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Content text Unit 1- Lesson 6 - Skills -2.docx

Date of planning:………….. Date of teaching: ………..… WEEK: 2 Period ..: UNIT 1 : LOCAL COMMUNITY Lesson 5 : SKILLS 2/ Listening and writing I. OBJECTIVES: * By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to gain the following items: 1. Knowledge: + To practice listening and writing. - Listen for specific information about a community helper; - Write a paragraph about a community helper. + Integrated skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing. * Vocabulary: - Use the words related to the topic Local community; * Grammar: - Use question words before to-infinitives and some phrasal verbs; 2. Competence: - Students will be able to practice listening , speaking, reading and writing skills . - Develop communication skills and cultural awareness. - Be cooperative and supportive in pair work and teamwork. 3. Personal qualities: - Be friendlier and willing to help the community; - Actively participate in community services; - Develop self-study skills. II. TEACHING AIDS: - Teacher: Grade 9 text book; Projector / TV..... - Students : Text books, workbook… - Computer connected to the Internet. - Hoclieu.vn III. PROCEDURE: 1. WARM UP & INTRODUCTION ( 3’- 5’) * Objectives: - To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson; - To lead into the new lesson. * Content: To have some warm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the subject and new lesson. * Expected outcomes: Having a chance to speak English. * Organisation : Teacher’s instructions … Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content + Greeting + Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about the previous lessons, + Greeting - T_Ss. + Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do
- T may introduce some warm-up activities to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the subject and new class… - T encourages Ss to talk in English as much as possible - Have Ss say aloud the names of community helpers they know and have learnt. Ask them who is their favourite community helper and why. Encourage Ss to share their answers. - Lead into the new lesson: Listening and Writing about favourite community helpers. - Introduce the objectives of the lesson. Write the objectives in the left corner of the board. the tasks. + Ss’ answers - Open the book and write the tittle of the lesson. ACTIVITY 1. PRESENTATION/ NEW LESSON ( 12’- 15’) I. LISTENING * Pre-listening * Objectives: To prepare ss for the listening text. * Content: * Expected outcomes: Ss answer the two questions freely. * Organisation : Teacher’s instructions. Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content TASK 1: Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. * Teach vocabulary: + Choose to teach some keywords that appear in the listening text if necessary (reflective stripes, garbage cart, sorting,...). + Check Vocab. + Have Ss look at the pictures and answer the questions in the book: 1. Who can you see in the pictures? 2. What are they doing? + Elicit answers from Ss. This is an open activity, so accept all answers provided they make sense. - T_Ss *Suggested answers: We can see garbage collectors. They are taking the garbage away. - Choose to teach some key words that appear in the listening text if necessary (reflective stripes, garbage cart, sorting, ..) * WHILE LISTENING ( 15’) * Objectives: 2+3 . - To help Ss develop the skill of listening for specific information. - To help Ss develop the skill of listening for specific information. * Content: - Task 2: Listen and fill in each blank with no more than TWO words. - Task 3: Listen again and tick T (True) or F (False).
* Expected outcomes: Ss can listen for specific information to do the learning tasks. * Organisation : Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content TASK 2: Listen and fill in each blank with no more than two words. - Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a radio broadcast about a community helper. - Have Ss read the questions first and underline the keywords. - Have them identify the kind of information needed for each blank (e.g. blank 1: noun / name of the contest; blank 2: noun / his job,...). - Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and fill in each blank with no more than two words. - Ss work in pairs to compare their answers. - Ask for Ss' answers and write them on the board without confirming whether they are right or wrong. - T_Ss - Work individually. * Key: 1. Community Helper 2. garbage collector 3. slim 4. friendly TASK 3: Listen again and tick T (True) or F (False). - Tell Ss that they are going to listen to the broadcast again and decide if each statement is true or false. - Have Ss read the statements and underline the keywords. - Have Ss guess whether each statement is true or false based on their previous listening. - Invite some Ss to share their answers. - Write their answers on the board. - Play the recording and ask Ss to listen again and check their answers. Ss work in pairs to compare their answers with each other and with the answers on the board. - Play the recording once more for pairs to check their answers to both 2 and 3. - Refer to Ss' answers to 2. Confirm and tick the correct answers. Ask for Ss' answers to 3. - Write them on the board next to their guesses. Confirm the correct answers. - T_ Ss - Ss to work individually. * Key: 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T EXTRA ACTIVITY : Transition from Listening to Writing + Have Ss answer these five questions about Mr Vinh: - What is his job?
- What does he look like? - What is he like? - What does he do for the community? - How does Mi feel about him? + This activity is a natural transition to 4 and serves as a model for Ss'answers in 4. ACTIVITY 2: WRITING * Objectives: + To brainstorm ideas and make an outline for Ss' writing. + To help Ss practise writing a paragraph (about 100 words) about their favourite community helper * Content: - Task 4:  Work in pairs. Choose a community helper you like and answer the following questions. - Task 5:  Write a paragraph (about 100 words) about your favourite community helper. Use the answers to the questions in 4 to help you. * Expected outcomes: - Students can use learned vocabulary and grammar to write a paragraph about a community helper. * Organisation : Teacher’s & Student’s activities Content TASK 4: Work in pairs. Choose a community helper you like and answer the following questions. + Have Ss work in pairs to answer the questions in the book. Remind them to take notes of their answers. - Have some Ss present their answers or write their answers on the board. - Comment on their answers - T_ Ss. + Students’ own answers TASK 5 : Write a paragraph (about 100 words) about your favourite community helper. Use the answers to the questions in 4 to help you. - Have Ss write their paragraphs individually based on their answers in 4. - Ask one student to write his / her paragraph on the board. Other Ss and T comment on the writing on the board. * Post writing - Then T collects some writings to correct at home. Otherwise, ask Ss to revise and rewrite at home based on the T's comments on their friend's writing. Have them bring their new writing to class in the next * Suggested answer: My favourite community helper is Mr Nam. He is a delivery person in my neighbourhood. He is a friendly person. Whenever he delivers something to us, he smiles happily. He sometimes asks me about my study. In addition, he is hard- working and responsible. He delivers goods to my family and other families in the neighbourhood despite the weather. Sometimes he has to return twice to deliver us a parcel because we are not at

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