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....................Primary School English 5 ******************************************************************* ******************************************************************* Teacher: ................... School year: 2024– 2025 Week 16 Preparing date: .................. 2024 Period 61 Teaching date: ............. ......, 2024 Unit 9: Our outdoor activities Lesson 3 (4, 5, 6) A. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: 1. Knowledge: - read a text and show understanding by completing the gaps in the mind map. - write a short text about outdoor activities with the help of the picture cues and gapped sentences. - present the results of a survey about outdoor activities to the class using the target language. - Vocabulary: Review - Skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. 2. Competences: - Communication and collaboration: work in pairs and groups to complete the learning tasks. - Self-control and independent learning: perform reading and writing tasks. 3. Attitude/ Qualities: - Show their love and interest in doing free-time activities. - Be friendly when doing activities with their friends B. TEACHING AIDS: - Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 154, 155; website hoclieu.vn, posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector. - Students: Pupil’s book Page 67, notebooks, workbooks, school things. C. PROCEDURES: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm- up and review: (5’) Game: Number race *Aims: to create a friendly and active atmosphere in the class to beginning the lesson. *Procedure: - Divide the class into two groups. Each group has five ss. - Give each student in one group a number so - Ss listen
....................Primary School English 5 ******************************************************************* ******************************************************************* Teacher: ................... School year: 2024– 2025 that each group has equal numbers. - Say “first syllable word” and have ss raise their hand to say a word with the first syllable. - Repeat the game until all the words are said. - Say “Open your book page 67” and look at “Unit 9, Lesson 3 (4,5,6)”. 2.Practice: (8’) Activity 1. Read and complete: *Aims: Ss will be able to read a text and show understanding by completing the gaps in the mind map. *Procedure: - Tell and explain that ss should read the text and find the correct information to complete the gaps in the mind map. + Draw their attention to the first gap which has been done as an example (ex: We: jogged around the lake). - Have ss look at the mind map and identify the name of the characters. - Let ss read the text and find appropriate activities that they did and fill in the gap. - Set a time limit for ss to do the task independently. - Get ss to swap their books with a partner and check their answers before checking as a class. - Invite one or two ss to point at the completed mind map and tell the class about the activities the children did (ex: Last Saturday, we went to Hyde Park. We jogged around the lake in the morning. At noon, we had a party. Toby played the guitar. Frank sang. In the afternoon, Julia and Laura played badminton. David and the boys learned how to ride horses.) -Ss play game - Ss open their books - Ss listen to the teacher’s explanation. - Ss look at the mind map and say - Ss read the text and fill in the gap. - Ss do the task independently. - Ss swap their books and check their answers - Ss point at the completed mind map and tell the class about the activities the children did.
....................Primary School English 5 ******************************************************************* ******************************************************************* Teacher: ................... School year: 2024– 2025 Key: 1. played the guitar 2. sang 3. played badminton 4. learned how to ride horses 3.Production: (18’) Activity 2. Let’s write *Aims: Ss will be able to write a short text about outdoor activities with the help of the picture cues and gapped sentences. *Procedure: - Tell and explain that they should write a short text with the help of the picture cues and the first gapped sentence. - Do the first gapped sentence together as an example. Have ss read the sentence and elicit the gap in the sentence. + Then have ss look at the picture and identify the place they went to (campsite) and write the word in the gap (ex: Last summer, we went to the campsite.) - Give Ss time to look at the pictures and write the text independently. - Get Ss to swap their books with a partner and check their texts before checking as a class. - Invite one or two Ss to read their completed texts in front of the class. Key: Pupil’s answer Ex: Last summer, we went to the campsite. In the morning, we walked along the long road and watched the flowers (around the lake). At noon, we had a small party. We sang some - Ss listen to the teacher’s explanation. - Ss do the first gapped sentence together as an example. - Ss look at the pictures and write the text independently. - Ss swap their books and check their answers - Ss read their completed texts in front of the class.
....................Primary School English 5 ******************************************************************* ******************************************************************* Teacher: ................... School year: 2024– 2025 English songs and ate cakes and sweets. In the afternoon, the boys played tag of war and the girls played badminton. We were all happy. Activity 3. Project. *Aims: Ss will be able to present the results of a survey about outdoor activities to the class using the target language *Procedure: - Ask one or two friends, using the suggested questions and answers shown in the survey (as homework). - Ask ss use the survey to tell the class about where their friends went last summer and what activities they did. - Have ss work in groups of five. Each pupil shows his / her survey and tells the group about his/ her survey Ex: Hi. Last summer, Linh and I were at the campsite. In the morning, we walked around the lake. In the afternoon, we sang and danced around the campfire. We had a lot of fun at the campsite. - Invite a few ss to show their surveys and tell the class about them. Praise good performances. 4. Fun corner and wrap- up (4’) Game: Mind map - Introduce the activity. - Show a mind map. - Put ss in four groups. Give each group a mind map. Ask ss in each group to complete the mind map. - Ss listen to the teacher’s explanation. - Ss work in groups of five and tell - Ss show their surveys and tell the class -Ss listen to the teacher -Ss complete the mind map

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