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MUSCLES ACTING ON THE THIGH AND LEG David B. Fankhauser, PhD Martini’s 6th, pp 367-377, 7th: 363-372, 8th: 371-383, 10th: 369-375 1Dec81, rvsd 5Dec96, 4Dec97, 2Dec99, 27Nov00, 28Nov01, 4Dec02, 26 Nov 03, 1 Dec 03, 21 Nov 05, 28Nov07, 1 Dec08, 30Nov09, 29Nov10, 30Nov11, 5Nov15 RIGHT THIGH: LEFT THIGH: MUSCLES ACTING ON FEMUR: (p 371) most arise from the pelvis except: principle flexor of hip, together called iliopsoas, both insert into lesser trochanter by same tendon, under inguinal ligament psoas major and minor origin: lumbar vertebrae (beef tenderloin: filet mignon, chateaux briand)(p. minor is absent in 40% pop) iliacus origin: iliac crest and fossa insert: lesser trochanter (psoas inserts distal to lesser trochanter) GLUTEAL (BUTTOCKS): important for bipedal locomotion, stabilizing weight bearing: G max: knee, G med & G min: hip. Gluteus maximus extensor and lateral rotator origin: ilium, sacrum and coccyx. Insert: iliotibial band&gluteal tuberosity important for bipedal locomotion: strengthens extended knee gluteus medius abduct, medially rotate outer surf. ilium to lat. surf. of greater trochanter, passes above hip joint gluteus minimus abduct, medially rotate outer surf. ilium to ant. surface of greater trochanter, passes anteriorly tensor fascia lata: (lata: broad) fascia lata invests all of the thigh muscles. inserts into iliotibial band, stabilizes knee. THIGH (p 371) divided into three compartments, anterior, posterior, medial: Bottom, 373 MEDIAL COMPARTMENT: adductor compartment (of thigh), all originate fr pubis, adduct thigh (pulled = pulled groin muscle) adductor magnus Inserts along whole length of linea aspera adductor longus Inserts middle third of linea aspera, anterior to magnus adductor brevis Inserts upper portion of linea aspera, anterior to magnus pectineus most proximal. origin: superior pubic ramus MUSCLES ACTING ON LEG: (p 373) gracilis: in med. compartment, but inserts medial surf. tibia: flex leg, assist adduction. ANTERIOR COMPARTMENT: extensor compartment (all extend the knee) quadriceps femoris: formed from four muscles, all insert into patella, different origins: rectus femoris Origin: anterior inferior iliac spine and superior acetabular rim vastus lateralis Origin: below greater trochanter vastus intermedius Origin: anterior surface femur, linea aspera vastus medialis Origin: length of linea aspera (large on bicyclers) sartorius: Origin: ant. sup. iliac spine Insertion: medial tibial tuberosity, flexes both leg and thigh, lateral rotation POSTERIOR COMPARTMENT flexor compartment (of the knee) Hamstring muscles. All originate from ischial tuberosities. biceps femoris lateral most, tendon also lateral at knee (2nd origin: along linea aspera of femur) semimembranosus head of fibula, lateral condyle tibia. At insertions, all posterior compartment tendons form popliteal fossa. semitendinosus medial most, lies on top of membranosus, long tendon of insertion

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