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Content text CHUYÊN ĐỀ 15 (SO SÁNH TÍNH TỪ-TRẠNG TỪ).docx

Page 1 CHAPTER 15:COMPARISIONS  CƠ SỞ LÝ THUYẾT SO SÁNH BẰNG S 1 + V + as + ADJ / ADV + as + S 2. S 1 + V + as + much/many +as + S 2 S 1 + V + the same (+Noun) + as + S 2 SO SÁNH KÉP 1. Càng ngày càng ( So sánh hơn and so sánh hơn ) - Short adj + ER and short adj + ER ( hotter and hotter ) - more and more + long adj ( more and more beautiful 2. Càng …..càng The + so sánh hơn + S V , The + so sánh hơn + S V ) SO SÁNH NHẤT S1 + V + THE + short adj + EST + N S1 + V +THE MOST + long adj + N SO SÁNH HƠN S1 + V + short adj + ER + THAN + S2 S1 + V + MORE + long adj + THAN + S2 SO SÁNH GẤP SỐ LẦN S1 + V + twice/ three time..+ as much as + S2 S1 + V + twice/ three time..+ as many as + S2 SO SÁNH KÉM HƠN S + V + less + adj + than …. SO SÁNH KÉM NHẤT S + V + the least + adj…. - Short adj ( tính từ ngắn ) : 1 âm tiết ( hot, cold ) hoặc 2 âm tân cùng là y, er, et, ow - Long adj ( tính từ dài ) : từ 2 âm trở lên Note : Những tính từ và trạng từ bất quy tắc khi so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất .  good / well  better  the best  bad / badly  worse  the worst  many / much  more  the most  far  farther  the farthest furhter the furthest  little  less  the least * Cách chuyển các tính từ/ trạng từ sang dạng so sánh hơn/ so sánh nhất: - Thêm “ er”/ “est” vào tính từ/trạng từ có một hoặc hai âm tiết. - Dùng “ more/most + adj/adv” có ba âm tiết trở lên. - Dùng “ more + tính từ kết thúc bằng các tiếp vĩ ngữ : “ ed, ful, ing, ish, ous” - Gấp đôi phụ âm cuối của tính từ một âm tiết kết thúc bằng 1 phụ âm đơn( trừ w, x, z) và đứng trước một nguyên âm đơn. - Khi tính từ có 2 âm tiết nhưng kết thúc bằng một phụ âm “y” thì ta đổi “y” => “ I” và thêm “ er”/ “est” - Khi adj có 2 âm tiết là “er, y, le, et và ow” => thêm “er/est” như adj/adv 1 âm tiết.
Page 2  BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer. 1. Peter is the______ student in my class. a. taller than b. so tall as c. the tallest d. tallest 2. The deep oceans contain some of the______ of all living creatures. a. strangest b. strange c. as strange as d. stranger 3. Jane is not______ her brother. a. more intelligent as b. intelligent as c. so intelligent as d. so intelligent that 4. He drives as______ his father does. a. careful as b. more carefully c. the most careful d. carefully as 5. What's the______ film you've ever seen? a. good b. best c. better d. the best 6. Jane is______ age as Mary. a. as same b. the most same c. the same d. more same 7. I'll be there______ I can. a. sooner as b. no sooner as c. as soon as d. soonest as 8. Hotels have developed______ restaurants. a. as rapidly as b. so rapidly that c. as rapid as d. as rapid than 9. Commercial centres are______ they were many years ago. a. as popular than b. the most popular. c. more popular than d. most popular than 10. Computer are considered as ______ tools today a. much modern than b. the most modern c. modern as d. more modern 11. A supermarket is______ a shopping centre. a. less convenient as b. not so convenient than c. less convenient than d. the most convenient as 12. Vietnam becomes______ to foreign tourists. a. most and most attractive b. the more attractive c. much and ore attractive d. more and more attractive 13. Can Tho is______ from Saigon than Bien Hoa is. a. farther b. further c. far d. farer 14. Bao Yen sings______ than this singer. a. well b. better c. gooder d. more good 15. Of all the ball-point pens, which one do you like______? a. best b. the best c. most d. the most 16. The______ we start, the sooner we will be back. a. early b. earliest c. earlier d. more early 17. The sooner, the______ a. better b. best c. good d. more good. 18. The harder this farmer works, ______ he becomes. a. the poorest b. the poorer c. the more poor d. poorer 19. My father is______ as yours. a. old b. as old c. older d. so old 20. HCM city is______ than Hanoi. a. large b. largest c. more large d. larger 21. She is the______ daughter in the family. a. older b. more old c. eldest d. oldest 22. She speaks English as______ as you.
Page 3 a. clear b. clearly c. clearness d. very clear 23. HCM city is ______ than Nha Trang a. more large b. as large c. not so large d. larger 24. Your pencil is ______ as mine. a. as sharp b. not sharp c. sharper d. sharp 25. This car is ______ than mine. a. less expensive b. as expensive c. more rich d. not so expensive 26. The______ he is, the more miserable he gets. a. richer b. more riches c. more rich d. none is correct 27. He is the______ student in this class. a. very intelligent b. most intelligent c. more intelligent d. less intelligent 28. Despite its smaller size, the Indian Ocean______ the Atlantic Ocean. a. as deep as b. is the same deep as c. deeper as d. is as deep as 29. Sharon______ from other women I know. a. different b. as different c. differs d. more different 30. This one is prettier, but it costs______ as the one. a. as much as b. twice as much c. as many d. twice as many 31. You can take______ books as you want. a. as many b. as much c. so much d. too many 32. Of the two sisters, Linda______ a. is beautiful b. the most beautiful c. is more beautiful d. is so beautiful as 33. Tuition at an American university runs______ one thousand dollars a semester. a. so high as b. as high to c. as high as d. as high than 34. ______ I get to know her, the more I like her. a. For more b. More c. The more d. The most 35. I would have paid______ for my car if the salesman had insisted, because I really wanted it. a. as much twice b. much twice c. twice as much d. times two 36. The______ students do not always do well in tests. a. brighter b. more bright c. more brighter d. brighter more 37. The noise in Rome is ______ worse than in Florence. a. much b. far c. A and B are wrong d. A and B are correct 38. ______tobacco was sold in 1983 as in 1982, a. Not as much b. Not as many c. Not much d. Not many 39. He eats with chopsticks______ the Chinese. a. such b. as if c. like d. as 40. Instead of slowing down, he drove______ a. more fastly b. faster c. more faster d. faster more 41. My new glasses cost me______ the last pair that I bought. a. times three b. three times more than c. three times as much as d. as much three times as 42. Although she is very popular, she is not______ her sister. a. pretty as b. as pretty c. prettier than d. more pretty than

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