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NEET : Biology [ 142 ] www.allendigital.in  Digital BLOOD 1. The normal Albumin/Globulin ratio in blood is :- (1) 2 : 1 (2) 1 : 2 (3) 1 : 4 (4) 1 : 5 2. Eosinophilia is caused by :- (1) Taeniasis (2) Ascariaris (3) Allergy (4) All of above 3. Blood group Antigen are :- (1) Found in Hb molecule (2) Found in Plasma protein (3) Found on RBC (4) None 4. Adult Hb has chain :- (1) 2  , 2  (2) 2  , 2  (3) 2  , 2  (4) 4  5. Hb F (Foetal Hb) has chain :- (1) 2  , 2  (2) 2  , 2  (3) 2  , 2  (4) 4  6. Life span of platelets is :- (1) 4 days (2) 9 - 12 days (3) 20 - 30 days (4) 90 days 7. In normal healthy female, the number of RBC/mm 3 of blood is : (1) 6.5-7.0 million (2) 5.5-6.0 million (3) 4.5-5.0 million (4) 3.5-4.0 million 8. Blood colloidal osmotic pressure mainly maintained by which plasma protein :- (1) Globulin (2) Albumin (3) Fibrinogen (4) Prothrombin 9. Mammalian RBC are :- (1) Biconcave, circular, non nucleated (2) Biconcave, Nucleated (3) Oval, Nucleated (4) None 10. Globulin protein of blood plasma mainly involved in the :- (1) Clotting (2) Osmotic balance (3) Defence mechanism (4) None 11. Which WBCs resist infections and are also associated with allergic reactions? (1) Lymphocytes (2) Neutrophils (3) Eosinophils (4) Monocytes 12. Persons with _____ and ______ blood group are called universal recipients & universal donors respectively :- (1) AB–, O+ (2) O+, AB– (3) O–, AB+ (4) AB+, O– 13. ABO blood grouping is based on :- (1) Surface antibodies on RBC. (2) Surface antigen on WBC. (3) Surface antigen on RBC. (4) Plasma antigens. 14. Which leucocyte has bean shaped nucleus? (1) Basophil (2) Monocyte (3) Neutrophil (4) Lymphocyte 15. Smallest blood element :- (1) RBC (2) WBC (3) Platelets (4) None 16. Blood clotting requires :- (1) Na+ + K+ (2) Na+ + Prothrombin (3) Na+ + Thromboplastin (4) Ca++ + Thromboplastin 17. Lymph differ from blood in possessing :- (1) Only WBC (2) More RBC & WBC (3) More RBC & few WBC (4) More WBC & few RBC 18. Blood platelets found in :- (1) Pisces (2) Reptiles (3) Birds (4) Mammals 19. Diapedesis means :- (1) Formation of WBC (2) Formation of RBC (3) Process by which certain WBCs squeeze through thin capillary wall (4) Movement of food in gut 20. Which of following act as middleman? (1) WBC (2) Lymph (3) Plasma (4) Blood Exercise - I
Body Fluids and Circulation  Digital www.allendigital.in [ 143 ] 21. Process by which blood cells are formed in bone marrow :- (1) Haemopoiesis (2) Haemolysis (3) Thrombopoiesis (4) Erythroblastosis 22. Largest leucocytes :- (1) Neutrophil (2) Basophil (3) Monocyte (4) Lymphocyte 23. Content of haemoglobin / 100 ml of Blood:- (1) 15 gm (2) 20 gm (3) 10 gm (4) 5 gm 24. Micropolice man of blood :- (1) Neutrophil (2) Basophil (3) Eosinophil (4) Lymphocyte 25. Which of following has least consistency is shape? (1) RBC (2) WBC (3) Mast cell (4) Bone cells 26. Ratio WBC / RBC in human blood :- (1) 1 : 100 (2) 1 : 200 (3) 500 : 1 (4) 1 : 500 27. In comparison to WBC, RBC have :- (1) Antigen (Agglutinogen) surface on RBC (2) Carbonic anhydrase (3) Donnan's membrane (4) All of above 28. One is more in lymph than blood :- (1) RBC (2) Nutrients (3) Lipids (4) Oxygen 29. Serum is :- (1) Blood – Blood cells (2) Plasma – Fibrinogen (3) Blood – Plasma (4) Blood – RBC 30. Blood bank of body is :- (1) Liver (2) Spleen (3) Heart (4) Bone marrow 31. Worn out RBC are destroyed by :- (1) Kupffer's cells (2) Bone cells (3) Mast cells (4) None 32. Spleen & thymus are haemopoeitic for (in adult) :- (1) RBC (2) WBC (3) Platelets (4) All of above 33. I st site of haemopoesis :- (1) Bone marrow (2) Spleen (3 ) Liver (4) Yolk sac 34. Which WBC has maximum lobes of nucleus? (1) Neutrophil (2) Acidophil (3) Basophil (4) Lymphocyte 35. Blood cells are produced by Bone marrow in (1) All bones (2) Some bones (3) Most of the bones (4) None 36. Which WBC has maximum life span? (1) Basophil (2) Monocyte (3) Acidophil (4) Neutrophil 37. Blood :– (1) Contains plasma (2) Contains corpuscles (3) Contains proteins (4) All of the above 38. A reduction in platelets number causes (1) Clotting disorder (2) Immune disorder (3) Digestive disorder (4) Respiratory disorder 39. Nucleus of granular WBC is mainly :– (1) Spindle shape (2) Round (3) Oval shape (4) Lobed 40. Which WBC increase in Allergy? (1) Acidophil (2) Basophil (3) Lymphocyte (4) Neutrophil 41. How many polypeptide chains are present in single molecule of Haemoglobin protein:– (1) 1 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 2 42. Thromboplastin is secreted by :– (1) Kidney (2) Platelets (3) Leucocyte (4) Erythrocyte 43. Universal recipient blood group :- (1) AB–ve (2) O–ve (3) O+ve (4) AB+ve 44. Antibody are absent in which blood group:– (1) A (2) B (3) AB (4) O 45. In total WBCs, lymphocytes are :- (1) 60 – 65 % (2) 2 – 3 % (3) 6 – 8 % (4) 20 – 25 % 46. Which clotting factor acts as antiheparin? (1) Serotonin (2) Fibrin (3) Fibrinogen (4) Thromboplastin 47. Blood group 'A' can receive blood from which group– (1) A, AB, O (2) A, O (3) O (4) B, AB
NEET : Biology [ 144 ] www.allendigital.in  Digital 48. Which is not a plasma protein :– (1) Heparin (2) Albumin (3) Prothrombin (4) Fibrinogen 49. Megakaryocyte cell is? (1) RBC producer (2) Thrombocyte producer (3) WBC producer (4) Protein producer 50. Person having 'B' blood group have antibody:- (1) Anti A (2) Anti B (3) Both (4) None 51. Colouring agent of plasma is :– (1) Billiverdin (2) Stercobillinogen (3) Urobillinogen (4) Urochrome 52. Basophil does not secrete :– (1) Prothrombin (2) Heparin (3) Histamine (4) Serotonin 53. In which pair erythroblastosis foetalis can occur :- (1) Rh+ male & Rh– female (2) Rh– male & Rh– female (3) Rh+ male & Rh+ female (4) Rh– male & Rh+ female 54. Blood of AB blood group can be donated to:- (1) A (2) B (3) AB (4) O 55. The Rh antibodies from the mother (Rh – ve) can leak into the blood of the foetus (Rh + ve) and destroy the:- (1) Foetal RBCs (2) Mother RBCs (3) Foetal WBCs (4) Both (1) and (2) 56. Agranulocytes are (1) Eosinophils and neutrophils (2) Monocytes and lymphocytes (3) Eosinophils and lymphocytes (4) Lymphocytes and basophils. 57. Platelets are a source of (1) Fibrinogen (2) Calcium (3) Thromboplastin (4) Heamoglobin 58. Which is unrelated to blood coagulation ? (1) Fibrinogen (2) Fibrin (3) Bilirubin (4) Calcium 59. Major component of blood plasma is (1) Water (2) Inorganic Substances (3) Organic substances (4) Blood cells 60. Maximum number of white blood corpuscles is that of (1) Basophils (2) Neutrophils (3) Monocytes (4) Eosinophils. 61. Which of the following is not a granulocyte? (1) Lymphocyte (2) Basophil (3) Neutrophil (4) Eosinophil. 62. Which of the following are involved in body defence (1) Neutrophils (2) Lymphocytes (3) Macrophages (4) All the above. 63. Largest corpuscles in human blood are (1) Erythrocytes (2) Monocytes (3) Lymphocytes (4) Basophils 64. Prothrombin, albumin and fibrinogen are synthesised by (1) Pancreas (2) Bone marrow (3) Spleen (4) Liver 65. Which one is a factor for maturation of erythrocytes? (1) Vitamin B12 (2) Vitamin A (3) Vitamin D (4) Vitamin C. 66. In which state iron is present in haemoglobin (1) Unionic (2) Fe2+ (3) Fe3+ (4) None of the above 67. Immature RBCs of mammals have (1) No nucleus (2) Single beaded nucleus (3) Many nuclei (4) Single nucleus. 68. Megakaryocytes (1) Produce leucocytes (2) Forms blood platelets (3) Are carriers of oxygen. (4) Are carriers of carbon dioxide 69. During blood clotting, fibrin is produced by (1) Thrombin (2) Prothrombin (3) Liver (4) Proteolysis

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