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Week: … Period … Date of planning : …/… / ….. Date of teaching : …/… / …… REVISION - INTRODUCTION I. OBJECTIVES: - By the end of the lesson students will be able to gain the following things: 1. Knowledge: - To revise some grammar; introduce English textbook 9; student’s book and workbook. * Vocabulary: Use lexical items related to text book, and the some important gramar structures. * Grammar: The past continuous tense, the reported speech,… 2. Competences: Students will be able to remember the grammar, know how to study English effectively and how to use new textbooks 9 and know the methods to study. - Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork. - Actively join in class activities 3. Personal qualities: To teach Ss the love of English; the awareness about importance of learning English; developing self-study skills. II. MATERIALS - Teacher: Grade 9 text book, smart TV/ pictures and cards; sach mem.vn and lesson planning. - Students’text books and studying equipment. - Work Arrangement: T-Ss; group work and individual. III. PROCEDURES: 1. ACTIVITY 1: WARM UP (5 mins) a. Objectives: - To create a friendly and atmosphere in the class before the lesson; to give Ss a chance to introduce themselves; to lead into the unit. b. Content: Have a warm-up activity to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new class. c. Expected outcomes: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson. d. Organisation: Teacher’s instructions. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT - Greets and checks the attendence. - Gives some questions to ask. + How are you today ? + How is your summer vacation? + Where did you go/ visit in your summer holiday? + What did you like the most? - Leads to the first unit of the new school year. - Writes the unit title on the board and ask Ss guess what they are going to learn this lesson. - Ask Ss to open their book and introduce what they are going to study. * Chatting +/ We are fine. Thank you. +/ It’s wonderful. +/ I ……… with my family. ………
2. ACTIVITY 2: PRESENTATION (13 mins) a. Objectives: - To introduce the textbook English 9; the topic of the unit, the vocabulary, and the grammar points to be learned. - To remember some grammar structures. b. Content: Some brief notes; introduce about the textbook 9 and remember the grammar points. c. Expecetd outcomes: Ss know how to learn English in grade 9 effectively; remember the grammar points. d. Organisation: Teacher’s instructions. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT A: New English 9 text book: 1. Textbook - Uses the textbook to introduce the form by using some questions. - Consolidates: English 9 focuses on the use of Language (pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar) to develop the four language skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing) + The book map: Introduction to the basics of each unit. + 12 topic-based Units: Each covering 8 sections to be taught in seven 45- minute lessons. + 4 reviews: Each providing revision and further practice of the previos three units, to be deal within two periods. + Glossary: giving meaning and phonetic transcription of the new words in the units. - Introduces the duties of each section. + Skills + Vocabulary + Grammar - Guides Ss how to use the book on the web. 2. Workbook - Introduces the content of the workbook. + further practice for the languge and skills taught in class. + Four additional tests for students’s self- assessment. B. Revision of English 8 - Leads in. + What language focus did you learn in English 8? + What grammar do you need to revise? * English 9 has 12 Units. + How many units are there? + How many sections are there in one unit? + What are they? - Each unit has 7 lessons. B. Revision of English 8 1. The past continuous tense a, Use: Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn diễn tả hành động: - Đang xảy ra tại một thời điểm cụ thể
- Asks Ss to repeat the use, the form and the signs of the past continuous tense. - Ss say again and give some examples. - Consolidates the main point. 2. Reported speech a. Statement in reported speech - Asks Ss to repeat how to use the reported speech. - Gives some examples. Ex: +/ He said: “I’ve lost my pen this morning.” +/ She said to him: “I will go with you tomorrow.” b. Questions in reported speech Ex: +/ She said to me: “Do you like swimming?” +/ Ba asked: “Is it far from here? -> She asked me if I liked swimming. -> Ba asked me if it was far from there. trong quá khứ. (at this/ that time, then, at + time) - Đã xảy ra và kéo dài một thời gian ở quá khứ.(all the afternoon yesterday, from... to...) - Đang xảy ra ở quá khứ thì hành động khác xen vào.(while, when) - Hai hành độngxảy ra song song cùng một lúc b, Form: S + was/ were + V-ing............ S + was/ were + V-ing........... Was/ Were + S + V-ing........? c, Signals - at that/ this time, by the time, then, at + time - when, while........... 2. Reported speech a. Statement in reported speech * Quy tắc chuyển +/ Động từ tường thuật thường là said + that/ said to + 0 + that hoặc told + O +/ Bỏ dấu: và “” có thể thêm liên từ that. +/ Thay đổi ĐTNX, TTSH... - Ngôi thứ 1 thành ngôi như chủ từ trong mệnh đề chính. - Ngôi thứ 2 thành ngôi thứ của túc từ. - Ngôi thứ 3 giữ nguyên không đổi. +/ Lùi thì của V- +/ Thay đổi một số trạng từ chỉ thời gian, nới chốn. b. Yes/ No question S + asked / told + if/ whether + S + wanted to know V___ (one tense back) 3. ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (14mins) a. Objectives: - To help apply the grammar for doing exercise. b. Content: - Revise the reported speech. c. Expected outcomes: Ss remember the grammar to change the direct into the reported speech. d. Organisation: Teacher’s instructions.
TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT * Change these sents into the pasive voice. - Asks Ss to go the the board to write the sents individually. - Corrects the mistakes. 1. Nga said “People speak English in many countries.” 2. Ba said: “My mother is a great woman.” 3. “The students of class 9A are hard- working.” He said 4. My mother told me “ I will go to work early tomorrow.” 5. “I amnot a student here.”, said Nam 6. Miss Hong said “I don’t like playing computer games.” 7. “Will you spend our holiday in Nha Trang next summer vacation?”, Van told his friends 8. My father said “Did you buy this car an hour ago.” 9. “Is she cooking now?”, he told me 10. “Is this book interesting?” Ba asked * Answer key: 1. Nga said that people spoke English in many countries. 2. Ba said that his mother was a great woman. 3. He said that the students of class 9A were hard-working. 4. My mother told me she would go to work early the next day. 5. Nam said that he was not a student there. 6. Miss Hong said that she didn’t like playing computer games. 7. Van asked his friends if they would spend their holiday in Nha Trang the next summer vacation. 8. My father asked me if I bought that car an hour before. 9. He wanted to know if she was cooking then. 10. Ba asked me whether that book was interesting. 4. ACTIVITY 4: PRODUCTION (8 mins) a. Objectives: - To help Ss to find out the way to learn effectively. b. Content: Dissing together to find out the way to learn effectively. c. Expected outcomes: Ss know the ways to learn effectively. d. Organisation: Teacher’s instructions. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES CONTENT - Asks Ss to discuss in groups of 3 or 4 about "How to learn effectively?" - Reminds Ss some ways. - Guides Ss the way to improve English. - Listen to the teacher carefully, learn English from many sources, always enrich your vocabulary, do exercises carefully, practice speaking, listening, writing, reading everyday. - Ss should work hard everyday to improve their English. “Hard work is the key to success.” * Some ways to learn: + Prepare the lesson carefully before each period. + Learn by heart all the new words and structures. + Translate the texts into Vietnamese. + Make up sents with the new strucutres. + Do exercises regularly. + Practice the four skills and listen the recording regularly... 5. CONSOLIDATION (5 mins) a. Wrap-up - Consolidates the main content of the lesson.

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