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2 6. The given compound II is respectively isomeric with I, III & IV as (I) O C NH CH3 (II) OH C N CH3 (III) CH3 C N O H (IV) OH CH3 C N (A) Tautomer, functional, geometrical (B) Metamers, tautomer, identical (C) Functional, tautomer, identical (D) Functional, tautomers, geometrical 7. For given reaction sequence : Me CH COOH Me Br ,Red P 2 A B C D KCN H O3  ⎯⎯⎯⎯→ ⎯⎯⎯→ ⎯⎯⎯→ ⎯⎯→ Correct option for this sequence : (A) Major product D is Me2CH–COOH (B) B is  - Bromo carboxylic acid. (C) C is Vicinal dicarboxylic acid. (D) D is , - unsaturated acid. 8. Product P, Q, R will be respectively: OMe Me S2 3 (1eq.) + ⎯⎯⎯→ O Q P R LiAlH4 NaBH4 (A) COOMe CHO , COOMe CH2OH , CH2OH CH2OH (B) COOH COOMe , CH2OH CH2OH , COOMe CH2OH (C) COOMe CHO , CH2OH CH2OH , COOMe CH2OH (D) COOH COOMe , COOMe CH2OH , COOMe CH2OH 9. Which of the following will not undergo decarboxylation on gentle heat? (A) COOH O (B) O COOH (C) C O CH2 COOH (D) O COOH
3 10. Final product R does not give H5C2 – CH – C – NH2 H3C O 2 2 2 Br /KOH NaNO HCl PCC H O P Q R + ⎯⎯⎯⎯→ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→ ⎯⎯⎯→  (A) Haloform reaction (B) Tautomerisation (C) Tollen's Test (D) Fehling Test 11. Relationship between B and C is O Cl OMe Mg ⎯⎯⎯⎯→ dry ether A (i) H SH SH  B C (ii) Raney Ni Zn-Hg/HCl (A) Chain isomers (B) Homologus (C) Identical (D) No relation between them 12. Suitable reagent(s) to carry out following conversion is / are N CH3 C–CH3 O ⎯→ N Et CH3 (A) CH SH | CH SH 2 2 − − / H2 / Ni followed by OH– (B) N2H4 / H2O2 (C) N2H4 / EtONa,  (D) Zn / Hg / HCl 13. Select incorrect reaction(s) / statement(s): (A) Me C = N OH 2 4 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→ conc.H SO C–NH–Me O (B) Metaformaldehyde is trimer of formaldehyde while paraaldehyde is tetramer of acetaldehyde. (C) Me C OEt || O − − 18 2 NaOH H O ⎯⎯⎯→  Me−C− O Na || O − + 18 EtOH (D) OH COOH 2 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→ (MeCO) O (apainkiller) Asprin 14. In how many of the given reaction is carboxylic acid formed as a major product? (i) COOH COOH O ⎯⎯→ (ii) HOOC COOH ⎯⎯→ (iii) CHO O2N 3 2 3 3 (CH CO) O H O CH COONa  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→⎯⎯⎯→ (iv) OH ⎯⎯⎯→PCC (v) CH3 hot KMnO4 NaOH,CaO ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→  (vi) KCN/H dil. H SO 2 4 CH CHO 3  ⎯⎯⎯⎯→⎯⎯⎯⎯→ (vii) 2 Mg (i) CO Dry ether (ii) H Ethyl bromide⎯⎯⎯⎯→⎯⎯⎯⎯→ (viii) aq. KOH Ethylbanzoate⎯⎯⎯⎯→ (ix) CH3 ⎯⎯⎯⎯→ CrO Cl 2 2 15. Find the number of compounds which can give CO2 on heating. COOH O H3C – CH – COOH NO2 H C – C–CH – C–O–H 3 2 NH O O OH H C – CH– COOH 3 CH–COOH 2 COOH COOH Ph – CH – CH – COOH 2 OH HO – C – C – OH O O H3C – CH2 – COOH
4 ANSWER KEY 1. A → P,Q,S; B → P,Q,S; C → R 2. A → R; B → P, S; C → T; D → Q 3. (C) 4. (C) 5. (B) 6. (C) 7. (A) 8. (C) 9. (D) 10. (C) 11. (C) 12. (A, C) 13. (A, B, C) 14. (4) 15. (0006)

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