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UNIT 2. HUMANS AND THE ENVIRONMENT- Test 1 I. Find the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. recycle B. clean C. car D. cause 2. A. place B. plan C. habit D. attract 3. A. prevent B. energy C. attend D. encourage 4. A. protect B. provide C. model D. collect 5. A. heat B. situation C. turn D. sustainable 6. A. litter B. issue C. device D. pick 7. A. raw B. organ C. appliance D. adopt 8. A. compulsory B. human C. bus D. rubbish 9. A. waste B. search C. support D. cause 10. A. plastic B. emission C. estimate D. remind II. Find the word that differs from the other three in the position of stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. explosion B. chemical C. natural D. organise 2. A. reduce B. litter C. event D. improve 3. A. lifestyle B. issue C. meeting D. adopt 4. A. energy B. neighbourhood C. attention D. regular 5. A. station B. global C. destroy D. water 6. A. attend B. damage C. footprint D. welcome 7. A. household B. protect C. friendly D. public 8. A. model B. habit C. product D. remind 9. A. harmful B. plastic C. bottled D. collect 10. A. temperature B. activity C. sustainable D. electrical III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. Too much CO 2 in the atmosphere can lead to increasing global temperatures and air pollution, and destroy the natural world. A. result in B. involve in C. result from D. turn up 2. It's not difficult to reduce your carbon footprint. You can do it by making your daily activities eco-friendly. A. climate-friendly B. unfriendly C. kindly D. environmentally-friendly 3. Walking or cycling are activities that can help reduce your carbon footprint and your impact on the environment. A. influence B. consequence C. effect D. circumstance 4. A carbon footprint is the total amount of C02 produced by human activities and includes the emissions of other greenhouse gases. A. discharges B. controls C. reductions D. expansion 5. Modern household appliances make housework much easier. A. Current B. Contemporary C. Recent D. Up-to-date IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. Large carbon footprint is a reason for destroying the natural world. A. gentle B. artificial C. pure D. uncommon 2. Small changes in your daily habits can help reduce the carbon footprint you produce. A. lower B. increase C. rise D. improve 3. More people adopt a green lifestyle. It is a choice we make to change to a greener and more sustainable lifestyle. A. continual B. viable C. untenable D. wasteful 4. Recycling as much as possible reduces the need to collect new raw materials and protects natural resources. A. unprocessed B. well-done C. cooked D. prepared 5. Organic methods help reduce the use of harmful chemicals in food, which is better for our health. A. fortunate B. profitable C. favorable D. helpful V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences.
1. I'm ______ reduce my carbon footprint but I don’t know what to do, so I join the club. A. keen on B. keen to C. used to D. used for 2. The club’s ______ is to improve our environment and encourage people to adopt a greener lifestyle. A. wish B. desire C. purpose D. aim 3. We’ll organise more activities to raise local people’s ______ of environmental issues. A. awareness B. aware C. unaware D. unawareness 4. Don’t throw away your used household items, but ______ and recycle them. A. reduce B. produce C. sort D. break 5. Globally, the ______ carbon footprint per person is more than 4 tons per year. A. medium B. average C. personal D. estimated 6. Instead of using your ______ car or motorbike, you should use public transport, walk or cycle as much as possible. A. particular B. public C. common D. personal 7. Everyone should ______ all electrical appliances before going out of the room to save energy. A. turn off B. turn on C. turn up D. turn down 8. She’s interested in listening to music loudly, so she ______ the radio. A. turned off B. turned on C. turned up D. turned down 9. The park is dirty because many people ______ litter on the paths. A. make B. drop C. keep D. hold 10. The club is ______ by the Youth Union in my school. A. cleaned up B. picked up C. based on D. set up 11. I think we are all able ______ a lot of things to protect our environment. A. to do B. do C. doing D. to doing 12. Students are ______ to pick up litter that they see on the ground. A. raised B. attracted C. reminded D. decided 13. Eco-friendly car models always attract great ______ at exhibitions. A. attend B. attention C. attentive D. attentively 14. One of the most important ______ of energy is the Sun. A. resources B. bases C. roots D. sources 15. They have already ______ a decision that they are going to buy a new house next month. A. had B. made C. taken D. got 11. This beautiful dress ______ for me by my mother last week. A. is made B. was made C. will be made D. has been made 12. Those flowers and plants ______ every day. A. will be watered B. are watered C. were watered D. are being watered 13. Hundreds of films ______ by CGV Cinemas since January. A. have showed B. have been showed C. were showed D. showed 14. "When ______?” - " In 1876." A. the telephone was invented C. did the telephone invented B. was the telephone invented D. did the telephone invent 15. The preparation for the graduation ceremony ______ by the time the students ______. A. had been finished - came C. had finished - came B. have been finished - came D. will have finished - come 16. Do you hear the footsteps behind us ? I think we ______. A. were being followed C. are followed B. are being followed D. were followed 17. My computer ______ by my brother at this time last night. A. was being repaired B. was repairing C. is repairing D. was repaired 18. This work ______ by the marketing team next Monday. A. will be done B. will have been done C. will do D. is done 19. A lot of clean-up activities ______ by our club this weekend. A. will have organized B. is being organized C. are going to be organized D. will be organizing 20. These reports must ______ by the manager. A. have checked B. be checking C. be checked D. check 10. They recommend that we bring a ______ bag when we go shopping. A. usable B. reuse C. reusable D. useful
11. He started to cycle to work ______ driving his own car last week. A. in spite of B. instead of C. due to D. because of 12. Scientists said that it took years for the material to ______ into small pieces. A. break down B. break up C. turn down D. turn up 13. Household appliances should be ______ to save energy and avoid dangerous situations. A. turned off B. turned on C. turned up D. turned down 14. Each of our small habits, such as leaving the room with the lights on, wastes ______. A. electric B. electrical C. electrically D. electricity 15. We shouldn't drop litter in the street because this will make the street dirty and ______ the environment. A. polluted B. pollution C. pollute D. polluting 16. Rubbish will be ______ in the central market and in the streets around the schools. A. pick up B. picked up C. to pick up D. picking up 17. The students are keen on ______ the voluntary activities because they can make new friends. A. join B. to join C. joining D. joined 18. We can improve the environment in our school in many ways and even small actions can make a big ______. A. improvement B. difference C. diversity D. contrast 19. The ______ of greenhouse gases can cause climate change. A. estimation B. diffusion C. ejection D. emission 20. Too much CO2 in the atmosphere can lead ______ increasing global temperatures and air pollution, and destroy the natural world. A. for B. at C. to D. from 21. Following the school's regulations is ______ for every teacher and student. They are not allowed to be late for school. A. compulsory B. helpful C. good D. useful 22. These simple activities can help reduce your carbon footprint and your impact ______ the environment. A. with B. about C. from D. on 23. Do you know the oldest type of _______ energy is the biomass that is derived from plant matter? A. remarkable B. significant C. sustainable D. affordable 24. We buy _______ food at the farmers' market. It costs a little bit more, but we think it's better for our health. A. organic B. non-organic C. healthy D. wealthy 25. In the UK, poor air quality is responsible ___________ some 40,000 deaths each year. A. to B. for C. in D. with 26. Sustainable energy is energy that __________ the needs of the present generations. A. meets B. takes C. makes D. picks 27. We can’t go along here because the road _______. A. is repairing B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. repairs 28. ___________car models always attract great attention at exhibitions. A. Eco – friendly B. Wealthy C. Passionate D. Portable 29. Remember to turn off your ___________when they are not used. A. household chores B. household appliances C. household finance D. invitations 30. Small changes in your daily habits can help reduce the ___________you produce. A. carbon footprint B. footsteps C. issues D. trouble 31. One of the most important _____________of energy is the sun. A. resources B. sources C. means D. kinds 32. Students are reminded to _________ litter that they see on the ground. A. turn off B. put off C. pick up D. turn up 33. Switching to ________ light bulb is one way to protect the environment. A. energy-expending B. energy-wasting C. energy-saving D. energy-lacking 34. More people _________ a green lifestyle because it is good for the environment. A. adopt B. conclude C. compose D. create 35. A modern hospital _________in this town soon. A. will be built B. will build C. will built D. will be build 36. You should cut down ________ electricity usage to reduce your carbon footprint. A. in B. on C. to D. for 37. Switching to ____ eco light bulb is one way to protect the environment. 
A. energy-wasting B. energy-expending C. energy-lacking D. energy-saving 38. I never leave any electrical appliances on standby and I think it is a good way to ____ energy in the home.  A. take care of B. use C. keep D. conserve 39. Money ______ to the homeless shelter by Larry. A. donated B. was donating C. was donated D. donates 40. This house is going ______ by my mother A. sold B. to be sold C. to sold D. to sell VI. Write the words from the box below the pictures. plastic litter appliance explosion emission collection 1. ________________ 2. ________________ 3. ________________ 4. ________________ 5. ________________ 6. ________________ VII. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence. 1. The damage / support caused by industrial pollution is an issue that demands immediate attention. 2. During the cultural ceremony / lifestyle, the community discussed ways to protect their local area. 3. The environmental event / issue attracted a large crowd and helped raise people’s awareness of environmental protection. 4. The scientist gave an informative area / presentation on renewable energy technologies. 5. By using energy-efficient appliances, my family significantly reduced our monthly emission / energy bills. 6. Environmental education is important to raise awareness / collection about environmental issues. 7. Recycling paper and cardboard household items / devices helps protect valuable resources. 8. Protecting natural resources / reports is essential for future generations. 9. Human changes / activities, such as deforestation and industrial emissions, are a major cause of climate change. 10. Waste collection / station is essential for preventing pollution and ensuring proper disposal of materials. 11. Small changes / impacts in daily habits can make a big difference in environmental protection. 12. Using raw situations / materials wisely helps keep our environment clean and healthy. VIII. Match the phrases on the left with their meanings on the right. 1. set up a. to collect 2. turn off b. to arrange for an event or activity to happen 3. clean up c. to get rid of something you do not want any more 4. pick up d. to stop a device with a button or a switch 5. cut down on e. to find something 6. break down f. to divide something into smaller parts 7. throw away g. to use or do less of something 8. search for h. to make a person or place clean and tidy IX. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions 1. Adopting green technologies can help _________ the environment. A. improve B. attend C. organise D. raise 2. Many households have chosen to _________ a greener lifestyle to reduce their carbon footprint. A. encourage B. reduce C. achieve D. adopt 3. Sustainable farming practices aim to _________ food without causing harm to the environment. A. collect B. produce C. attract D. remind

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