 • A7 - B5 • A8 - B1 • A9 - B3 • A10 - B9