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1 Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai Name of program: Bachelor of Technology Branch: Electrical & Electronics Semester: IV Subject: Electro Magnetic Field Code: B025411(025) Total Theory Periods: 40 Total Tutorial Periods: 10 Class Tests: Two (Minimum) Assignments: Two (Minimum) ESE Duration: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100 Minimum Marks: 35 Unit I Review of Vector Calculus and Electromagnetic field Vector Algebra, Components of vectors, Scalar and Vector multiplications, Three orthogonal Coordinate systems (cartesian, cylindrical and spherical), Transformation between coordinate systems, Vector calculus (differentiation, partial differentiation, integration), vector operator (del, gradient, divergence and curl, integral theorems of vectors; Coulomb’s law, Electric field intensity, Electrical field due to charge distributions (Point, Line, Surface and Volume charge distributions.) Total Period 10 Unit II Static Electric Fields Electric flux and Electric flux density, Gauss’s law and its application (symmetrical charge distribution only), divergence and divergence theorem, Maxwell’s first equation, Electric potential and potential difference, potential field of a point charge, Maxwell’s curl equation, potential gradient, Electrostatic Energy and Energy density. Total Period 10 UNIT- III Electric current, Poisson & Laplace equations Current and current density, continuity of current, metallic conductors, conductor properties and boundary conditions, Electric dipole and dielectric materials, boundary conditions of perfect dielectric materials, Method of images, Poisson's and Laplace's equations, solution of Laplace equations (one dimension only). Total Period 12 Unit-IV Static Magnetic Fields Steady state magnetic field, Biot-Savart Law, Ampere’s circuital Law, Curl of H,Stoke’s theorem, Steady magnetic fields produced by current carrying conductors. Magnetic flux and Magnetic flux density, Scalar and Vector Magnetic potentials, Force on a moving charge, Force on a differential current element, magnetic materials, Magnetization and permeability, Magnetic boundary conditions. Total Period 10 Unit-V Time Varying Fields and Maxwell’s Equations Faraday’s law for Electromagnetic induction, Displacement current, Point form of Maxwell’s equation, Integral form of Maxwell’s equations, Skin effect, Poynting Theorem and poynting vector. Total Period 07 Course Objectives: The objective of this course is to introduce the concepts of electric field and magnetic fields and their applications which will be utilized in the development of the theory for power transmission lines and electrical machines Course outcomes: 1. Compute electric field intensity for various charge distribution 2. Compute Electric flux for various charge distribution 3. Compute potential for different charge distributions. 4. Compute solution of Laplace and Poisson’s equations 5. Compute magnetic field intensity and magnetic flux density using Ampere’s circuital LawandStoke’s theorem. 6. Compute force and torque for various current carrying elements. 7. Enlist Maxwell’s equations for time varying fields and solve them for specific regular geometries
2 Text Books: 1. Elements of Electromagnetic, Mathew N.O. Sadiku, 4th edition, Oxford university press. 2. Engineering Electromagnetic, W.H. Hyat& J.A. Buck, 7th Edition, TMH 3. Theory and problems of Electromagnetic, Edminister, 2nd Edition, TMH Reference Books: 1. Electromagnetic with application, Krause, 5th Edition, TMH. 2. Elements of Engineering Electromagnetic, N.N. Rao, 6th Edition, Pearson Education. 3. Electromagnetic field theory fundamentals, Guru &Hizroglu, 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press.
3 Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai Name of program: Bachelor of Technology Branch: Electrical & Electronics Semester: IV Subject: Electrical Machines II Code: B025412(025) Total Theory Periods: 40 Total Tutorial Periods: 10 Class Tests: Two (Minimum) Assignments: Two (Minimum) ESE Duration: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100 Minimum Marks: 35 UNIT I Principles of Electrical Rotating Machines Mechanical speed and frequency relation, MMF of concentrated and distributed windings, rotating magnetic fields, EMF equation, pitch factor, distribution factor, winding factor, general torque equation. Synchronous Machines I Theory of non-salient pole synchronous machines, basic synchronous machine models, equivalent circuit and phasor diagrams of synchronous machines, saturation effects, armature reaction, open circuit, short circuit and ZPF lag tests on synchronous generators (alternators) , synchronous reactance, voltage regulation of alternators by synchronous impedance, MMF and ZPF method. Total Period 12 UNIT II Synchronous Machines II Excitation systems of alternators, Short circuit ratio, General input and output characteristics of synchronous generators, Active and reactive power flow, Steady state power angle characteristics of cylindrical rotor synchronous generator, Parallel operation of synchronous generators, load sharing, operation of synchronous generators with infinite bus bars, effect of excitation and prime mover input, synchronizing torque, V-curves and inverted V-curves of synchronous machines. Total Period 10 UNIT III Synchronous Machines III Theory of salient pole synchronous machines, two-reaction theory, phasor diagram, power angle characteristics of salient pole synchronous motor, determination of Xd and Xq by slip test and maximum lagging power factor text, stiffness of coupling, synchronous condenser, Hunting in synchronous machines, damper winding, starting of synchronous motor. Total Period 08 UNIT IV Three-phase Induction Machines-I Introduction, construction (Cage and slip-ring induction motors), principle of operation, equivalent circuit, phasor diagram, power across air-gap, torque and power output, torque-speed (slip) relationship, loss and efficiency estimation, No-load and block rotor test, circle diagram, Methods of starting of Induction motor – Direct – on - line, autotransformer, star-delta. Total Period 10 Course Objectives: The objective of this course is to provide knowledge about the basic principles, construction and working of synchronous, single and three-phase induction machines. The aim of this course is to give the knowledge of the equivalent circuits, parameter determination, operational constraints, starting mechanisms, conventional speed control methods, various tests and applications of synchronous and induction machines.
4 UNIT V Three-phase Induction Machines-II Speed control of induction motor (stator voltage control, rotor resistance control, EMF injection method, frequency control or v/f control, pole changing method), cogging and crawling, deep bar rotor, double cage induction motors. Total Period 05 Single –Phase Induction Motor Double revolving field theory of single phase induction motor, starting and running performance of single phase induction motor ( elementary analysis only), Different types of single phase induction motors (Resistance split phase, Capacitor split phase, Shaded Pole), Universal Motor, Stepper motor, Reluctance motor, hysteresis Motor, Linear Induction Motor, Repulsion Motor. Total Period 05 Text Books: 1. Electric Machines, Nagrath& Kothari, Mc Graw Hill Publications, 2. Electrical Machinery, P. S. Bimbhra, Khanna Publishers, Reference Books: 1. Electrical Machines, Chakrabarti & Debnath, Mc Graw Hill Publications, 2. Electrical machines , B. R, Gupta,, New Age International, 2. Performance and design of AC machines ,M.G. Say, CBS Publication. 3. Electric Machines , P.K. Mukherjee & S. Chakravarti , DhanpatRai Publication Course outcomes: At the end of this course the student will be able to: • Understand the construction, working principles of synchronous and three-phase induction machines • Draw the equivalent circuit diagrams under various load conditions • Analyze the load profile, voltage regulations and efficiency in various operating conditions • Understand the needs and requirements of various types of machine operations like starting, speed control, tests etc

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