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Page 1 of 19 BIDANG : BAHASA INGGRIS GURU OLIMPIADE SAINS HARDIKNAS 2024 FOKUS – HEBAT – JUARA SOAL DAN PEMBAHASAN BAHASA INGGRIS GURU OLIMPIADE SAINS HARDIKNAS OFFLINE This text is for no 1-12! DAYAK TRIBE A number of indigeneous people of the island of Borneo (1) ......... collectively known as the Dayak. They speak a variety of languages (2) .......... the Indonesian branch of the Austronesian language family. Dayak (also spelled Dyak) is a general term that has no (3) ......... ethnic or tribal meaning. Especially in the Indonesian part of Borneo, it is applied to any of the (4) ............. indigenous people of the interior of the island (to distinguish them from the largely Malay population of the coast). In the (5) ........ part of Borneo, the term Dayak is used less (6) .......... . There, it is often understood (7) .......... specifically to the Iban and Bidayuh people. (8) .............. of the Dayak groups are the Kayan, Kenyah, Ngaju, Bidayuh and Iban. Most of the Dayak traditionally lived along the banks of the rivers. (9) ....... communities, seldom with more than a few hundred members, consisted of one or more (10) ........... These dwellings were divided into apartments that could house (11) ........... 100 families. The Dayak lived by growing rice for their own use and by fishing and hunting. By the early 21st century, some Dayak (12 ) ............ up their longhouses for separate family houses. Others had left their rural villages altogether for towns and cities along the coast. Rural Dayak, however, have typically continued their traditional subsistence lifestyle. 1. a. were b. are c. is d. was e. had been Jawaban: b Pembahasan: adanya V3 known mengindikasikan kalimat pasif. Konteks kalimat berupa teori umum menandakan penggunaan simple present tense. Subjek jamak mengharuskan penggunaan tobe are. 2. a. belong to b. belongs to c. belonged to d. belonging to e. belongness to Jawaban: d Pembahasan: kalimat di atas menggunakan adjective clause yang direduksi (which belongs menjadi belonging) 3. a. precise b. precisely c. precision d. precisionly e. precised Jawaban: a Pembahasan:
Page 2 of 19 BIDANG : BAHASA INGGRIS GURU OLIMPIADE SAINS HARDIKNAS 2024 FOKUS – HEBAT – JUARA kata sifat precise harus berparalel dengan kata sifat tribal yang masing-masing berpasangan dengan kata benda dan dihubungkan konektor and 4. a. nonMuslim b. non Muslim c. non-Muslim d. not Muslim e. not-Muslim Jawaban: c Pembahasan: compound adjective yang digunakan terdiri dari adjective-noun. Non adalah adjective dan Muslim adalah noun 5. a. Malaysiant b. Malayish c. Malaysist d. Malayan e. Malaysian Jawaban: e Pembahasan: kata sifat yang merupakan kebangsaan (nationality) adalah Malaysian 6. a. extension b. extend c. extended d. extensive e. extensively Jawaban: e Pembahasan: oleh karena kalimat yang ada telah lengkap utuh dalam kalimat pasif maka dibutuhkan keterangan –ly (extensively) 7. a. to refer b. refer c. referred d. referring e. to referring Jawaban: a Pembahasan: setelah kata kerja understood, diikuti oleh bentuk infinitive to+V1 8. a. the prominenter b. the more prominenter c. the prominentest
Page 3 of 19 BIDANG : BAHASA INGGRIS GURU OLIMPIADE SAINS HARDIKNAS 2024 FOKUS – HEBAT – JUARA d. the most prominentest e. the most prominent Jawaban: e Pembahasan: kalimat di atas menggunakan superlative (bukan comparative) karena tidak ada penanda than sehingga bentuknya adalah the most prominent. 9. a. its b. their c. it d. they e. them Jawaban: b Pembahasan: kalimat di atas memerlukan pelengkap kepemilikan untuk kata benda communities. Kata ganti kepemilikan mengacu kepada kata benda jamak yang telah disebutkan di kalimat sebelumnya, sehingga menggunakan their 10. a. long house b. long houses c. longhouses d. longhouse e. long-house Jawaban: c Pembahasan: kata benda yang diperlukan merupakan kata benda jamak yang dalam bentuk satu kesatuan kata biasa yaitu longhouses 11. a. as much as b. as little as c. as lot as d. as many as e. as less as Jawaban: d Pembahasan: kata benda families yang merupakan kata benda jamak menggunakan quantifier many (as many as) 12. a. is giving up b. gives up c. was giving up d. would give up e. had given up Jawaban: e Pembahasan: penanda by the time menunjukkan penggunaan past perfect (S+had+V3)
Page 4 of 19 BIDANG : BAHASA INGGRIS GURU OLIMPIADE SAINS HARDIKNAS 2024 FOKUS – HEBAT – JUARA 13. We have been renovating the interior of our house ............. a. since a century b. since one term c. since yesterday d. since ten decades e. since a day Jawaban: c Pembahasan: since digunakan untuk titik mula dari periode yang merupakan awal sebuah aktivitas atau peristiwa dari present perfect continuous tense. Sehingga yang paling tepat dan masuk akal adalah since yesterday. 14. She has completed her diploma ........ a. for eight semesters b. for 2020 c. for four years ago d. for March 1st 2020 e. for the beginning of 2020 Jawaban: c Pembahasan: Apologies for the confusion. The correct option is: "She has completed her diploma for four years ago." This option correctly indicates the completion of the diploma four years prior to the current time. 15. He has been repairing the TV ......... a. since ages b. since Sunday c. since a long time d. since awhile e. since two and half hour Jawaban: b Pembahasan: since digunakan untuk titik mula dari periode yang merupakan awal sebuah aktivitas atau peristiwa dari present perfect continuous tense This text is for no 16-30! TRADING Ever hear a story of someone snapping up a rare antique (16) ....... a garage sale and then reselling the item for a massive (17) .......... . The original trade may have (18) seemed fair at the time, but without other (18) ............ to drive up demand, the seller wouldn’t have any way to (19) ......... the item. It’s one reason why the price can (20) .......... climb when the new owner resells the item at auction. Trading on the stock market (21) ........... in much the same way. Two or more parties (22) ......... the price of an asset to reach an agreed transaction. It’s an activity that plays out hundreds of millions of times a day, with stocks, bonds, commodities, (23) ........... and other types of assets changing hands every minute. While trading is ultimately very simple, there are strategies and tactics buyers and sellers can use to (24) ............ they’re getting a fair price. To make any trade, you need a seller and a buyer: one party to make an offer price and (25) ............ to accept it. Prices tend to rise when buyers outnumber sellers and fall when there are a surplus of sellers (26) ........... to offload their investments. Bids and offers can be exchanged back and forth between two or more parties until both (27) .......... come to an agreement. On the markets, this back-and-forth (28) .............. happens

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