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Mom: "What are you doing, sweetie?" Child: [nervously] "Praying... I’m scared I’ll mess up my presentation tomorrow." Mom: "Oh, honey. Praying is fine, but preparation works better." Child: "What if I forget everything?" Mom: "Then you take a deep breath and keep going. You’ve worked hard—let’s practice together!" Nga Script: Ở nhà lúc 9h tối Daughter: Mama, I have an important presentation tomorrow. Could you help me pray to my ancestors to bring me luck? Ở nhà lúc 6h sáng hôm sau Daughter: I pray to ancestors to help me this time. I hope I get 7, no, get 10." sau đó khấn 3 cái Ở trường trong lúc thuyết trình à ừm lắp bắp Giáo viên: You have not prepared for this presentation, have you? So for this presentation, I give you 3 points. You need to practice more and more. You can see in this situation that a student who did not prepare before the presentation ended up receiving a low grade. Therefore, we need to understand that good speakers are made, not born, or in this situation not prayed. And this situation is related to our group's presentation topic today. Welcome to group 8's topic: “Business Presentation”. It’s an honor to have the opportunity to present an interesting topic. My presentation will last for 3 minutes. If you have any questions, feel free to interrupt me at any time. In my presentation I’ll focus on three main parts. First of all, I’d like to give you an overview of Business Presentations. At some point all businesspeople have to inform others or sell an idea. Such informative and persuasive presentations are often conveyed in person and involve audiences of various sizes. The good news is that you can conquer the fear of public speaking and hone your skills with instruction and practice. Interpreting information through speaking, listening, and observing is part of the skill set that will robot-proof your career. When you are in the job market, remember that speaking skills rank high on recruiters' wish lists. Speaking skills are useful at every career stage: make a sales pitch before customers, speak to a professional gathering, or describe your company's expansion plans to your banker. When you are in the job market, remember that speaking skills rank high on recruiters' wish lists. The next is types of business presentation Some presentations are informative, whereas others are persuasive. Some are face-to-face; others, virtual. Some are performed before big audiences, whereas others are given to smaller groups. Some presentations are elaborate; others are simple. Regardless
of the type of presentation, you must prepare carefully to ensure that it is effective. In this part, I focus on 5 types of business presentations: Briefing • Overview or summary of an issue, proposal, or problem • Delivery of information, discussion of questions, collection of feedback Report • Oral equivalent of business reports and proposals • Informational or persuasive oral account, simple or elaborate Podcast • Audio recording distributed by app or on a website • Opportunity to launch products, introduce and train employees, and sell products and services Virtual Presentation • Collaboration facilitated by technology (smartphone app or Web application) • Real-time meetings online with remote colleagues Webinar • Web-based presentation, lecture, workshop, or seminar • Digital transmission with or without video to train employees, interact with customers, or promote products KNOWING YOUR PURPOSE Now, I have a question for all of you: When preparing a presentation, what is the first thing you decide to do? => Exactly. Each of us has different things we consider important when preparing for a presentation. However, for a business presentation, the most crucial thing we need to determine is what your purpose is. Such as do you want to sell a health care program to a prospective client? Do you want to persuade management to increase the social media marketing budget? => Having a clear objective for your presentation makes it easier to structure and helps you deliver your message more effectively to the audience. KNOWING YOUR AUDIENCE As in any type of communication, a second key element in preparation is analyzing your audience, anticipating the reactions of audience members, and adjusting to their needs if necessary. Audiences may fall into four categories: friendly, neutral, uninterested, hostile. Whatever type of audience you will face, remember to plan your presentation so that it focuses on audience benefits. People in your audience will want to know what’s in it for them. Friendly Audience Members: They like you and your topic Organizational Pattern: Use any pattern. Try something new. Involve the audience.
Delivery Style: Be warm, pleasant, and open. Use eye contact and smiles. Supporting Material: Include humor, personal examples, and experiences. Neutral Audience Members: They are calm, rational; their minds are made up, but they think they are objective. Organizational Pattern: Present both sides of the issue. Use pro/con or problem/solution patterns. Save time for audience questions. Delivery Style: Be controlled. Do nothing showy. Use confident, small gestures. Supporting Material: Use facts, statistics, expert opinion, and comparison and contrast. Avoid humor, personal stories, and flashy visuals. Uninterested Audience Members: They have short attention spans; they may be there against their will. Organizational Pattern: Be brief—include no more than three points. Avoid topical and pro/con patterns that seem lengthy to the audience. Delivery Style:Be dynamic and entertaining. Move around. Use large gestures. Supporting Material: Use humor, cartoons, colorful visuals, powerful quotations, and startling statistics. Hostile Audience Members: They want to take charge or to ridicule the speaker; they may be defensive, emotional. Organizational Pattern: Organize using a noncontroversial pattern, such as a topical, chronological, or geographical strategy. Delivery Style: Be calm and controlled. Speak evenly and slowly. Supporting Material: Include objective data and expert opinion. Avoid anecdotes and humor.