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IAS Oriented © 2024 | All Rights Reserved | www.iasoriented.in IAS Oriented
Revise Modern History For UPSC IAS 2025 Mains Exam Master Answerwriting with Chapterwise Model Answers To Boost Your Score & Revision S. P. PATIL @iasoriented IAS Oriented © 2024 | All Rights Reserved | www.iasoriented.in IAS Oriented
Index Chapter 1 India under East India Company’s Rule - Administration - Charter Acts - Expansion policy - Colonial and Economic policies Chapter 2 Education under the Company’s Rule - Social and Modernisation Reforms introduced by British Governors - General (Reforms of Bentinck and Dalhousie) Chapter 3 The Great Revolt of 1857 - Causes - Results - First War of Indian Independence - End of Company’s Rule - Queen’s Proclamation Chapter 4 Socio - Religious Reform Movements in the 19th century India (Brahmo Samaj, Arya Samaj, Theosophical Society, Ramakrishna Movement, Muslim, Parsi and Sikh Reform Movements) Chapter 5 Changes in Indian Administration after 1858 (1861 Act - Ripon- 1892 Act-Administrative Reforms under Lord Curzon and their effects) Chapter 6 India’s Freedom Movement (First two phases) - Emergence - Growth - Moderates - Extremists - Minto - Morley Reforms - Home Rule Movement – Montagu - Chelmsford Reforms Chapter 7 India’s Freedom Movement (Gandhian Period) - Non-Co-operation Movement - Swarajya Party - Simon Commission - Salt Satyagraha - Round Table Conferences - Gandhi - Irwin Pact – Individual Satyagraha - Cripps Mission -Quit India Movement etc.) Chapter 8 India after Independence - Social, Economic, Scientific and Technological Progress - Foreign Policy (1947 - 2000) IAS Oriented © 2024 | All Rights Reserved | www.iasoriented.in IAS Oriented
Chapter 1 India under East India Company’s Rule - Administration - Charter Acts - Expansion policy - Colonial and Economic policies 1. Examine the administrative structure of the East India Company in India. How did the Company’s governance evolve over time? 2. Analyze the impact of the Charter Acts on the administration and governance of India under the East India Company. 3. Discuss the expansion policy of the East India Company. What were the key strategies and events that facilitated the territorial expansion of the Company in India? 4. Evaluate the colonial economic policies implemented by the East India Company. How did these policies affect the Indian economy and society? 5. Assess the role of the East India Company in transforming India’s political landscape. What were the long-term consequences of the Company’s rule on Indian administration and governance? IAS Oriented © 2024 | All Rights Reserved | www.iasoriented.in IAS Oriented

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