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Tribhuvan University Master's of Public Adminsitration Second Semester Topic: Ecolology of Public Administration - the Structural Functional Approach First Class on Monday 11/09/2023 AD Faculty Member: By Prakash Ghimire Page 1 of 7 Topic: Ecolology of Public Administration A) Backgound 1. Endogenous and Exogenous Development 2. Two theories of Comparative Public Administration (CPA): a) The Univesalistic Theory: Univeral Approach/Model ------------------------------------- Max Weber b) The Ecological/Environmnetal Theory: Particulararistic Approach/Model ---------- F. Riggs a) The Universalistic Theory:  This theory seeks to find certain commanalities among public bureaucracies in varoius countries by conceptual means. This theory is basically illustrated by Max Weber and Woodrow Wilson.  General model of bureaucracy is a universalistic theory of CPA in the field of public administration.  Weber expects similar bureaucratic structural forms. The forms will inevitably and independently emerge when social conditions are ripe. Weberian principles are: fixed and official jurisdictional areas, hierarchy and monocratic administration.  This model is useful to explain structural similarities among the public bureaucraties of the developed western nations. But it lacks elements to explain human behaviour within a bureaucratic environment. This was designed to transfer administrative practices form Europe's monarchies to US democracy. b) The Ecological/Environmnetal Theory:  It was firstly proposed by John M. Gaus and greatly stressed by administrative theorist Fred Riggs.  The theory anticipates differences among national administrative system and practices.  Ecology of Public Administration includes physical, political, social and cultural factors which shape administrative behaviours.  Enrironment influences that an administrative system in prismatic society developes three characteristics. Those are i) Hetrogenity, ii) Formalism, and iii) Overlapping. i) Hetrogenity: simultaneous presence of quite different kinds of systems, practices and view points. It is a misture of old and new, traditional and modern practices and elements. Prismatic Society ii) Formalism: Gap between appreance (formally prescribed norms) and reality (practiced norms). Gap between government proposals and their implementations, Govt. officials behavour does not cprrespond to the legal status. iii) Overlapping: the extent to which administrative behaviour is determined by non- administrative criteria such as political, social, economic, religious, and other factors. Oficial role of administrator overlaps with the social role which causes a lot of consufion and maladjustment. Functions of parliament, government officials, schools and markets are in reality influenced by certain traditional organizations like: family, caste, tribe, religion, rate etc. 3. The ecological theory assertains variations/differencies/disparities by emperical means. The basic two disparities are:
Tribhuvan University Master's of Public Adminsitration Second Semester Topic: Ecolology of Public Administration - the Structural Functional Approach First Class on Monday 11/09/2023 AD Faculty Member: By Prakash Ghimire Page 2 of 7 i) The General system theory (structural functional model), ii) Development Oriented approach (political system capability) i) The general system theory is a variant of the ecological theory.  This studies an administrative system as a sub-system whithin the social system as a whole. It examines the interrelationships among varius parts of an administrative system.  The parts are such as: the formal and informal organizations, roles, individuals and alike.  This theory looks at administrative system as a dymanic institution interacting with its external environment. Sub-system- A Sub-system- B Sub-ssytem -C Social system (as an itegrated whole is the effect of functioning of public administration) ..... Sub-systen N  Sub-systems are related to aspects of life.  Those sub-systems could be social, political, technological, economic, symbolic, and cummunicable so behaviour of PA differs from society to society.  F. Riggs is the dominant figure among those who prefereed the general system approach to CPA. ii) Another varriant of ecological theory is the development oriented approach.  Nature of Development: continuous, change, change oriencted, no fixed goal, goal oriented  This approach focueses on: a) the problems of the public administration within the countries of rapid politico- socio-economic change; and b) the capacity of the administratiove system to direct and adopt to such change.  This approach considers: a) the factors relevant to change, and b) the impact of administration on social behaviour.  It lays emphasis on features of development administration such as: goal orientation, change orientation, and structural differentation. B) Structural Functional Approach: 1. Development Management - Public Sector 2. Public Administration to manaege development in public sector 3. Environmnetal facotrs have their influences on public administration and ultimatley to the development management.
Tribhuvan University Master's of Public Adminsitration Second Semester Topic: Ecolology of Public Administration - the Structural Functional Approach First Class on Monday 11/09/2023 AD Faculty Member: By Prakash Ghimire Page 3 of 7 4. Approaches to underestand the Environment or Ecology of Public Administration are: a) Structural functional approach- related to the first variant as described above, and b) Political System Capability approach-related to the second variant as described above. Structural functional approach: a) Background (Scholars who contributed): 1. Developed by Malinowski, and Redcliff Brown. Contributed on it by scholars like: Robert Merton, Talcott Parson, Marion Levy, F. X. Sutton, Herbert Spencer, and Emile Durkheim. 2. This approach is derived form functionalism and system model in anthropology, sociology, biology and political science. It was popular in 1960s in political science. 3. Around 1960s when it became clear that ways of studying U.S and Eurpopean politics were not useful in studying newly independent countries and that a new approach was needed. 4. Dwight Waldo for the first time referred to structural functinal approach in Public Administration. 5. F. Riggs is the dominant figure among those who prefereed the general system approach to CPA. 6. To explore the consequences of intermingling of contrasting system in the developing countries; Fred Riggs- a researcher at the Foreign Policy Association in USA look at the structural functional approach of the social sciences. b) Concept: 7. A method/tool/theoritical framework of alaysis in social sciences; particularly politics in political science. 8. A framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. 9. The framework emphasizes on maintenance of social stability, collective function, and social evolution with relatively persistent and stable structures. 10. Soical system is a complex and interconnected web whre any change in one node can potentially disrupt or reinforce other nodes. 11. Important variables like: social norms, cultural values, geographical locations and demographic makeup can also influence the systems functions. 12. According to F. Riggs1 the administrative structures are intermixed with social, economic, political, cultural, symbolic aspects of society which have been intorduced as five requisites of a society. Characteristics2 of a society influences its administrative system in practice. c) Objective of this approach: 13. This approach is to: i) identifying and understanding the structures and their functions, and ii) also more improtantly analyzing the dynamic nature of their interactions. 1 Tradtional approaches (historical, legal and institutional approaches) of public administration implies that basic principles of adminsitration have universal applications but F. Riggs challenged the traditional system by contributing comparative study of public adminsitration. He believes that not all the systems work the same in all places, so one can take what one likes and leave the rest. Among others modern approaches of public administration are Marxism, Ecological, Strutcural-functional stysem, Development, and Comparative. 2 Hetroginety, Formalism, and Overlapping in Prismatic Society of the developing countries.
Tribhuvan University Master's of Public Adminsitration Second Semester Topic: Ecolology of Public Administration - the Structural Functional Approach First Class on Monday 11/09/2023 AD Faculty Member: By Prakash Ghimire Page 4 of 7 14. To find the system functions influencing variables like social norms, cultural values, geographical locations and demographic makeup. 15. To find the the social, political, economic, legal and political connectins and their impacts that shape/frame a society. 16. To discover tremendious impact on comparitive politics and public administration. d) Principles/Premises (Idea/Basis/Ground/Foundation/Proposition) i) Concept of twin terms: Structure and Function and their interplay, ii) Interrelatedness and interdependence between and anomg structures, and iii) Continuity and Stability. Twin terms: Structure and Function and their interplay 17. Riggs holds the view that each system is made up of various strucutres which perform various functions. a) Structure:  A structure is any repeated pattern of activity which forms the basis for the system. Structures refers to institutions or parts of socio-political system.  Structurees can be analytic/abstract or concreate.  The structure forms the skeleton of a system. While lightis a fused structure of traditional society and rainbow represents the diffracted structure of an industralized society. Inside the PRISM the society will be in transaction.  Analytic or abstarct strucures could be like: the concept of authority, power, accountabilty, and control.  Concrete structures could be administrative sub-systems like: government department, bureaus, specific societies with share belief, customes and norms. b) Function:  The results of any such pattern is function.  The function points the role or job that the institutions play.  Function has two meanings. Firstly, it it is pattern of interdependence or relationship between two or more structures; and secondly it refers to the consequesces of a structure on other strucute or on the whole system. Interrelatedness and interdependence between and anomg structures: 18. Essentially interdepedence and influecnes are similar in nature as they denoes reciprocity of relationship between and among various structures or sub-structures or bewtween structures and the total system. 19. The influence of structure on the larger administrative system and the impact of administrative system on particular structure. 20. The approach envisages that a system consists of sub-systems, and these sub-sustems are in constant interaction with each-other i.e. interactions between and among structures and functions. 21. The adminsitrative sub-system in a sociecty interactios with econoimc, political, and cultural sub- systems.

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