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I N F O R M A T I O N M E M O R A N D U M 1 For Property Fund Information Memorandum 2022 C O M PA N Y N A M E
I N F O R M A T I O N M E M O R A N D U M 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 Important Information 3-5 02 How To Participate In This Offer 6-7 06 Business Model 15-16 03 Key Features Of The Fund 8-10 04 Project Team 11-12 05 The Offer 13-14 07 Assets / Properties 17-35 08 Benefits of Investing 36-37 10 Asset Management 41-42 12 Key Risks 45-50 13 Revenue Model 51-52 14 Fees 53-54 16 Application Form 60-61 17 Financial Projections 62-63 11 Asset Valuation 43-44 15 Additional Information 55-59 09 Investing In The Fund 38-40
I N F O R M A T I O N M E M O R A N D U M 4 The Issuer This Information Memorandum (IM) is dated and issued XX-XX-XXXX and relates to an offer to invest in the IM Fund. This IM supersedes any previous versions and any other documentation, marketing material, representations or statements made in connection with the Fund. XX is the trustee of the Fund and the issuer of this IM. The Fund is managed by XX (referred to in this IM as the Fund Manager). No person is authorised to give any information or make representations about the offer, which is not contained in this IM. Information or representations not contained in this IM must not be relied on as authorised by the Company, or any other person, in connection with the offer. Purpose of IM This IM details the features, benefits, and risks and provides general information about the Fund. Prospective investors are not to construe the contents of this IM as tax, legal or investment advice. An investment in the Fund should be regarded as speculative and may not be appropriate for all persons or entities. It is not possible for the Trustee, the Fund Manager, their respective directors, officers, employees, advisers or representatives to have regard to the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of each person who reads or uses the information in this IM. Prior to applying for an interest in the Fund, a prospective investor should seek appropriate professional advice and should conduct his/her own independent investigation and analysis regarding any information contained in this IM. A prospective investor should rely on their own inquiries, and obtain his or her own legal, investment and tax advice in determining whether to invest in the Fund. This IM is provided to the recipient and is not a recommendation to invest in the Fund. No Liability This IM has been prepared to the best of the knowledge and belief of the Trustee. However, to the maximum extent permitted by law, none of the Trustee, nor its directors, members, associates or related entities, nor any other person related to the Trustee Represent or warrants the accuracy or completeness of this IM, or any information contained in it, and no responsibility or liability will be accepted by the Trustee, nor its directors, members, associates or related entities, nor any other person related to the Trustee for any loss or damage, howsoever arising, which results from reliance in whole or in part on such matters. The recipient agrees that it shall not sue nor hold any of the Trustee, its directors, members, associates or related entities, or any other person related to the Trustee liable in any respect whether in contract, negligence, equity or otherwise by reason of the provision of the IM or any subsequent information and expressly releases them from such claims. Currency All financial amounts and references to '$' shown in this IM are expressed in Australian dollars (AUD) unless stated otherwise. IMPORTANT INFORMATION

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