Content text QUANTIFIERS corregido.pdf
JUST B1 many much many many much much many How many How much How much How many much time many countries many people much luggage many times a lot of OK a lot of OK OK a lot Time Tiempo (incontable) Vez (contable)
tú JUST B1 a little milk A few days a little Russian a few friends a few times a few chairs a little fresh air A few a little little few a little little Opportunity puede ser contable o incontable en inglés. Para saber si es contable o incontable fíjate en si está en singular o en plural. En singular será incontable En plural será contable a little a few OK a few few OK
Lend us borrow you borrow money fromthe bank andthe banklendsmoneyto you A lot of Ok It cost a lot OK many A lot OK A lot of Little Many Much Few Little Many A few OK A little OK A few A few A few A little Few Little A little Little A few
many amount few little / few much/many little number many many much something OK few some / any a few a lot of / lots of/ plenty of OK any OK No