Content text Unit 3 Mech class notes .pdf
Unit3 9 Simple stes and strain (2) mechanical propoties and Testirg
Is]s2023 Thesdoy Stes i Unit> Strem s intenal astance of matoiol aguinat dalomation which dy Strain: | Sinple stes and shain Unit Pat O shen (o) : Forca (plood) Area (A)| Nmm n N/m 1N/mn: l0° N /m M fa. Unitles Stgn Conuenton force paM Unit aea. Strain is diformaton erpesed as drcton es consta Tt Js the atio of change m Gngfh to original (angth. Stain (E ) - Change uin length (4L) Oniginal angth (2) for tenaile loa+iw ern For copreoie loal -i O Ergheomng stess or Nominalstes Ainhal ofeced R=P A tnat ioGiga lo'2 : Tera lws the
(A) Divect ste O lenaie Oompreniue @shea Stes sters (A) Diycct stes : Stey Thee ( C). T pesof Divtct ses i gien aalow Sten produced de to ict loading. Stes shean stes (B)Inco'yect shres (a) Tensile ste (6) Compeniua stas O Bending Torsional 3 typo ertenton in called s called Styers * Elorgake th matorials. tSLkLksL Shes * when a loadd api'ed such that t tendo to pull apot tha pahicles of matnials caring Hhe divchian of (oaol hen he Caad he fcomeapond'ng stary of diet stes wh'ha s 4ensile loacl amd (+enaile sters. (c) Comlined strem A
Copeniue stees_i 3 It * when the (oac is panticls of th motaial neae daveose the hngth of ungth of matuuat. in Calle d P a apply shrers is callo compremiue stes Shoanshes such hat it pushes the Compemiua (oao and tae cones ponding caning shotening unit Nmmor l0m A * nhen teo latds paxts of body ae in contact and they pul apautthen they exet equal andoppsite ora on eaeh othe n he diton tongential to ther swsace of contact Thus ta shes dueloped in lbocy is teHned as shoc st-es . Shea stes A