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THE KRRISH METHOD : EMBRACING YOUR HEIGHT AND BUILDING CONFIDENCE Height has long been a symbol of strength, confidence, and presence. For many, growing taller isn't just about physical stature, it's about reaching for one's full potential in every aspect of life. Whether you're looking to gain those extra inches or simply improve your physique and well-being, the journey toward growing tall is as much about personal growth as about physical development. In this book, we'll explore the science behind height, the factors that influence growth, and the steps you can take to maximize your potential. But we'll go beyond the basics of nutrition, exercise, and posture. Growing tall isn't just about what you do with your body—it's also about cultivating the right mindset and lifestyle. We'll discuss how confidence, self-care, and a positive outlook on life can enhance your growth journey, leading not only to a taller frame but also to a stronger, more resilient you. Whether you're a teenager still in your growing years or an adult looking to make the most of your natural height, this book will serve as your guide. With practical advice, actionable strategies, and inspirational stories, you'll learn how to grow tall in every sense of the word. This is more than just a guide to gaining height; it's a blueprint for living a fuller, taller life. In this book, we tell you the truth and don’t give you false hope. DISCLAIMER : We don’t recommend / promote use of any drugs / supplements mentioned. Always consult someone.
CHAPTER 1 : HEIGHT First of all, genetics play a huge role in determining the height of an individual either it’s a male or a female. However, we have also seen some rare cases around the world where the parents are short but the child has grew up a lot. There are some cases in which the parents are tall but the child is too short. This is where the factors like diet, nutrition, and sleep come in place. Although height is 90% dependent on your genetics, i.e. your parents’ height, you can still reach your full genetic potential or even cross that in some cases. Without wasting any time, let’s get straight to the point, an individual’s growth spurt arrives at the age of 14-15. For women, it is 13-14. To be honest, most men stop growing between ages 17-18 and for women it is 15-16. You can still grow after 18, but that would not be more than 2 inches. NEVER BE INSECURE ON YOUR HEIGHT CAUSE NO ONE ACTUALLY GIVES A FUCK. The hormone that enables height growth is HGH, which is a naturally occurring hormone in the human body. THE ONLY WAY to boost that hormone is by doing more physical activity and getting a good diet. There is a good diet plan in the next page. Two of the greatest exercises to boost HGH (Human Growth Hormone) are sprinting and swimming. Now, THE ONLY 3 WAYS you can reach your height genetic potential or cross that are - (All other ways are cap) 1. Nutrition - High protein food items, foods rich in vitamins minerals 2. Sleep - Human body needs a minimum of 8-9 hours of sleep for a good growth. 3. Physical Activity - This includes sprinting, swimming, sports, weight lifting, stretching exercises.
CHAPTER 2 : GYM Having a good physique is a symbol of status, you cannot borrow it, steal it, buy it. It shows pure dedication and discipline towards something. Below is my personal gym workout plan that I have been following for long. WHEN YOU HAVE THE BEST PHYSIQUE IN THE ROOM, YOU ARE ALWAYS THE WINNER. Day 1 - Chest 3 exercise, Shoulder 2 exercise Incline Dumbbell Press Incline Bench Press Pec Dec Fly Shoulder Press Lateral Raises Day 2- Back 5 exercise, Shoulder 1 exercise Lat pull-down Seated Cable Row Barbell Bent Over Row Lat Push Down Shrugs Rear Delt Fly Day 3 - Arms 3 bicep, 3 triceps Dumbbell Curl Hammer Curl Barbell Curl Skull Crusher Overhead Triceps Extension V Bar Triceps Pushdown Day 4 - Legs 6 exercise Barbell Squat Sumo Squat Leg Extension Leg Curl Leg Press Calf raises

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