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Content text ĐỀ THI HSG ANH 9 HÀ TĨNH 2023 2024.docx

1 SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO HÀ TĨNH ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Đề thi có 10 trang KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI TỈNH LỚP 9 NĂM HỌC 2023-2024 MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút SECTION I: LISTENING (3.0 Pts) Part 1. Listen to the talk and then choose the correct letter A, B, or C. You are going to listen to the recording twice. 1. What does the charity Forward thinking do? A. It funds the art exhibitions in hospitals. B. It produces affordable materials for art therapy. C. It encourages the use of arts projects in healthcare. 2. What benefit of Forward thinking's work does Jasmine mention? A. People avoid going to hospital. B. Patients require fewer drugs. C. Medical students do better in tests. 3. When did the organization become known as Forward thinking? A. 1986 B. in the 1990's C. 2005 4. Where does Forward thinking operate? A. within Clifton city B. in all parts of London C. in several towns and villages near Clifton 5. Jasmine explains that the Colvin Centre is A. a school for people with health problems. B. a venue for a range of different activities. C. a building which needs repairing. Part 2: You will hear part of a scientific television programme for young people in which the speaker explains what meteors' are. For questions 6 -15, complete the notes. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. 'Meteors' is another name for (6) ________________. To help explain meteors, planet Earth is compared to a (7) __________________. You can think of meteors as a group of (8) __________________. In reality, meteors are very small chunks of (9) _________________.
2 The circular path the Earth travels around the Sun is called its (10) ___________________. When Earth comes close to a meteor, the meteor is pulled (11) _________________ by gravity. A meteor travels very fast - a hundred times faster than (12) ________________. Due to the speed it travels through the air, the meteor becomes (13) _______________. Because of the heat, the meteor becomes less hard, (14) ________________ and then burns. We are lucky that most meteors burn up and never (15) ________________. Part 3: For questions 16-20, listen to an interview with a woman called Grace Connolly who is talking about her travel experiences in New Zealand. Decide if each sentence is True (T) or False (F). Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. 16. The first part of Grace's journey took her along the east coast of South Island. 17. When Grace took a day trip to the place called Kaikuora, she particularly wanted to see dolphins. 18. Grace hired a bike to go around the island because it was cheap. 19. Grace had to visit a hospital because she injured her shoulder. 20. Grace plans to go walking with friends when she next visits North Island. SECTION II: GRAMMAR AND LEXICAL ITEMS (6.0 Pts) Part 1: Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. Write your answers A, B, C or D in the numbered boxes. 1. She is reported to be ___________ a spectator. A. an athlete more than B. more an athlete than C. an athlete of more than D. more of an athlete than 2. I have rarely seen such an impressive sight as a ____________ of elephants roaming over the plains. A. flock B. swarm C. pack D. herd 3. John: This grammar test is the hardest one we've ever had this semester. Mary: ____________ but I think it's quite easy. A. I couldn't agree more B. I understand what you're saying C. You're wrong D. I don't see in that way 4. The doctor may be able to help you, but I don't expect him to ____________ miracles. A. work B. turn C. create D. develop 5. My mother has just bought me two shirts. __________, however, is my cup of tea. A. Neither shirts B. Neither shirt C. Neither of shirts D. Either shirt 6. On his desk ___________, which he usually sits in front of and looks at. A. stood the picture of us B. the picture of us stands C. standing the picture of us D. stands the picture of us
3 7. Unfortunately, there are no ____________ rules related to English spelling. A. one and only B. hard and fast C. high and dry D. fair and square 8. ______________ her job, her sons and the housework, she doesn't have a minute for herself. A. What with B. If it weren't for C. Barring D. Given 9. He is impressed by her house because it has a beautiful patio with many __________. A. terracotta circular flower-filled pots B. circular flower- filled terracotta pots C. circular terracotta flower-filled pots D. flower-filled circular terracotta pots 10. No matter how much pressure you put on Stevens, he won't budge a(n) __________. A. mile B. meter C. foot D. inch 11. There is a 20 minute parking ___________ here, so we must get back to the car very quickly. A. permission B. limit C. allowance D. ability 12. Don't forget to ____________ your sources; you don't want to get accused of stealing information. A. quote B. cite C. name D. refer 13. It has been a good year. I've written two books and a couple of articles, and ___________ are now in print. A. both of which B. both of them C. all of which D. all of them 14. One of Kim's secretarial works include taking the ____________ of the meeting. A. gist B. crux C. minutes D. fundamentals 15. The police detective had been in ___________ of the suspect for two days. A. pursuit B. employment C. expedition D. chase 16. I know you didn't want to upset me but I'd sooner you ____________ me the whole truth yesterday. A. had told B. told C. have told D. could have told 17. The police have been investigating a crime in which a young man strangled his girlfriend in a _________ of jealousy. A. burst B. flash C. fit D. spell 18. No decision has been taken about the building of the new airport. The authorities are still __________. A. beating about the bush B. comparing apples and oranges C. sitting on the fence D. holding all the aces 19. I ____________ my best suit - everyone else was very casually dressed. A. needn't wear B. mustn't wear C. needn't have worn D. mustn't have worn 20. She had a strong desire to be a dancer but failed to make the ____________. A. grade B. term C. mark D. degree Part 2: Complete each sentence with one suitable preposition or particle. Write your answers in the numbered boxes. 21. The butter was left out of the fridge and now it's gone ____________.
4 22. For a whole month, Muslims abstain _____________ eating and drinking during daylight hours. 23. I am not averse _____________ an occasional glass of champagne myself. 24. She stands ____________ as one of the finest contemporary British novelists around at the moment. 25. A lorry had broken ______________ on the motorway and we had to wait for over an hour. 26. The noise from the unruly fans celebrating their team's victory didn't let __________ until early in the morning. 27. Your plan doesn't allow _____________ changes in the weather. 28. He said he would make me a rich man, but I saw _______________ him immediately. 29. Owing to circumstances ______________ our control, the flight to Rome has been cancelled. 30. He has an inspirational politician, who put ______________ his ideas with clarity. Part 3: Use the word given in CAPITAL to form a word that fits in the text. Write your answers in the numbered space provided in the column on the right. There are a myriad of lifestyle issues affecting the youth of today. Such is the pressure heaped on many school-goers to achieve academic excellence by their parents that these (31. REAL) ________________ expectations are causing children to become hopelessly depressed. Indeed, some in their (32. DESPAIR) ___________________ to escape and their sense of guilt at being unable to reach the levels of success demanded of them by their (33. PUSH) __________________ parents, either rebel in what is tantamount to a cry for help, or, worse still, engage in self-harm. It is no (34. COINCIDE) _______________ that suicide rates, especially among young males, have been rising steadily for some time now. These are tough times to be a teen. Then there are those who get hooked on the Internet; the (35. VIRTUE) _________________ world becomes their reality. For these teens, their social circle shrinks (36. DRAMA)_________________ until, at last, their friendship sphere is limited solely to their online buddies. Not alone do they commonly suffer from sleep (37. DEPRIVE) _______________ on account of their destructive addiction to game play and net-surfing, their behaviour may become so erratic and peculiar over time as to be considered (38. SOCIETY) _________________. And while they sit at their computer screens (39. HIDE) _________________ away in splendid isolation from the real world, such is lack of exercise they get that their calorie intake far exceeds what is necessary for them to maintain a stable weight. In essence, due to their sedentary lifestyle, their weight skyrockets until such time as they become morbidly (40. OBESITY) __________________. SECTION III: READING (6.0pts) Part 1: Read the following passage and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each gap. Write your answers in the numbered boxes. A number of scientists around the world are now investigating a phenomenon called synaesthesia that may (1)___________ as many as one in 2,000 people. The name (2) ____________ from the Greek words for

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