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RECALLS EXAMINATION 7 NURSING PRACTICE II CARE OF HEALTHY / AT RISK MOTHER AND CHILD NOVEMBER 2024 Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination Review GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. This test questionnaire contains 100 test questions 2. Shade only one (1) box for each question on your answer sheets. Two or more boxes shaded will invalid your answer. 3. AVOID ERASURES. 4. Detach one (1) answer sheet from the bottom of your Examinee ID/Answer Sheet Set. 5. Write the subject title “NURSING PRACTICE II” on the box provided Situation – The family of Roxas is fond of dogs. A vendor who entered the gate without notice is bitten by one of the pet dogs named Bert. PHN Cords Attends to the vendor. 1. Which of the part of body of the vendor will be the MOST affected in terms of rabies? It is the _________. A. Buttocks B. Head C. feet D. hand 2. To protect the vendor from the dangers of rabies, PHN Cords advises him to clean the wound thoroughly with soap and water, consult a physician and receive anti-rabies vaccination. Which among the following vaccines can provide active immunity? 1. Purified vero cell vaccine 2. Human rabies immunoglobulin 3. Equine rabies immunoglobulin 4. Purified duck embryo vaccine A. 1 and 4 B. 2 only C. 3 and 4 D. 1 only 3. The vendor acquired rabies, what will PHN Cords do to protect those who took care of him? He should administer____________. A. Pre-exposure prophylactic treatment only for the family of Bert B. Post-exposure prophylactic treatment only for the family of the vendor C. Pre-exposure prophylactic treatment to Bert and the vendor’s families D. Post-exposure prophylactic treatment to Bert and the vendor’s families 4. PHN Cord’s intervention to protect all residents who own pets, especially dogs, should be done by_______. A. Coordinating with city/ municipal agriculturist for immunization of all pets B. Coordinating with city/municipal officials to make an ordinance on stray dogs C. Massive campaign to families not to own pets at home D. Massive campaign for responsible pet ownership Situation – The Field Health Services and Information System (FHSIS) is recording and reporting system in public health care in the Philippines 5. The following are the objectives of the FHSIS, EXCEPT: A. Complete the picture of acute and chronic disease B. Ensure data recorded are useful and accurate and disseminated in a timely, easy to use fashion C. Minimize recording and reporting burden allowing more time for patient care and promotive activities D. Provides standardized facility-level data base which can be used for more in-depth studies 6. As a nurse, you should know the process of how these information are processed and consolidated. The fundamental block of the FHSIS system is the ______________ A. Family treatment record B. Output record C. reporting forms D. target/client list 7. The monthly field health service activity report is a form used in which of the components of the FHSIS? A. Target/client list B. Output report C. individual health record D. tally report 8. In using the tally sheet, the recommended frequency in tallying activities and services is_______. A. Weekly B. Quarterly C. Monthly D. Daily 9. To monitor clients client registered in long-term regimen such as the Multi drug Therapy, which component of the reporting system will be most useful? A. Output report B. Tally report C. target/client list D. individual health record Situation – Nurse Omar takes care of the Ramos extended family who resides in the house owned by Nilda’s mother, Marta. Nilda tends a variety store is married to Ramon, a government employee. They have four children: Lester, 20 years old; Gina, 18 years old; Alex, 15 years old; and Celine, 12 years old. Lester is a working student of his second year in computer technology course. Gina is a high school graduate; Alex is in third year high school and Celine is in Grade six. There is one year old baby girl who is a daughter of Gina. Gina, however, could not pinpoint the one who sired her child in as much as she had multiple sex partners. This angered Ramon. 10. Though he recognizes the remorse of his daughter, Ramon still feels confused regarding the situation. He said he tried his best to support his family and had always been considerate and kind. He and his wife would always give them reminders and advice calmly and never in a nagging manner. But still they failed as parents. The possible nursing diagnosis of Nurse Omar of his family is_____________. A. Interrupted family process B. Impaired parenting C. Parental role conflict D. Ineffective role performance 11. Nurse Omar ’s conversation with Gina revealed that the young woman still suffers from a syndrome of failure: failure to complete one’s normal growth and development, failure to complete education, failure to establish a vocation and become independent and failure to have a life. The nurse Omar ’s intervention to this problem is_____________. A. Linear approach with regards to the individual in the 1 | Page
context of the family, community and culture that will combat shame and guilt B. Lay down the foundation of a future by trusting human association and developing mutual trust initially with the nurse, then the family, and eventually the whole community C. Focus on the factors that will help protect Gina towards proximal stimuli for healthy growth and development to develop her resiliency in confronting current and future problem D. Transform interactions among family members, strengthen specific roles and functions to strengthen family system in order to eventually cope 12. In one home visit, Nurse Omar was approached by the 15 year old Alex. He was asking about condom use. He said he has a girlfriend with whom he is madly in love with but does not want her to get pregnant. Nurse Omar ’s most practical and best advice would be__________. A. Postpone sex and suggest other ways to expressing love B. Explain to him the difference between sex and love C. Teach him by step-to-step correct, continuous and consistent condom use D. Discourage him on having a girlfriend and focus more on his studies 13. Ramon complains to Nurse Omar some weird behaviour of Nilda. These past few months, she has decreased sex drive, night’s sweats and mood swings. He also received weird text message from her such as: “Do you really love me?”, “What role do I play in your life?” “Do you still find me attractive?” The best advice of Nurse Omar to Ramon should be________. A. Give her some money for make-over to increase her self-esteem and make her look attractive to him B. Accompany her to a psychiatric C. Ignore his wife or tell her she is too old to act like a teen-ager D. Give reassurance that she is the best person who came to his life 14. Apparently, the nurse interventions have improved family relationships. The members are now communicating with one another and are excited in preparing for a family affair, which is the baptism of Beatrice. Nurse Omar was asked to be the godfather of the child. His best response is_________. A. Accept and proudly say that Beatrice will be his 49th godchild B. Refuse and make an alibi that he belongs to another religion C. Accept and express gratitude for the trust accorded him by the family D. Politely decline and explain that his relationship with the family must not go beyond professional Situation – Belinda, the PHN in the Municipality of La Trinidad, learned from the residents that children and some elderly had been suffering from respiratory and skin ailments allegedly due to the bad smell curly dark smoke emitting from the factory nearby. She was invited to the community assembly that was initiated by the barangay council. 15. The barangay captain asked, “What can you do to help solve the problem of Nurse Belinda?” What would be the right response of Nurse Belinda? A. “Well, your problem is easy to solve. I have here some cough syrup, ointments for the skin and some antibiotics. I will distribute this after the meeting.” B. “Who among you here have children who are suffering from respiratory and skin diseases? How about the adults who are here? Are you also having the same problems?” C. “I suppose you gave a lot of thought about the problem and its possible solution. However, treating your children and the elderly is not the first solution. We have to go to the root cause of the problem.” D. “May I ask you what solution have you identified for the community problem?” Situation – Nurse Lovely, a newly promoted senior nurse in Obstetrics ward (OB) is attending a seminar on management and leadership in preparation for her work. 16. Nurse Lovely learns the five principles of goal setting in which the senior nurse must provide enough time for OB nurse to improve performance. This is called__________ A. Challenge B. Commitment C. feedback D. task complexity 17. The nurse also learns that continuous training is a personal as well as an organizational goal. Choose the statements that are true regarding continuous training 1. Training employees is an excellent investment and a cost to an institution 2. Continuous training is more of a personal responsibility than institutional 3. Cross training and job rotation provide on-going part-time learning experience 4. Select the best people when hiring employees and invest their retention through continuous training A. 3 and 4 B. 1 and 2 C. 1 and 4 D. 2 and 3 18. Noting the importance of Nurse-Patient-Relationship, Nurse Lovely reviewed Hildegard Peplau’s Theory which identified three phases, the FIRST of which is when the pregnant woman is________. A. Feels the need to seek professional assistance B. Demonstrates self-reliance in caring for herself C. Understands the communication of Nurse Lovely regarding the services offered D. Begins to have feeling belonging 19. Nurse Lovely took note that evaluating the OB staff is an on-going function of management. Some of the reasons for conducting evaluation include, EXCEPT to _____________. A. Provide an indication of the costs of poor quality services B. Justify the use of resources C. Dissuade self-evaluation of OB staff D. Ensure that quality of care is provided by the OB staff Situation- You are an OB nurse in an out-patient department of a hospital. You encounter pregnant women with complication 20. A 35-year old woman, on her 2 nd trimester of pregnancy with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, comes to you for some advice. What is the PRIORITY message for her at this time? A. Infants of diabetic mothers are big which can result in more difficult delivery B. Breastfeeding is highly recommended and insulin use is not contraindicated C. Achievement of optimal glycemic control is of utmost importance in preventing congenital anomalies D. Her insulin requirements will likely increase beginning 3 rd trimester of pregnancy 21. A 30-year old G6P5 woman at 12 weeks has just begun prenatal care. Her initial laboratory reveals that she has human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. What would be a priority evidence-based nurse information for this patient? A. Breastfeeding is still recommended due to the great benefits to the infant B. Pregnancy is known to accelerate the course of HIV disease in the mother C. Medication for HIV infection is safe and can greatly reduce transmission of HIV to the infant D. Breastfeeding will potentiate the transmission of HIV from the mother to the child Situation– Nurse Dana, a nursing staff applicant, passed both written and oral examinations. Because she knows the head of office, she promised to submit all her credentials after she has “fix things up.” She was appointed as Nurse I with a temporary status until she submits all her credentials, including her PRC license. Her evaluation performance was satisfactory. After a year though, she had to renew her PRC registration and identification (ID) card. 22. What action must the nursing administration do FIRST? A. Report the matter to the head of office who had the discretion to appoint the nurse B. Verify with the Professional Regulation Commission regarding the status of Nurse Dana 2 | Page
C. Confront Nurse Dana and terminate her D. Write a letter to the Civil Service Commission for proper action to Nurse Dana 23. It was found out that Nurse Dana did not pass the Nurse Licensure Examinations (NLE). What legal action should be filled against her? A. Dishonesty B. Conduct unbecoming of professional C. Malpractice D. Misrepresentation 24. In case Dana have medication error during her tour of duty, the head of office can be liable because of the law called ____________. A. Unethical conduct B. Respondeat superior C. Politicking D. Res Ipsa Loquitur 25. All Nurses must understand that after graduation they should pass the NLE. To be registered in the roster, they should take the Professional Oath with a ________, EXCEPT. A. Member of Sangguniang Panlalawigan B. Governor of Philippine Nurse Association C. Member of the Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing D. Provincial Governor Situation – PHN Elfa works in barangay 14 and 15 in the Municipality of Agoho. One day, a neighbor summons her to attend to a 7-year old boy with high grade fever. 26. Upon reaching the house, a local herbolaria, Nanay Isa was already attending to the boy. She said that the boy played near the river and the bad spirits entered his body. The MOST appropriate remark the nurse make is _________________. A. “Go on. Do what you have to do, then I will take over.” B. “Nanay Isa, your intervention is entirely wrong.” C. “It’s good you’re here. You can drive away the spirits that entered the boy’s body.” D. “You have to be sure that all the evil spirits have been driven out of the boy’s body.” 27. After a few minutes, Nanay Isa took a big bowl of soup and gave to the boy. The BEST remark of the Nurse is _____________. A. “I also drink a soup when I get sick. How about you, Nanay Isa, do you do the same?” B. “The soup could have been better if you put lemon grass on it.” C. “Come on, tell me why soup must be given to a child with fever D. “That’s correct. Increasing fluid intake will help lower down temperature.” 28. Finally, Nanay Isa took out from her pocket a dried rose flower and place it on the boy’s forehead. How will Nurse Elsa handle this action? A. Tell her not to use the dried flower again because it does not have any good effect on the sick B. Ask for an extra piece of fried rose flower and promise to use it C. Ask the herboloria the rationale for the intervention D. Leave the intervention as is. Anyway the intervention is neutral: not harmful nor beneficial Situation – The local health board established a reproductive health clinic in the main health center. Two nurses, Hunter and Irene, were assigned to handle services to address problems related to sexuality, reproductive health and fertility problems. 29. Nurse Hunter classifies cases according to the major categories of reproductive tract infections. Which of the following is NOT part of such classification? A. Iatrogenic infections as aftermath of invasive procedures like catheterization and intra-uterine device (IUD) insertion B. Urinary tract infections among male and female patients C. Sexually-transmitted infections D. Endogenous infections resulting from poor personal hygiene 30. Irene handles the screening for gonorrhoea every two weeks among female sex workers in the implementation of PD 856. In differential diagnosis of discharge among infected clients, which of the following colors discharge will Irene take note to identify gonorrhoea from other causes? A. Greenish yellow as differentiated from mucoid white of trichomoniasis B. Mucoid white as compared to grayish-white discharge of vaginosis C. Grayish white as differentiated from mucoid white of chlamydia D. Yellowish white as compared to trichomoniasis’ greenish-yellow 31. Nurse Hunter was invited by a women’s group to give a lecture on healthy sexuality. In the expectation check, he noted that there are previous misconceptions expressed by the participants. Which of the following statements are correct? A. It is the obligation of the wife to give in to sex every time he asks for it B. Sexuality is fluid and may change C. Effeminate men are gays D. Homosexuality, being gay or lesbian, is an abnormality 32. One of the clients was positive to Gonorrhea. Nurse Irene explained that gonorrhoea and chlamydia, if left untreated can lead to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). Such condition may cause infertility due to ______. A. Foul smelling odor discharge which can kill the ovum B. An unknown cause C. Scarring which can lead to tubal occlusion D. Purulent discharge which can kill the sperm 33. Nurse Irene further explained that a test used to determine tubal patency using a radiopaque material is the __________. A. Post-coital infetitlity test B. Sims Huhner test C. Friedman’s test D. hysterosalpingography Situation – Ela, 21 years old, is a law graduate. She wants to review for the Bar but thinks she is pregnant. She said she has regular menses but does not know when ovulation usually occurs. This have something to do her fertility period during her last sexual intercourse with her husband. 34. As a nurse, what would you tell Ela regarding ovulation? The ovulation usually corresponds to the life of the corpus luteum which occurs approximately _______________. A. 14 days after the first day of the succeeding menstrual B. 7 days after the first day of the succeeding menstrual C. 7 days before the first day of the succeeding menstrual D. 14 days before the first day of the succeeding menstrual 35. Ela insisted she might have been fertile during the time of sexual intercourse. The nurse explains that absolute period of fertility is the span of time that a woman is likely to be pregnant when she engages in unprotected sex______. A. Several days after ovulation B. During ovulation C. Immediately after ovulation D. Immediately before ovulation 36. The nurse proceeded to take the menstrual history of Ela to find out if she is likely to be pregnant. Which of the following determines the date of onset of last menstrual period (LPM)? It is the ___________. A. Duration and character of the LMP B. Implantation bleeding C. Spotting after the LMP D. Bleeding before the last menstrual period (LMP) 37. The nurse also asked about Ela’s secondary amenorrhea that would most likely indicate her pregnancy. Secondary amenorrhea is cessation of menses for more than_______ months, after regular menstrual cycle has been established. A. Five B. Three C. six D. four 38. The nurse also asked for presence of secondary dysmenorrhea. Which of the following conditions is not INCLUDED under secondary dysmenorrhea? A. Intra-uterine device (IUD) 3 | Page
B. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) C. Malposition of the cervix D. Absence of any underlying anatomic abnormality 39. Carla another patient in the clinic just found out that she is pregnant. She asks when would be her delivery date. What is the expected date of confinement (EDC) of a pregnant woman whose menstruation was from April 10 to April 13? A. January 17 B. January 20 C. July 17 D. July 20 40. The nurse noted the Fundic height of Anna is at the level of the umbilicus. In documenting the data using Bartholomew’s rule, the most probable age of gestation (AOG) in week is : A. 12 weeks B. 16 weeks C. 20 weeks D. 32 weeks Situation: A pregnant woman is monitored continuously for a range of signs and symptoms that indicate potential complication. Nurse Carol attends to different discomforts and problems of pregnant women. 41. Alice an O.P.D nurse admitted Mrs. Felia to the antepartum unit with a diagnosis of severe Hyperemesis Gravidarum. When the nurse reviews the laboratory tests, she would expect which of these findings? A. Increased hematocrit B. Decreased blood urea nitrogen C. Increased potassium D. Low urine specific gravity 42. Nurse Alice suspects presence of sexually transmitted infection to Mrs. Felia specifically Syphilis to a pregnant client. Which of the following tests will be recommended to the client to confirm diagnosis? A. Complete blood count B. Urinalysis C. Benedict’s test D. VDRL 43. Mrs. Ilagan a 26 year old Primigravida is being prepared for a nonstress test. This is an assessment test based on what phenomenon? A. Braxton-Hicks contractions cause fetal heart rate alterations. B. Fetal heart rate slows in response to a uterine contraction. C. Fetal movement causes an increase in maternal heart rate. D. Fetal heart sounds increase in connection with fetal movement. 44. After a non-stress test is completed, Nurse Ilagan observes on a monitor of the fetal strip results that the fetal heart rate accelerated 15 BPM with each fetal movement. The acceleration lasted for 20 seconds and occurred 3 times during the 20 minute test. The Nurse is correct in interpreting the test as a: A. Reactive test B. Non- reactive test C. Positive test D. Negative test 45. Another client is also scheduled for Amniocentesis. Nurse Carol explains to the client that one of the risks of amniocentesis is: A. Rupture of membranes B. Premature labor C. Fetal death D. Malformation 46. The nurse is assessing the fetal heart monitor strip of a client having a contraction stress test. Which of the following, if noted by the nurse, would indicate a negative test? A. No late decelerations after any contractions on a strip with three contractions within a 10-minute time frame. B. Late decelerations after at least 2 contractions on a strip with three contractions within a 10-minute time frame. C. Late decelerations after one contraction on a strip with three contractions within a 10-minute time frame. D. An increase in fetal heart rate after three contractions within a 10-minute time frame. 47. The client complains of feeling tired and thirsty. The nurse evaluates that the mother understand the reason for taking only small sips of water and ice chips during labor. Which of the following statement expressed by the mother would reflect she understands the situation? When: A. the body normally has a sufficient store of energy B. the digestive process is normally slower during labor C. the intestinal tract should be completely empty before delivery in order to avoid infecting the baby D. Cesarian section is always a possibility even in normal labor 48. Kim, a 27 year old, multigravida client, has been transferred to the delivery room after spontaneous rupture of membrane and crowning was noted by the nurse in charge. You know that your teaching has been effective when the laboring client's partner shouts, "She's crowning!" as: A. You first start to see a little of the baby's head. B. The baby's head recedes upward between pushing contractions. C. The perineum is thin and stretching around the occiput. D. The mouth and nose are being suctioned. 49. To deliver her infant, a woman is ask to push with contractions to deliver. Ensuring the standards of nursing practice, which of the following is the most effective and safest pushing technique to teach her? A. Lying supine with legs in lithotomy stirrups. B. Squatting while holding her breath. C. Head elevated, grasping knees, breathing out. D. Lying on side, arms grasped on abdomen. 50. The delivery room nurse based on the standards of nursing practice, episiotomy is usually indicated for which of the following purposes? A. To prevents distention of the bladder. B. To relieve pressure on the fetal head. C. To aid in contraction of the uterus following delivery. D. Done primarily for the physician’s benefit. Situation: It is important for an Obstetric Nurse to perform a comprehensive physical assessment after labor and delivery that could predispose the mothers to potential complications such as hemorrhage. 51. The Nurse in the delivery room is attending to Mrs. Cruz on labor to make sure that maternal injury will be prevented during the postpartum period. Which of the following instruction should the nurse consider to prevent postpartum hemorrhage? A. Massage the fundus regularly B. Postpone breastfeeding of the baby- C. Apply warm compress to her abdomen D. Have bed rest and avoid early ambulation 52. When the placenta has been delivered, the first thing the nurse should do in adherence with the standards of nursing practice is to: A. Inspect the placenta for completeness of the cotyledons B. Palpate the uterus to see if it is contracted C. Administer oxytoxic agents as ordered D. Estimate the blood loss to detect any bleeding 53. The delivery room nurse palpates the client’s fundus immediately after delivery of the placenta and assess that it is boggy. The nurse massages the patient’s uterus until it is firm. Considering evidence-based nursing practice, which medication would the nurse anticipate might need to be administered if the uterus becomes boggy again? A. Oxytocin (Pitocin) B. Ibuprofen C. Rho (D) immnune globulin (RhoGAM) D. Magnesium sulfate 54. Mrs. Evita 28 years old gave birth through Cesarian section. The Nurse examines her and identify the presence of lochia serosa and feels the fundus 4 fingerbreadths below the umbilicus. This indicated that the time elapsed is: A. 1 to 3 days postpartum B. 4 to 5 days postpartum C. 6 to 7 days postpartum D. 8 to 9 days postpartum 4 | Page

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