Content text Paper Presentation
The scien fic Commi ee invites you to submit Abstracts of research reports/Case Studies /new or improved therapeu c procedures for the 2nd IAPWC Na onal Conference, 2024 at Delhi for Pla orm/ E-Poster presenta on. CALL FOR ABSTRACT CATEGORIES FOR OFFLINE PRESENTATION ❖ UNDERGRADUATE CATEGORY - BPT- Third year, Final year and interns. ❖ POSTGRADUATE CATEGORY - MPT Students. ❖ PROFESSIONAL CATEGORY 1. JUNIOR PROFESSIONAL CATEGORY - Professionals with less than or equal to 5 years of teaching/clinical experience . 2. SENIOR PROFESSIONAL CATEGORY - Professionals with more than 5 years of teaching / clinical experience . CATEGORIES FOR ONLINE PRESENTATION ❖ UNDERGRADUATE CATEGORY - BPT Students. General Guidelines for Abstract Paper Submission: Kindly read the following points carefully ❖ Abstract should be limited within 250 words (excluding the tle and author details). ❖ Papers should focus on Physiotherapy research only. ❖ The Research topic should not have been presented / published at any scien fic mee ng / journal before. ❖ Abstracts of Incomplete studies without result will not be accepted. Subheadings that need to be included in the abstract during online submission: ⮚ Title of Abstract ⮚ Authors (Full name, tle, affilia on, city and state of presenter and all co-authors should be included). Name of the presen ng author should be underlined. Presen ng author/corresponding author should provide email id, contact number and official address ⮚ Abstract with structured format should include; 1. Background and need of research 2. Methods 3. Result 4. Conclusion and Clinical Implica ons 5. Key-words 6. Funding acknowledgement 7. Ethics Commi ee approval (wherever required)