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Unit 8: Cities 8A. Vocabulary • Cities: People, Places, City problems I. Complete the sentences with the words below. visitors overpopulation antenna tower commuter residents boulevards air pollution street vendors pedicab immigrants 1. Jewellery, leather and clothes are offered by __________ at every comer. 2. Her parents were first-generation __________ from Viet Nam. 3. Three quarters of the island’s __________ speak English. 4. There has been a steady decrease in the number of __________ to the museum. 5. He was a regular __________ between Cambridge and London. 6. The __________ suddenly collapsed while two workers were working high on it. 7. It is a city of broad __________ and spacious parks. 8. A(n) __________ is a bicycle with three wheels, with a covered seat at the back of passengers, used as a form of taxi. 9. Family planning has helped prevent __________ . 10. In 2000, it was estimated that __________ from various sources contributed to 3 million deaths worldwide. • Means of transport II. Study the bold words in sentences 1-7. Then match them to definitions a-g. 1. Last summer, I went on a trek through the Alps. 2. I also went on a ten-day voyage around Antarctica, whale watching. 3. I’m not an explorer. I’ve never been on a polar expedition. 4. I also prefer a short trip on weekends away to local places. 5. A flight to Thailand would produce a lot of CO2. 6. They go on a coach tour which stop off at popular tourist attractions. 7. They go on a planned excursion to crowded museums. a. a journey by air b. a long journey which is often scientific c. a long journey in a ship or a spacecraft d. a difficult walk, lasting several days or weeks e. travelling from place to place with an organized group f. a short outing to one place for pleasure g. a short or long journey for business or pleasure III. What type of transport are the people talking about? Complete each blank with the words below. lorry ship taxi hot air balloon
coach speedboat motorbike underground 1. ‘I always call one to get home at night.’ 2. ‘I use it every morning to get to work. The roads are full of cars, so it’s the best way to travel.’ 3. ‘It’s my dream to travel in one of these, to feel the wind in my face and look down at the world below. ’ 4. ‘We enjoy touring foreign cities in them. They are perfect for groups of thirty or forty people.’ 5. ‘I drive it for twelve hours a day. It’s my job. I transport products for food companies across the country.’ 6. ‘I can take you to my house. It’s big enough for two people and I have two helmets.’ 7. ‘It’s the fastest way to travel on water. I use mine for waterskiing.’ 8. Tn the past, everyone used these to visit other continents. It took three weeks to get to the USA. Now this type of travel is only for rich people.’ • Travel: places IV. Complete the sentences with the words below. There are two extra words you do not need. carriage lockers motorway ticket inspector luggage rack runway gate aisle departure lounge flight attendant 1. We took our bag onto the coach and put it on the __________ . 2. We couldn’t find the tickets when the __________ asked for them, so we had to pay again. 3. Our journey was very comfortable because we had seats in the first-class __________ 4. The coach to Ho Chi Minh City leaves from __________ 10. 5. There was little traffic on the __________ so the coach arrived early. 6. We bought some presents from the shops in the __________ before we went to the gate to board. 7. The __________ brought us some free drinks because the flight was so late taking off. 8. There were no seats left on the train, so we had to stand in the __________ for the whole journey. V. Complete the sentences with the below. seat aisle luggage traffic jam change check-in desk journey platform passport control track carriages coach Peter’s worst travel experience was the 1 __________ home after a school reunion in Norwich, England. The train company was doing work on the 2 __________ , so he had to get his first train at 7 am, 3 __________ trains in Ipswich and then later get a 4 __________ into London. His first train was delayed, so he spent 30 minutes waiting on the 5 __________ .
Then, on the train, he couldn’t find a 6 __________ because all the 7 __________ were full. Eventually, they arrived in Ipswich and he had to run for the next train. The problems continued when they got on the coach, because everybody had left their 8 __________ in the 9 __________ and it was difficult to find somewhere to sit. Finally, they set off, but as they approached London, there was an enormous 10 __________ . Two hours later they arrived at Liverpool Street Station, where he ran to take the Underground to the airport. He arrived at the 11 __________ two minutes before it closed, but then there was a long queue of people at the 12 __________ . The only reason he got on that plane was because there was another delay, but this time he didn’t mind. • Vocabulary for Reading VI. Complete the sentences with the below. attain mainstream extraordinary pave autonomous alert rollout cost-effective outfit innovation 1. Since its __________ in fall of 2000, the online service has gained millions of members. 2. The company is very interested in product design and __________. 3. Data from the space flight should __________ the way for a more detailed exploration of Mars. 4. That army tried to __________ all its soldiers. 5. Most of the students __________ five ‘A’ grades in their exams. 6. Higher education is relatively __________ from the British government. 7. I’m not feeling very __________ today - not enough sleep last night. 8. It wouldn’t be __________ to buy an expensive new computer when all you want to do is store your photos. 9. She has a(n) __________ memory and can remember details and names that I’ve long forgotten. 10. They made the clothes suitable for normal people: less high-fashion and more __________ • Collocations: verb + noun VII. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. ride reach book leave stay at hire check in hail miss board 1. I overslept and __________ the train. 2. __________ two hours before the flight. 3. Never __________ your luggage unattended. 4. The couple __________ the train to Ha Noi yesterday. 5. The tourist attractions in our city can be __________ by public transport. 6. I __________ my aunt’s house for a couple of weeks last year. 7. The hotel doorman will __________ a taxi for you.
8. I __________ a bicycle to school every weekday. 9. The best way to explore the island is to __________ a car. 10. Have you __________ a holiday this year? • Formal style VIII. Rewrite the sentences in a more formal style by replacing the underlined words with the words or phrases below. ahead of schedule appreciate approached approximately complimentary in due course inform refreshments regret remain requests 1. You will receive notification of the results later. __________________________________________________________________________ _____ 2. Admission to the dance is 400,000 VND, and free foods and drinks are provided. __________________________________________________________________________ _____ 3. I understand that it’s a difficult decision for you to make. __________________________________________________________________________ _____ 4. The pilot asks that passengers stay seated until the aircraft has come to a complete stop. __________________________________________________________________________ _____ 5. I arrived at Phong’s house about half an hour early, and it caused him a little inconvenience. __________________________________________________________________________ _____ 6. As I got nearer the house, I noticed a light on upstairs. __________________________________________________________________________ _____ 7. I am sorry to tell you that you didn’t get the job. __________________________________________________________________________ _____ • Holiday activities IX. Complete the sentences with the words below. kayaking skiing scuba diving fishing Swimming horse riding hiking mountain biking 1. __________ is the basic sport for all other water sports. 2. The swimmer uses swimfins, a diving mask, weights, and a diving regulator as in __________ .

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