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HOW TO GET A GOOD JOB Task 1: Brainstorming time. A. Come up with 1-2 more ideas for each criteria for choosing a job a) Job content: Meaningful work ................................. b) Material benefits E.g. Earnings (benefits + bonus) ................................. c) Health and safety E.g. Work indoors ................................. d) Distance E.g. Close to home ................................. e) Relationships E.g. Fair treatment; pleasant working environment ................................. f) Job security E.g. Certainty of hours (from 9 to 5) ................................. g) Career opportunities E.g. Good learning opportunities ................................. h) Company background E.g. a start up ................................. B. List down from the most important to the least important factors. Explain the reasons for the 1st and the last choice. 1. (E.g. flexible working hours) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Example: In my opinion, working hour is the key factor when choosing a good job because it’s important for a healthy work-life balance and to have time to fit around the other important areas of my life. I don’t really want to work overtime all the time.
Task 2: Here are some quick tips to get hired for a good job. Match each tip the the advice. 1. Use the Job Boards Correctly a. Before you submit an application online or email a cover letter or thank-you note, make sure to read carefully for typos. 2. Use Your Network and References b. You can search by keyword, location with a radius, job title, and many other options on major job boards such as CareerBuilder.com. 3. Be Thorough and Patient c. Before you start job hunting, take the time to decide what type of job you’re seeking. Seek out jobs that match your qualifications. 4. Know your skill sets d. Your resume should be edited to match to the job as possible. When applying for work, the most likely outcome is that you'll get a lot of rejections before you land a job. Instead of getting discouraged, learn from your mistakes and keep applying until you get the right offer. 5. Focus Your Resume and Keep Applying e. Be sure you’ve dressed appropriately for the type of job and company you’re applying to. Rehearsed answers, fake smiles, and saying what you think the interviewer wants to hear misleads the employer. 6. Your Appearance and Personality f. Don’t badmouthing your last boss or co-workers. It’s essential to followup after a job interview to show your appreciation for being considered for the job. 7. Remember Your Interview Etiquette g. Get recommendations from bosses, coworkers, clients, subordinates and suppliers. Store them on sites like LinkedIn and share them whenever possible. 8. Read your company reviews h. Check out the company on LinkedIn to see what employees are saying about the job duties, benefits, and company culture. Which tips are the most important to you when looking for a good job? Share your insights to the class.
Task 3: Have you got (or not) what it takes to become successful? Match the words and phrases a-I with the definitions 1-9 a. Hard-working 1. Work with a lot of effort b. A risk taker 2. Don’t have problems making a decision c. A good leader 3. Think differently or in a new way d. Decisive 4. Want to be successful more than anyone else e. Competitive 5. Enjoy the job and want to be successful or powerful f. Ambitious 6. Want to achieve something g. A good communicator 7. A person who does things that are dangerous h. Think outside the box 8. A person has the qualities to manage a group of people i. Motivated 9. A person who can express ideas or feelings clearly to others j. Work under pressure 10. Very careful and with great attention to every detail: k. Meticulous 11. Like to meet and spend with other people. l. Sociable 12. continue doing your job effectively despite demands and stresses like not enough help, time, money or expertise. What qualities do you think you have? How important it is to your current job? Talking point 1. How can I get a good job with no experience? 2. How many jobs should I apply for in a day? 3. Which want do you prefer, a high-paid job or a job with a good working environment?

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