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Analysis of DF Papers Theories (MIMP Theories)  Compare SRAM & DRAM. 2020S, 2022S, 2023S  Compare TTL, ECL, & CMOS logic families. 2022W  compare CMOS and TTL. 2021W  Differentiate between RAM & ROM. 2020S  compare CPLD with FPGA. 2020S  Compare Half adder and Full adder. 2022S  Differentiate Synchronous counter and Asynchronous counter. 2022W  Give the difference between Sequential circuit and Combinational circuit. 2022S  What are qualitative differences between parallel loading and serial loading in shift registers? 2023S  Define the logic family properties: o (i) fan in (ii) propagation delay (iii) power dissipation. 23S  Define following: Figure of merit, Noise margin, and Power dissipation. 20W 1. Give classification of logic families. 21W 2. List out various logic families. Also list characteristics of digital IC. 22S
3. Explain classification of Memories. 19W 4. Write a detailed note on various types of memories. 20W 5. Explain the types of ROM. 19W 6. List out different types of ROM. Also explain ROM. 22S 7. Write a short note on Read Only Memory (ROM). 21W 8. Write a short note on ROM & its types. 20S 9. Draw and explain the structure of a RAM cell. 23S 10. Draw and explain in brief block diagram of CPLD. Also compare CPLD with FPGA. 20S 11. Draw and explain in detail the block diagram of CPLD. 20W 12. Write a short note on FPGA. 21W 13. State and prove De-Morgan's theorems using truth-tables. 2019W, 2020W 14. Why NAND and NOR gates are called universal gates? Explain with appropriate example. 23S 15. Implement AND, OR, & EX-OR gates using NAND & NOR gates. 19W 16. Explain NAND gate as a Universal Gate. 22S 17. Realize AND, OR and NOT gate using NAND gates only. 20W 18. Implement NOR, AND, & OR gates using NAND gates only. 22W 19. Implement EX-NOR using NAND gate. 21W 20. List out three basic logic operations. Realize these operations using NOR gates only. 20S 21. Generate AND & EX-OR gates using NOR gate. 21W
22. Design a full adder and realize full adder using 3X8 Decoder and 2 OR gates. 19W 23. Design full adder circuit using decoder and multiplexer. 21W 24. With logic diagram and truth table, explain the working of 3 line to 8 line decoder. 21W 25. Write a brief note on quantization and encoding. 20S 26. Write a brief note on quantization and encoding. 20W 27. With a neat block diagram explain the function of encoder. Explain priority encoder? 22W 28. Explain 4-bit parallel adder. 19W 29. Explain 4 bit Binary Parallel Adder. 22S 30. Explain 4-bit parallel binary adder with neat and clean diagram. 22W 31. Draw the logic diagram of 1-digit BCD adder. 20W 32. Explain BCD adder using two 4-bit adder IC and a correction-detector circuit. 22W 33. Design BCD to Excess 3 code converter using minimum number of NAND gates. 21W 34. Design BCD to excess-3 converter. 23S 35. Draw truth table of 2-bit digital comparator. 20W 36. Draw truth table of 2-bit digital comparator. 22W 37. Explain 2-bit comparator circuit. 21W 38. Implement 2-bit Magnitude comparator. 22S 39. Design 1- bit Magnitude Comparator. 19W 40. Design a circuit which compare TWO binary number whether A>B, A=B or A45. Classify different types of digital to analog converters. 22S 46. List out various commonly used D/A converters. Draw & explain any one D/A converter. 20W 47. List out various commonly used D/A converters. Draw & explain any one D/A converter. 22W 48. What is Digital to Analog converter? Draw and Explain R-2R DAC. 21W 49. Explain R-2R ladder type D/A converter. 19W 50. Explain R-2R ladder type D/A converter. 22W 51. Explain the working of R-2R ladder type D/A converter. 23S 52. Draw and Explain R-2R DAC. 21W 53. Draw & explain weighted-resistor D/A converter with necessary equations. 20S 54. Describe operation of D/A converter with binary-weighted resisters. 22S 55. Explain the types of A/D convertors. 23S 56. List out various commonly used A/D converters. Draw & explain any one A/D converter. 20W 57. List out various commonly used A/D converters. Draw & explain any one A/D converter. 22W 58. Draw & explain Flash A/D converter with necessary decoding table. Also mention pros & cons of the same. 20S 59. Explain in detail Dual Slope A/D converter. 21W 60. Explain Successive Approximation type A/D converter. 19W 61. Explain Successive Approximation A/D converter in detail. 21W 62. Describe the successive approximation A/D conversion principle with the neat diagram, explain this type of A/D converter. 23S 63. What is a programmable LOGIC Array (PLA)? Describe with a logic diagram the principle of operation of a PLA. What are its advantages? 23S

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